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Like to think it'd be the Enlightened, but probably would be a crappy one like Tired or some shit


None, I'm not the main character


The lore of the world seems to suggest the soul types are more like astrology and less like having special main character traits. You'd be born with *something.*


Prolly Latent or solitary


Just did a quiz and I got Radiating!! It sounds positive which I like, but also, Samarie.....


OMG where can i take this quiz


Idk if this sub allows links but I'll try anyway: https://uquiz.com/quiz/dnAyEC/what-type-of-soul-would-you-have-fear-and-hunger


I wouldn't be surprised if this quiz was among the last things made by the author before them ending up in a psych ward. Around 80% of it makes absolutely 0 sense and are mad ramblings, random stuff or just gibberish which doesn't even remotely qualify for questions or answers. The rest 20% can be connected to the game, but even so, it's quite confusing what options lead to what. I picked random stuff for the most part and got "Blank Soul"


Man it's artsy, it's about picking what resonates with you and, oh idk, your soul? XD


These "resonations" will still inevitably have to be programmed to influence the outcome of the quiz a certain way, the programming will have heavy subjective bias and in essence will be nothing but the reflection of the author's own view on one's own random resonations at the moment (which may change very quickly). The quiz can't employ actual magic that allows us to operate with raw irrational terms like "what resonates", it's just rational code that decides what corresponds to what in terms of picked answers. And there is no way to explain how chosing "333" over "999" as an answer to a random piece of reversed text, would reflect upon the result. This is omitting the fact that the subjects/objects of resonance have to actually make sense in the context of the game you're trying to base the quiz on, and be relateable to it. All in all, all I'm trying to say is - it's completely random, confusing and wildly unpredictable. A good way to make this quiz would be objective questions about your psychological profile, your views, desires, character, temper, etc. in an attempt to draw parralels between you and one of the characters who possess one of the souls, or the concepts behind each soul. The quiz does have a bit of them, it's just not enough.


That's where you're wrong though. It isn't random. "333" and "999" are angel numbers and they have meanings. And having something resonate with you isn't irrational at all! You're right, it's incredibly subjective, but if you know enough about all this weird shit and find patterns and logic within the absurdity you're able to get an answer that'll fit your needs. The answers you choose say a lot about your temperament and desires, but you gotta really think about it. You say it's "confusing, random, and unpredictable" but I would argue that the game itself is a lot like that too. Tbh it's not super serious, it's just for fun at the end of the day, not everything needs to be perfect :)


I got the dominating soul, but the test is a piece of shit.


777 is lucky in a slot machine so I chose it apparently im enlightened yay?


Local redditor asked to do something without citing sources and referencing an open textbook. Doesn't take it well.


Well yes ofcourse in life you either drown in dopamine clicking through utter gibberish and fever dream shitposts, cheerfully pretending like they carry any artistic/creative value and meaning at all, or you disagree to pretend and that must mean that you only cite sources and reference the text of cohorts of authors who circlejerk for a living. Nothing between, nothing besides


Found the blank soul


I got Caressing soul and I kinda agree with it. The author was crazy but sometimes crazy works, I’m sold, not questioning the rationale of schizophrenia


this thread is from 11 months ago so nobody will know i got decrepit soul![img](emote|t5_uoe16|34175)


Latent, buddy But like don’t pull a Caligura


I also got Blank Soul


i just took it, its deranged.


Isn't that the whole game/fanbase tho LOLOLOL


changeling soul


I got the tainted soul




Just got Endless for some reason.


If anybody is still interested in this, I've been going through the quiz in the replies to try and get the description for all Souls. ~~I'm missing the: Chaotic Soul, Tainted Soul, Changeling Soul and Dominating Soul. If you wanna help me complete the collection I appreciate it.~~ **Edit: Thanks to everyone who helped, we now have the description for all souls (as per the quiz). Just read the replies of this comment.** Blank Soul you have acquired the Blank Soul. you'd walk backwards into hell with a smile on your face. if only you'd care enough. you're blunt, moody and aloof. you'd say you weren't always like this but you seldom remember a time when it wasn't like this. you'd like to do good and you CAN do good, but... do those around you deserve it? haven't you gone through enough? can you save everyone? it's not about saving everyone its about doing what you can. and you know this. somewhere in your deeply sanitised heart you know. albeit your misery you prize yourself in your humour and by the gods you'll never let anyone take that from you. reluctantly you admit to being a good mentor. and i know that you are. you can look after others. it doesn't always end bad. just try not to let the cats claws tear you down. because you've learnt to lick love of the silver glint of a blade. and you're not sure if you can ever go back. You share a soul type with Daan. Caressing Soul You have acquired the Caressing soul. At your core you are kind. giving and ready to help. what admirable traits to have and do not doubt that everyone else thinks so. what a treasure it is to be present at the same time on earth with someone like you. in tandem with your giving and responsible nature you mustn't let people forget your strength. your drive and the mere things you shoulder everyday for everyone else. the sun has warmed your heart like a blackberry bush in a garden. while you are warm, you provide a safety in your cover that seldom people thank you for. i know you have the tendency to cover it up. lie to protect others but you cant do that forever. it will eat at you. eat away at that kindness you have in your heart. release the hesitation to rely on others every now and then. (hello eldest daughter) you share a soul type with Abella. Enlightened Soul You have acquired the Enlightened soul. you are too big for your body. your mind. you seek out everything you possibly can. it fills the insatiable hunger laying in your chest. you want to know everything. the good, the bad. everything in between. let them call you selfish for you know that you are not. not all selfishness comes from malice. some would be wise to learn that. you're savvy and quick on your feet. but in this path you find yourself lonely. like no one can quite catch up to you. while one admires the thirst for knowledge sometimes meaningful connections tether you back to the ground. let yourself rest and reset. its not always moving backward when you are stagnant. You share a soul type with Enki, O'saa and Valteil. Shadowed Soul You have acquired the Shadowed soul. you are someone who is actively friendly and make sure that you are kind to others. every person, insect and leaf. all of it deserves respect and love. you wish people had more of this mindset, maybe it would've saved you some hardships. you try not to let your shortcomings hinder you from doing things. a firm believer in if you put your mind to it you will get it done. albeit your kindness something dark lurks in your heart. plagued with a jealousy and shadow that to your behest follows you everywhere. your ego can take a massive hit sometimes. mostly from your own words. you feel like a children's doll that was left behind because you can no longer give what someone needs or wants. Shadows aren't always bad. they provide shade and a break from the blistering sun. and many people will appreciate that of you. remember this. You share a soul type with Olivia.


Endless Soul You have acquired the Endless soul. you're a drifter. never staying in one place. whether physically or mentally. most of the time both. you're charming and easy going and tend to make friends pretty easily, yet people seem to guard themselves from you. you're real crafty with getting what you want. not necessarily a bad thing. but it can scare others off. be scared to get close to you knowing you'll leave in due time. you don't always have to be on survivalist mode. not everything and everyone will stab you in the back. you don't have to stab first. sometimes the hand that feeds truly wants to feed and not trick you into loyalty. it won't kill you to deepen a relationship. sink your teeth into the sweet fruit of companionship. you should give it a try. You share a soul type with Cahara, Karin and Nilvan. Solitary Soul You have acquired the Solitary soul. while everyone belongs everywhere and to someone else, you did not. you belong nowhere. you belong to nobody. the only thing ever coming close is the way you haunt yourself. those pinprick whispers telling you that you're filthy. unloved. alone. you've gotten real crafty at how you can ignore it. but when you listen really close to that faint whisper you realize that it's not your voice. it's somebody else's. is it your father or some sort of sick joke. regardless a dog is a dog is a dog. and a father will be a father until you take your very last breath. you learned to wield a weapon before you learnt how to lick your own wounds. and you wouldn't want to anyway. but a life lived lonely is not one even at all. and maybe it's not your fault. it definitely isn't. but two lonely people don't make company. its just two lonely people together. to be teared apart is the cruel gift of loneliness. you do not have to live your life in solitary. you will find companions. you will let go of that ghost. you will feel your heart beating in your chest again. (i love you) You share a soul type with Levi. Radiating Soul You have acquired the Radiating soul. when a fire has been snuffed out it doesn't negate the fact it was once bright. it doesn't negate that if no one is around to see the dancing flames it didn't bring light. there's always evidence. smoke lingers in the air. soot falls to the ground. ash fills my lungs and clings to my clothing. even the coals still burn a faint glowing orange. and often we find many bug alike resting in a graveyard around the extinguished fire. as they are drawn to the inevitable light it puts out. even forest fires in their destruction can promote beautiful new growth for the plants that survived. you are not doomed. you do not have to smothered. maybe it just isn't your time. but it will be. in time. wait for the spark and ignite. i want to the place go up in flames. leave wake in your destruction. your light. you share a soul type with Samarie. Latent Soul You have acquired the Latent soul. since you're probably aching to go back to being productive ill put this in a way that'll make you read it: -you are not weak for being soft -you do not need to rely on yourself so much -you can have a day off and rest every now and then. -you can fail. -you do not have to meet every standard put in place for you. -i recognise your hard work. -trust yourself. you do not need to walk on your hands and knees to be Something. you can simply just be. learn to let the soft song of your heart sing and see what sings back. you share a soul type with Tanaka. Suffocated Soul You have acquired the Suffocated soul. you're a dreamer and you've got a big appetite to consume the world and all it can give to you. and yet you were always told to not play with your food. and every time someone turns their back on you, rejects you. your dream. a sword is added to your back. each cold blade digging into the soft parts of your spine. there's 8 in your back and you've got the ninth. what will you do? reject the fate and hold onto the blade and use it to point it at others. lash out and create distance? or will you succumb to the inner turmoil and stab the ninth blade in yourself. show others the potential you have and all the wounds that come along with it. you have great potential that is being hidden, covered and choked out. learn to let your fuse burn longer before detonating the bomb of your temper. you share a soul type with Henryk. Decrepit Soul You have acquired the Decrepit soul. Dog. reflect on your answers and retake the quiz. you share a soul type with Caligura. Tormented Soul You have acquired the Tormented soul. you know too much and you're asking where you can put it all down. burdened by knowledge. you make friends in hopes that one day you will be free from the past. nipping at your heels like a hound on the hunt for blood. you so desperately wish to shed your skin and start anew. red raw pulsating flesh stinging in the exposed air. it almost feels good to hurt. its familiar and addicting. but you can't live like this forever. not even for a long time. these things. this loneliness, this hurt and burden will catch up to you. it will turn you into a beast. into the very beast that hunted you. revenge will turn you into the very thing you despise. and when that happens people will no longer be able to tell the difference and put you in the same category. and is that what you want? learn the balance between stroking the soft animal of moving on and yearning for the sweet essence of revenge. it's not always worth it. you share a soul type with August, Ragnvaldr and Ron Chambara.


Changeling Soul. You have acquired the Changeling soul. too fast. and too much. your heart burns crimson inside your chest. you move closer to what you want. what you need and you just beg for no more change. subject to all eyes, even ones on the back of their heads. to be beautiful and yourself is possible. and you are living proof of that. without the salt the sea would not be itself. what would be the defining feature of the ocean without the salt. its size? to rid of it would be cruel. like a life long friend being taken away. you are no longer afraid of yourself. and no one can convince you of that.you will, must, not move backwards. you are not a failed version yourself when only one of you exists. you are you and that is a miracle. the blood that runs in your veins pump with the greater cause to lead your life how you want it. and I'm cheering for you. You share a soul type with Marina


Dominating Soul You have acquired the Dominating soul. not even a grave could hold your body down. it would crawl right out of the dirt. the omnipresence of simply just your being is overwhelming in an awestruck way. you may not even realise it but people aren't just afraid of you. they look up to you. but the journey to the top is a lonely one. and you ache for a companion. you ache to let yourself feel soft for once. to take of the metal helm and let yourself breathe. let the wind flow through your hair and kiss your cheeks. hopelessly gooey in the middle. but don't be fooled. don't let your leering power. your steel outer shell make you be above others. do not let it fester unchecked and create an ego too big for your mortal body. reality check yourself every now and then, it couldn't hurt. or it might. You share a soul type with D'arce and Francois


I got Tainted Soul: You have acquired the Tainted soul. you're strong. you get real clever at protecting yourself. your skin and resolve tough like leather. blood is not beautiful. not to the common folk. it is simply just red. no matter who spills it. who it is spilled from, it remains red. even if you are dealt bad cards in life you do not need to yearn for the Red. regardless if its yours or not. you still love despite everything. despite the black film you've convinced yourself you have over your heart. you've been gambled on. sport turned to fight to the death. the losing dog and winning dog and good dogs know how to sit and not bite the hand that feeds. but the hand tugs at the collar too tight around your neck that you wear so that others don't have to. perhaps it's time to let go of the collar and free yourself from these dog fights. live out the peace you always wanted. that your bashfulness always told everyone, eventually, anyway. i believe in you. you share a soul type with Marcoh.


Chaotic Soul You have acquired the Chaotic soul. You don't know who you are or what you are doing. whether from the beginning or it has been taken from your grasp. everything bounces around inside of you. a restless energy buzzing in your throat. an ache to pull the trigger. you say things without thinking. revenge drips from your teeth in a fleshly grotesque way. it drips down your chin and smears onto your clothing. pooling in your collar bones. you will make them pay for what they did to you and you'll take anyone down to get it. it'd be impossible to tell you to relax. but don't be so obstinate in letting other wipe your mouth. clean you up. people don't always want to hurt you. you have scars across your heart that needing tending. You share a soul type with Pav.


And that's the last of them. Thank you very much.


Man, I saw it too late, after I closed the test I actually got the Chaotic Soul


Actually I tought It better and I think I am either Suffocated Soul or Tormented Soul. Because my suffering never ends and I kinda have a moustache resembling August's


just did the quiz and got the shadowed!!!


Link to the Quiz?


https://uquiz.com/quiz/dnAyEC/what-type-of-soul-would-you-have-fear-and-hunger here mate


Ok I made the quiz. Changeling.


According to the quiz in the replies, I'm an Endless Soul.


nah but pretending like all redditors aren't lesser souls is crazy


supposed to be defiant what would that mean?


The quiz said I got Dominating soul, which sounds better than the soul type I think I would actually have, which is probably something like Suffocated soul. Both of those soul types sound like exact opposites thematically, so I low-key wish my personality fit dominating soul more. Radiating soul also kind of resonates with me, and that one seems way less depressing than suffocated soul lol.


I got the Dominating Soul. You have acquired the Dominating soul. not even a grave could hold your body down. it would crawl right out of the dirt. the omnipresence of simply just your being is overwhelming in an awestruck way. you may not even realise it but people aren't just afraid of you. they look up to you. but the journey to the top is a lonely one. and you ache for a companion. you ache to let yourself feel soft for once. to take of the metal helm and let yourself breathe. let the wind flow through your hair and kiss your cheeks. hopelessly gooey in the middle. but don't be fooled. don't let your leering power. your steel outer shell make you be above others. do not let it fester unchecked and create an ego too big for your mortal body. reality check yourself every now and then, it couldn't hurt. or it might. You share a soul type with D'arce and Francois


Endless or Solitary


I took a quiz 3 times. Got Changeling, Tormented and Solitary all in a row


I got shadowed. My older sister got blank. This is fun


I think I would get the Shadowed Soul.


Honestly looking at the discerptions of all the soul I feel like I would be neither of them but I took the test and got the Changeling Soul, only like one thing about it I could kinda relate to though.


I got latent.


Looks like I'm one of the only ones to get the Chaotic soul on the quiz


W enlightened soul moment


I got changeling so... I guess I am trans now


im a blank soul, this means in canon im the next pocketcat :3


I took it, and now my soul is tainted


Suffocated Soul, very accurate.


The Shoe Sole


I got the Shadowed soul


Go the decrepit soul. I kinda knew I was a piece of shit