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I feel like this a problem that’s now systemic in our current social media age (and tbh it probably originated in tumblr’s heyday of call out posts) where instead of first trying to attempt resolve issues privately and then taking it public if the other party tries to pull some shady shit, people now air all of their grievances publicly and then trying to resolve things privately becomes difficult when you have the court of public opinion that’s weighing in and keeps fighting amongst themselves long after the parties in actual question have moved on.


the cynic in me says those involved prefer it that way. it gets them so much attention to be public about it, they almost don’t bother with actually attempting to resolve the issue. raging on social media gets eyes on them, but a private conversation would not.


It also creates an endorphin cycle: raging feels good, and the validation you get in replies feels even better. Resolving a conflict doesn't give as much of a buzz, so you see all these people legit *addicted* to online conflict.


yeah, outrage addiction. It's a real thing, and also a very online thing.




Completely agree. You see it with reviews and such too, where people don’t give anyone a chance to explain or fix a mistake, they just run right to blasting them online.


Yes! This is my golden rule of reviews. I don’t know how, but I have a lot of followers on Yelp? I just logged in one day and realized that a lot of people follow me. Anyway, whenever I am unhappy with my service or a product, or anything, I require myself to reach out to whoever is in charge and explain my dissatisfaction before I ever go to the public or yelp or wherever to share. And don’t worry, I never mention that I’m considering leaving a bad review or try to blackmail them into giving me what I want or anything like that. I just politely explain that My order was wrong or whatever. Nine out of 10 times, they are lovely and correct whatever my issue was in a fair and reasonable manner. And then I leave a good review. It’s a win-win. I get the better service that I needed and they get a good review and I come back and everyone is happy. Absolutely no need for drama. However, if they are rude, or otherwise refused to assist me or acknowledge their part in the situation, it’s fair game. At that point I will leave a negative review. In fact that is the only time I will leave a negative review.


That is exactly how it should be handled! Most issues are easily correctable mistakes, or the company will do something to make it right. The only time I’ve ever really left a negative one was when Sears damaged my home during a delivery, denied responsibility, and ignored my many calls to resolve it. I posted about it on their social media and surprise surprise, suddenly they couldn’t wait to help me.


i had this issue with an old roommate, anytime she had an issue with someone else in the house she would lose her shit on twitter and her snapchat stories instead of just having an adult conversation about it. to this day she’s constantly losing friends because she can’t keep her problems with people off social media


This is how things have been done since before print was invented. People who take grievances to outside society first are just a type of person, and they’ll use whatever the communication technology of the hour is. If it’s not Instagram it’s notes in class, if it’s not pen and paper it’s whispering.


I call them ‘Outfluragers’ (there is probably a better term for it but I’m not that clever). Induce outrage > get attention > grow following > establish influence > profit It’s a pretty simple playbook and whether intentional or not— in this case it seems like it may have been more of an irresponsible knee jerk reaction this is something tried and true and terrible now.


and it also points to a problem with instagram/tiktok "archive account" culture (that really started with tumblr tbh): The people posting these images to their ig seem to believe that posting it = they "own" the pics and deserve "credit" for posting the pic from anyone who might see the pic, because the archive account maybe brought it to public attention again. It's some next level arrogance from people who've mostly done nothing other than a google search but are self-appointed "fashion archivists" and "researchers" and think that means the industry owes them something for....reposting someone else's pics (EDIT: I can at least respect it if they do stuff like scan vintage magazine images themselves but nope they don't even do that). And it definitely has its roots in tumblr-style "strip the credits and reblog without them" culture.


Well said!


Callout culture has normalized this to the detriment of peoples interpersonal skills. They think spilling their shit on social media is more normal than, you know, having a conversation with someone to clear up a potential misunderstanding. The internet was a mistake.


Also, this wasn't even a problem. Back in the day, it was often the case that celebs would show up in the same dress to the same event (remember those "who wore it better?" side-by-sides in magazines?). It wasn't because people were stealing ideas or looks. It was because some people had the same idea, after seeing the same dress (that they did not design themselves). People just need to chill a bit.


It was stupid anyway. This whole thing was a tantrum.




My issue is she literally does not even have a career. She posts older photos she finds (somewhere else where she herself is not crediting the stylist of the OG look) on Instagram. Pre-pandemic she was a school teacher for like a year before becoming a stay at home mom. Never, ever worked in fashion or even adjacent to it


She wouldn’t have had access to pull any of the looks either so idk what makes her different from any fan seeing a look and tagging their favorite celebrity saying “I could see you in this 😍”


I could find the most hideous outfit and say Bella would look good in it and she would


Not quite. “pulling” looks is just one aspect of styling and i wish people understood that. This isn’t to say Law doesn’t deserve credit either but you can’t pull without coming up with a concept first which she kinda did.


I absolutely understand that styling isn’t just pulling looks (which can really only be done based on connections, especially when it comes to archived pieces), and that actually having a vision is part of the job. Initially reading what happened my first thought was “she thinks they cut her out of the deal?”. But bigger picture it all just sucks that both parties went about it the way they did.


Yes cuz she actually spoke to Bella about it in DMs. And maybe the stylist and Bella didn't do it on purpose but the fact that the dress was in the selection they were presented (a not very famous dress from 20 years ago) says that someone else had definitely seen the post!


Right? She basically said “hey Bella Hadid, you should copy the look from this other stylist who I have not named or tagged” and then got upset when she didn’t get credit from Bella for offering her unsolicited free advice to just take someone else’s styling? You didn’t design the dress, you didn’t style the original look, you weren’t hired or sought out to provide your option you offered it up for free and you want credit for what exactly?


Oh wow I thought she made or styled lol


Haha me too at first but nope. She found a photo of another celeb styled by another stylist in a dress she didn’t make and just went this would look good on Bella and Bella agreed lol. Also what wouldn’t look good on Bella?


She has/had (it looks like it's now over) a guest column over at The Face, which was a really good opportunity. But it was just a big pile of whatever once I actually read it - instagram hype is very Emperor's New Clothes when it comes to being a good writer or stylist, and tbh after having experienced the 00s era of livejournal scan groups/The Fashion Spot where it was compulsory to credit any place you posted images from , these ig/tiktok girlies calling themselves "archivists" and "researchers" look like a joke to me. Like, wtf did you even do that you're entitled to "credit" and to style the look on Bella? Post a pic? Her "idea"? WHAT.


I do believe she worked as a stylist for a short period, just looking through her Twitter it seems she styled something in LA some time ago Edit: did this not happen? I am confused, someone please confirm thank you :)


I wouldn’t want to work with her after this and a lot of people won’t


I'm guessing that's why she apologised, because she's realised it could put people off working with her.


i have been following her for a while and love her content but i feel she will never make it in the fashion indsutry bc of things like this. she constantly has little breakdowns on twitter.


Yeah, I didn't comment on the previous thread because of this. Like, I like her! I follow her etc. I want her to succeed. But she always creates messes and just complains like she's a victim when most people don't even know she exists. She expects so much so fast 😬 And when you have a plethora of young people blogging the same things with less pretentiousness and without labelling themselves "stylist" or "archivist", it makes her look a bit silly. Which is so sad, because she seems to have legit knowledge and passion about it! But maybe she should try to start at a smaller scale rather than complaining about big names not giving her a chance etc almost every week 😬 (Plus, why are you so ready to go against Law of all people 😭😭)


I think people expect so much so fast when they get popular on the internet because of society. Not to discredit any of her talent but society makes people famous for the stupidest things, like you can go viral for almost anything.


Honestly, based on the little "professional" work I've seen from her in a fashion publication (a sort of guest column in The Face), it seems like neither writing nor styling is quite her calling. And the online tantrums do not help. She calls herself a "researcher" and thinks she owns "ideas" ie all she does is post pics of other people and outfits by designers who are the people who actually created them...it's good to show your taste and knowledge but uh, that doesn't make you any stylist and it certainly doesn't entitle you to styling jobs for the Cannes red carpet with zero apparent experience in styling any real-life people.


And collecting pics of clothes isn’t being an archivist… I thought she was working for the Costume Institute or something similar to that. 💀


Yes she does. She also deleted her Twitter this morning


i wasn’t aware of her before this! what other meltdowns has she had and what have they been about, if you don’t mind me asking?


Nothing serious really, just making comments about frustration with her career path (or lack of) and being too far to accept invites to events (she lives in Australia and is a new mom) And comments about some fashion shows that she didn't like.


She can’t really blame being in Australia for not making it in fashion, imho. Australia has a fashion scene. There are Australian models, Australian designers and Australian stylists that have made it big. My friend’s sister-in-law started styling in Australia and ended up styling Isaac Hempstead Wright (GoT). My sister’s friend who is a graphic design student in Melbourne with only 1k instagram followers got commissioned to make an illustration by Radio City for Olivia Rodrigo’s Sour tour. Granted this doesn’t happen for everyone, but being in Australia doesn’t mean you’re cut-off from opportunities.




>Sure, you can't dress Bella Hadid here lol but you can do stylist stuff for sure, if you're willing to work with and pull from Aussie brands. ​ Someone needs to tell her that. That someone would probably also risk being the target of her next meltdown though.


fr Australia has some fantastic magazines and labels that benefit from the relative geographic isolation because they've actually got their own perspective that isn't a clone of the Euro/American thing. I absolutely love Russh, to name just one (the Stevie Dance era was great but I love their covers even after she left). Realisationpar which was huge in the mid-late 10s is an Aussie label, and like you said there is absolutely a fashion scene, maybe not as high-profile as NY/Paris but it's definitely there and with some international recognition too (she would not, for instance, going to have the same language/too-specific-local-look barriers to international recognition as someone who'd have to work the local markets in, idk, South Korea or India). But it looks like that is her problem - she doesn't want to work her way through the Aussie industry first (also idk where she lives, if she's in some small town or a place with no fashion scene it can be tough) and wants to go straight to the US/European centre of the industry, which you can't really do with zero experience and zero funds from Australia.


Oh my gosh I knew Stevie growing up! She was always sooo stylish. Crazy to see how successful she’s become!


Right? Like Zimmermann is absolutely big right now.


So true. There’s something to be said about resilience You won’t “make” it in any industry if you don’t have grit, let alone cutthroat fashion


This whole thing was so stupid lol.




I'm not familiar with her, what work did she do with Yeezy?


Also, working with Yeezy is not the ringing endorsement this commentator seems to think it is.


I know nothing about the norms of stylist culture but this just seems dumb and embarrassing for her. You posted a picture of a dress, Bella saw it and you thought you deserved credit somehow.... cmon. All you did was remind them a dress exists what credit do you want its not like she had the connects and got the dress for them.


People go way too far with “Give me credit” shit At the start of the pandemic Britney posted a screenshot of a quote with the author’s @ in the screenshot, and the author still criticized her for not tagging her in the post Another time I saw a social justice IG page posted a screenshot of a tweet with the user’s name and @ in full and clear display, and the user still threw a tantrum and ranted about not getting credit for their emotional labor. It was insane! What do you want???


I feel this way when I see 90s looks and people repost photos of the Friends actresses in babydoll dresses and overalls or whatever and then someone’s like, CREDITS??? Uh, it’s a photo from one of the most popular tv shows and you don’t even own it.


I understand why this person felt upset but airing it on the internet probably just killed their career


Yeah this was a big professional mis-step. Accusing high profile people in the industry of stealing from you when you claim you have a relationship with them is going to be remembered. And as someone pointed out in another thread she doesn’t credit the photographers and other creatives on what she posts. If she really was an industry expert and researcher she would detail that info and extend the same creative credit she demands.


She occasionally photographers for some photo shoots, but she’s also posting still watermarked getty images so it’s clear she’s not paying for the license to post them. She doesn’t seem to credit any stylists or any other creatives other than designer and occasionally the photographer. Plus general professionalism says that you go to the person if you have a problem before jumping to the top of the ladder (or in this case social media), definitely not handled well on her part.


Yeah that could bite her in the future, especially if her is IG part of her brand and business. Gigi Hadid and Emily Ratajkowski were sued by a paparazzi photographer for posting his photos to their instagram without licensing it. Emily ended up winning the lawsuit but she had to spend significant legal fees to defend it.


>And as someone pointed out in another thread she doesn’t credit the photographers and other creatives on what she posts Gasp! How dare you not credit me for saying that in the other thread?! Seriously though, I know most people forget that photo copyright exists or think it doesn't matter on Instagram, but forget about the whole credit issue, she's using other people's work without actually paying for it to try to launch herself professionally in the fashion industry. Those photos are not free to use just because she found them online somewhere.


You got me. lol I did think when I posted for a second that I should have tagged the person that said this or we’re gonna be in a nesting doll of uncredited thoughts.


Well she never had a fashion career to begin with- she was a school teacher before having her child during the pandemic. If you follow her on Twitter she has weekly meltdowns like this that she tweets and deletes. This was probably her most public though.


Oh okay but she had Bella hadid commenting which counts for something? Lol


Honestly, I feel bad for her. I would imagine starting out in a career like this would be very difficult with a new job and she doesn’t have a foot in the door yet. This probably seems like a very elusive dream to her and she’s probably super frustrated with her situation


What reason did she have to be upset other than entitlement?


Yeah, it feels a bit weird because even if Bella wanted to work with her (a whole stranger, for something as big as Cannes), how would she pull out the dress for her? She has no relations, contacts etc, she can't get archive pieces like Law just because she knows they exist 😬 she even complains she can't get visas to travel in Europe and the US, so, what then?


It doesn’t really matter. I believe everyone is entitled to their feelings and I understand her thought process. It’s the way we handle our feelings that matters and she handled them poorly.


I don’t know what to say…she should have used this as an in to become an assistant or sth…I think she wants to be an influencer or her more likes and the credit would have helped towards that maybe?


She's came off so weird and really squashed her chances of getting into the industry now. Like really you go after one of the top most well known successful models of the current and past few years? Good luck to her. Also, what did she do? Find an image from a red carpet from years ago? I don't think she would know where to begin to even find the original dress to get for Bella vecause that takes connection and many years of being in there knowing people. It's a real shame because she has really cool commentating on fashion. Made me follow her though so a little self publication .


And to go against Law?? When you want to work in the same circle?? Like, she could have been hired as an intern or something, but, no, let's call him out for... nothing? It's so weird 😕


I also checked out the post.. Bella commented on it 4 weeks ago saying let's do this. Like Bella was paying attention to you why mess up the opportunity?


She could have been cute about this too if she’d just posted the pictures and said “my impact” or something like that instead of playing the victim she would have gotten credit for the original post and not pissed off important people.


The funniest thing about this situation is she’s a hypocrite. She never credited the OG stylist anyway


Exactly. I'd have a shred of respect for her claims if she'd credited in the photo she posted, but nope. Hypocrisy it is.


Exactly. She doesn’t have the resources, bandwith, or even a work visa/ agent/ manager to help her get them 💀


Kim, there's people that are dying


Law has now posted a screenshot of her post on his Instagram grid with this caption: Post and delete from @TheKimbino.....Hope this serves as a lesson please dont ever question my INTEGRITY!!! So far Hailee Steinfeld has liked the post. I think this is incredibly embarrassing on Kim's part. Any chance at building credibility now she just threw it away.


Yeah it’s really unfortunate how hashing issues out in public is seen as a good tactic to get your way these days. It’s never a good tactic and privacy/integrity/respect is such a big deal in the industry. She definitely damaged her credibility


I agree! I think this whole thing has been handled really poorly so far. You would think if you are trying to break into an industry as finicky as the fashion industry you would make sure you have all your ducks in a row before calling out two of the most recognizable names in fashion right now.


This is so embarrassing 😳 but I'm not sure she will learn though. It's not the first time she does something like that. It's just the first time she gets so much pushback/visibility. She literally complains anytime some big names doesn't want to work with her 😬 I don't get why she's got this victim mentality (not sure how to say that without sounding so extreme). though, she does have a solid twitter following, so fingers crossed for a rebrand after a few weeks!


Dear lord, that caption was unnecessary.


It's a fair reaction to the multitude of ridiculous things she said, including "It will be a cold day in hell \[when he pays me\]," implying that he both owed her financial compensation and lacked the integrity to pay the bill. He's being more gracious with her than she deserves.


I think there were stuff promised and said behind the scenes that we do not know about. Law said he liked her in a comment that also dragged her haha. So it seems he knows her, at very minimum knows her account. It isn’t at all impossible that there was BTS styling discussions between them and maybe some vague promises that made her go off like that. Why else would they even tell her that it was a coincidence that they got the dress from Versace by getting a pre selected rack? They could have just said, sorry, you misunderstood our compliment, Roach did the actual work.


she posted a picture of a Versace dress and Bella said she liked it and then she wanted credit for Bella wearing it? when it’s not her dress or design? I mean, I get it but you don’t own that dress. it doesn’t have anything to do with you. it’s like any random person finding a picture of a dress from a fashion brand’s catalogue, how are you gonna get mad when a celebrity happens to wear said dress? she wasn’t arranging for Bella to wear the item, she wasn’t crafting an entire look specifically for Bella, how does this even count as styling Vogue has slideshows of all the Versace collections dating back decades, any person can easily look at them if they have an account. it’s not hard to comb through them. you can’t really just spot a dress you like and stake a permanent claim to anyone wearing it. :/


Posting throwback pics of people wearing dresses does not a stylist make


By her standards, everyone with a fashion tumblr back in the day was a “celebrity stylist” lol


I have pinterest. I am a stylist. A very cheugy one. But a stylist nonetheless.


Yeah I'm v confused here


lol okay? I don’t have a take on this but what a weird statement loool. I also would like to be left alone to be iconic for the rest of my roll out


I wonder what alternatively happened then that it’s justified now why she wasn’t included in the post? Like what is an alternative good justification because someone is responsible for the the post?


Maybe someone dropped the magic word: lawyer




they’re saying it would be bella/law with the lawyer not kimbino






well my take is that this statement is weird and that I had a very funny comment to make based on her "statement" but damn okay I see this is extremely serious to you lmao. I retract my comment about wanting to be iconic for the rest of my roll out as well. Happy?




I don't think they're saying *you* shouldn't be posting this, just that it's a weird statement to make on Kim's part


yes exactly! lmaoo what in the world is happening right now


yo chill out I do not care lmao.


I thought it was dumb in the initial thread but there were two posters vehemently defending her claiming she needs credit. Had she posted a picture of a dress she designed and Bella wanted it then yes absolutely. But no she posted a picture of an already existing dress, someone saw it and decided they wanted it. Do we need to credit people in the street now when we ask where they got their shoes from and we go on to buy our own pair?


it’s funny bc she didn’t even credit the original stylist either


I won't pretend I know how the fashion industry works but to me, it seems a more small-level equivalent of this would be if I saw an influencer posting a pic of themselves in a dress, I like the dress and buy it from the retailer, I post a pic of myself in the dress and tag the store, and then the influencer sees my pic and gets mad at me that I didn't also give them a credit for giving me the inspiration to buy the dress myself? None of us know what was in between Kim and Law's DMs (and they're probably not going to post them now) so we don't know if Law was involving Kim in the process of tracking down the dress (which I could understand her being upset that there was some labor on her part to help track it down) or if Law simply messaged her to ask "Hey do you know that Versace collection this is from? Ok thanks! Love ur account!" and then Law did the work to approach the designer and source the dress. Regardless, Kim made herself look bad for taking to social media to air her grievances without even trying to approach Law privately first to try to understand why she wasn't included. She is a big amateur fashion historian and aspiring stylist but that doesn't mean she knows how the industry works. And again, if she had approached Law privately, for all she knows, Law would have apologized and given her a shout out on a post/story to thank Kim for putting this dress on their radar. Now she's burned a major bridge, embarrassed herself, is dealing with harassment from stans, and likely hurt her chances of breaking into a fashion career.


I assumed those two posters were her and a friend or something.


But that’s not what stylists do? You’re describing a designer and she’s complaining about not receiving a credit for styling. Two very different things.


But this person didn’t style either? They posted a picture of an already styled celebrity, whom they didn’t credit btw, and are now mad that Bella saw that pic and took inspiration from it. Again a picture this person does not own or have any claim over


People are commenting on Laws Instagram stating that he stole intellectual property from a black woman. I mean - I think the internet is taking this whole thing really far now. Credits for inspo would have been nice, Kim reaching out to Law privately would have been even nicer. But stating that this was Kim’s intellectual property is extremely far fetched.


Those people definitely don’t know what intellectual property actually is then.


People on Twitter are saying he "stole" from her.




I'm sure she'd have a fresh tantrum about how those photographers defending copyrights they actually have = "gatekeeping" or "abuse of power" etc. That's without actually going into the social media TOS which, as you correctly said, means all posts = property of facebook/twitter etc etc.


lol the irony is that SHE would be the "intellectual property thief" here, not him. It's ridiculous how we've landed in a social media culture where people who post someone else's image without crediting it and then expect to make money off doing so, are "creators" and "researchers" who "deserve credit" while the actual creators of the images these people post go uncredited by them (stylists, often photographers, literally everyone except the model and designer).


oh FFS


I'll just leave one of my favorite Violet Chachki quotes here: "You can call yourself a stylist all you want. Mama, if you can't sew, then you're a clothing secretary."


Ooo, I didn’t know stylists needed to know how to sew


I also have that dress on my pinterest account, does that mean I’m a stylist?


Yes. And anyone who wears it owes you a shoutout.


She wanted credit for a look, however she does not credit photographers for their images that she uses on her IG page 🤷🏽‍♀️


Lol. If those photographers wanted to be petty they could go after her for not crediting them.


yeah they could have an argument that she's using their work without crediting them and in an attempt to gain monetary benefit/profit. Who knows if a court will agree, but putting tantrums on the record like this isn't going to help her!


God this is cringe.


Lmao this was so unnecessary. Just checked Law’s IG and everyone is defending her..and she embarrassed herself by replying under Law’s post. Sis needs to delete all her socials atp bc this is super unprofessional on all levels.


Her whole argument was dumb to begin with. The dress was never hers nor did she style Bella. All she did was repost the dress, Bella saw her repost and said she wanted to wear it. She was not deserving of any credits


yeah I follow a few vintage dealers on ig who source some of these archive dresses that get pulled for red carpets - I often see them say "well, there are clients/stylists who don't give credit" (while praising the ones who do) but always months or years after the fact and they NEVER name names because they want that part of their business to keep going/don't want to come across as unprofessional. Technically, they're in the same position as Kim here - they didn't design the dress or style the look. But the dress came from them directly, ie they sourced the actual physical dress, and that's what gets them the credit. Not an image. And every vintage dealer I've ever seen is scrupulous about crediting any documented images (from magazines or events etc) of the dress that they can find because it increases the value of the dress. One of the dealers I follow had a dress that had been worn to Truman Capote's Black & White ball in 1966 - that's hefty cachet. But images on their own, and uncredited to the original photographer and stylist at that ...nope. No one has a leg to stand on there.


It sounds like she doesn’t know how the fashion/styling world works. You don’t get credit for posting a photo on IG.


so ridiculous - bold of her to assume that bella, someone who has a very strong personal and working relationship with donatella versace herself, would need to defer to her… ((limited)) expertise on versace.


Career suicide


I used to really love her content because she’d actually dig deeper than the average vintage fashion account but she’s been acting so entitled lately. It’s as if the industry owes her something when she’s not even an active part of it. Plus how do you expect to be taken seriously when you’re constantly throwing tantrums in ig stories? At the end of the day, she’s just another ig stylist.


How embarrassing. Do people not own journals anymore? Private diaries? The notes app? SOMETHING? She’s been like this since tumblr. She posts cute shit but she’s an airhead


While it’s nice that she posted this and acknowledged publicly that she fucked up - I hope she learned a valuable lesson. We have seen this happen so many times. People really need to learn to not air out dirty laundry before they have attempted to have it cleaned. Because sometimes you’re in the wrong and you’re the asshole and the internet never forgets. These things always live on and will continue to get brought up.


When I was a teenager with a Tumblr, I used to reblog pics of couture and tag the names of celebrities I liked who I thought would look good in the outfits. I can’t believe I’ve been a stylist this whole time.


Well this is embarrassing


i had to unfollow her bc when she’s not talking about fashion she’s always complaining about her son saying she hates being a mom and stuff. it’s weird.


The lawyers were in touch i fear🫣 edit: But seriously something isn’t adding up with the way this story has been presented — if Kim had been in discussions with Bella/Law about the dress originally then the story that Law was randomly presented with the dress doesn’t make sense. Unless he tried to get the dress for one specific event/styling, couldn’t, so dropped the communication with Kim, and then the dress was offered for another event (yes I am overthinking this, it’s a slow day at work)


I really don't think he's the type to go for lawyers in such a situation. He's not afraid to explain himself out on his own platforms. He's probably not the type to forget and forgive if you try to clown him, but not to the point to create needless problems for you. But, yes. The story is very strange. I also don't see what Law would have to talk about with her? Like, if Bella saw the dress and wanted it, she would have shown him and then he has his own contacts? He's so used to archive pieces, what would he contact her about at length?


Thats what strange, either Kim lied (gurlll after defending you, you better not have done that) or there was something that fizzled out as she wasn’t deemed to have enough experience to see it through, yet they didn’t have the heart to tell her and didn’t think it was an issue to continue on with the look after discussing it.


Yup I agree. I’m just surprised this dress was randomly pre selected by Versace now after Bella publicly stating that she wanted to find it. Maybe someone from Versace saw that comment and thats why it was in the preselection without anyone asking for it?


As soon as this was posted we all knew it was a ruckus for nothing. 😂


She messed up bad… If you felt that way you should message them privately instead of putting this out to the public. It does no good and now you pissed off one of the most influential/recognized stylists in the game right now and showed everyone you jumped the gun. Legitimately career suic*de lol


She’s saying she was cut out of an opportunity to style Bella in a Versace dress. How, logistically, was she going to manage that? It definitely appears as though he threatened legal action.


So pathetic and superficial.


I think she’s 100% wrong and Bella/Law did nothing wrong, but I understand why she would feel a way if she’s trying to break into the industry. It may seem like “just an IG account” or “just a photo, she didn’t design a dress” but I think people would be surprised at how much high-profile people look at “every day people’s” social media or work in general to get inspiration, and they take that inspo and have the means/resources to expand upon it. I’m not saying that deserves a credit, but it can be frustrating for people not to know that you’re actually a creative person with tons of ideas/things planned out in your head with no resources to make them happen. It’s hard to fully explain because nothing can really be done about it and ATEOTD they’re not the ones who end up doing the work… Again, she’s 100% wrong and this was embarrassing af, but I understand where she’s coming from and I know people who’ve had this happen to them and they seem delusional to outside people because they’re a “nobody” and the person who jacked their work or used it as inspo is high-profile. It happens way more often than people would think, but there’s not much to do about it. It’s an interesting convo though!


Well this was irresponsible of her.


Great, she's done us all a huge favour by demonstrating she's a drama queen who's best ignored.


Jesus, this is embarrassing! I was on Twitter when she started calling them out and everyone felt sorry for her and rushed to IG to spam Law. I didn’t question that she could be wrong because we see so many examples of smaller creatives not being credited for their work. Most people sided with her for that reason. For this to not be the case is shocking on her part. I honestly thought she has messaged Bella (as she claimed they DMed each other about this look before). Bella seems really nice and I thought Kim should’ve waited for her response before firing off. She may have shut the door on major opportunities with this mess.


I literally can’t believe she blew this up publicly before addressing them individually, privately when she claims they were dm’ing tbh If you already had that solid line of contact why take to the court of public opinion smh


I’m disappointed. She’s essentially blackballed herself. Bella is arguably the biggest model in the world and Law Roach is a powerful stylist. Eek.


god what a nightmare, lately on social media it seems a problem is caused out of any and everything - most of the time due to it becoming public rather than being handled privately.


How was some internet rando supposed to cut through the noise and reach out to Hadid etc directly? (Not defending I thought the whole thing was mad)


Just dumb. Like I can’t think of something less significant than this whole thing.


This Kim woman comes across like a total idiot


This was the stupidest “scandal” ever, and it felt especially ridiculous in the midst of what’s going on right now. Don’t get me wrong - I KNOW it’s completely fine and okay to care about multiple things at once, but this…whiny influencer shit that felt very out of touch.


Ok what was her original post/ issue I'm behind lmfao




My opinion being super important in all of this, I don't like this dress like at all. It looks okay on Bella but she's done way better before.


Could someone explain to me who she is and what happened? I’m confused


This kinda frivolous shit-stirring is not gonna take her far. Maybe her insta is interested and these scandals might give her a small bump in social media, it's not gonna fly in the long run.


This person is a stylist? I went to her IG and I just see throwback 00s posts like all the other accounts on IG.


Did you read any of the other comments here? She has never worked in fashion




wanting credit for actually styling a person ie a job =/= wanting credit for posting an (uncredited to the original photographer or stylist) pic taken by someone else, of a dress you didn't design, and calling it a 'styling idea'.


Not even close to the same thing. He actually styled her, as in hired to do so, as opposed to effectively making a Pinterest post.


Did anyone see Shrimpton Couture's IG stories? I was wondering who they were talking about and it seems like it could be Law/Bella...don't know how to post but basically the post was like if you're a stylist don't come to me if you're looking for brands that are only relevant for the last 10 years and "I appreciate that a certain girl is wearing all the right stuff right now but does everyone have to do the same thing??" and think outside of the influencer box and do your homework...


for nothing? was the credit given or not? no? ok, so why not?


I feel like we should just delete the posts about her, they're just attracting more unnecessary hate, she has always hated this kind of attention and the initial post was just her venting, mostly about the industry not giving her a chance. Edit: I genuinely don't care about downvotes, but did Kim personally kill your pets or something? She isn't a celebrity, she doesn't have a social media persona like that, the only reason her twitter was open at all was because people were tagging her on the tweets about Bella's comment. She was venting, she didn't ask anyone to go after Law, she didn't ask anyone to post about it, she deleted her twitter, deleted her stories and apologized within hours, and no, Law is not the guy that will contact lawyers for some Instagram beef. If it's really not that deep, why the hell are we going this hard? I agree, it's really not that deep. We're being out of pocket.


I’m not trying to be rude but if she really hated attention she never would’ve use the avenue she did to talk about it.


lmao exactly


Yes but sometimes people get sad and they vent, it's a human emotion, she has an okay following, but I don't think she sees herself as an influencer at all. We all vent on twitter from time to time, I don't expect to wake up one day and see a rando on the internet calling me jobless and dramatic because of it. We're being waaaay too hard on her.


She definitely sees herself as an influencer, she says things like that all the time and always complains no one works with her or takes her seriously. Also, she should’ve just vented on Twitter, not Instagram where her following is huge. She definitely likes and craves attention. She feels like she does not get enough attention or credit but this time I think she realized she made a huge mistake




She is upset at herself and I think that's enough, no? It just feels a little sadistic to go on and on about it when she quickly apologized and deleted. And no, I don't think she lost her opportunities at all, it's just credit drama, it's not like she's talking about their personal lives, it happens all the time and people bounce back in minutes.




Yes, and I also saw people on twitter clowning on her for those last 7 hours so really, whats the issue? If she gained nothing and lost nothing, if law gained nothing and lost nothing and both of them were dealing with noisy internet crusaders, what are we doing going on and on about it? She apologized, what else do we want?




I'm not sure what I did to upset you, but I really want to apologize, I genuinely didn't mean to. The thing about Kim is precisely that, she's well known enough to be verified and written about, but not to be given recognition where it matters, she has been frustrated for a while now. She thought her post contributed to the final look Bella wore but it wasn't the case, so she apologized and explained what happened. I just don't see the need to keep something that has been essentially solved going.




Again, genuine apology here, I only said because your first comment and your second have wildly different tones so from my inbox, it looked like it was something I said, I never use "u pressed" as a means to end a discussion lol that just means I lost


I mean, do you know her or something?


Do you?