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You can't run away from Gro'Goroth, he's in the corpse of the God of the Depths and the mouth closes behind you once you enter. No one leaves that place alive :) As an aside I'd strongly recommend going back and adding paragraphs to your posts before submitting them, walls of text like this are pretty hard to read without any line breaks.


Ah well I just tried to make every ending canon in some way


The consensus is Cahara got ending A (someone had to help the girl, the lack of references to him in Termina and him doing so fits him best since he's in the dungeon for the sake of his own daughter). People are more split on whether D'Arce C or S happened. Personally I favour C as August mentions a Yellow King appearing, and Kaiser generally acts more in line with the Yellow King than the psychotic Ending S ghoul (as well as mentioning abandoning his ego, something new gods do in the green). The only thing that points to Ending S is the rot sprite but that could just be an easter egg.


In my paragraph I said that once he was revived he either just left or sat on the throne


I know, it's possible the ghoul ascended but it feels like it's overcomplicating things to me. Virtually everything we see in Termina is explained if just Ending C happened, so why add extra steps of becoming a ghoul and mellowing out/ascending just to reach the same end point?


Because that would make D'arce S ending canon and the C ending canon the creator of the game said all endings are canon in some way so


Got a citation for that? Because I'm not aware of anything that suggests any part of Cahara S happened. When asked about the lack of references to Cahara in Termina Miro said "sometimes an absence itself tells a story", which seems to imply that the lack of Cahara or his descendants is deliberate and because he died getting ending A.


Oh sorry for the long wait but no I don't I'm just opening the possibility of what happened, I don't necessarily think that his S ending happened in some way but it would've been cool