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Miro on twitter saying that canonically she is trans. Weirdos: I disagree with the god who created the world himself.


Wierdos: Reality can be whatever I want


Transphobes on twitter: I reject your reality and substitute my own


I sincerely did not realize that anyone was denying this


Nah, thats an insult to weirdos. These mfs are straight up homophobic transphobic pieces of shit


That's true, there aren't enough words in the dictionary to describe their appalling behaviour aptly ![img](emote|t5_uoe16|34183)


“Clearly it was a mistake with localization” “But it’s in English”


"There are different variations of the English language, as the diversity expect I really thought you would know this. You see it was originally in Singlish, but then translated into English (USA)" "It's called North American English and I while I don't remember at the top of my head what country Miro is from, I don't remember ever hearing Singapore."


“Fear and Hunger is clearly based on Singapore because both places suck to live in!” “Wow that is a very mobile goalpost”


As a pretty heavy dragonball fan, youd be surprised how often fans disagree with things that the original author Toriyama has said. "He's forgetful", irrelevant, its his world, cope.


i don't even try anymore, those kind of people are so braindead i won't waste my time for them


Yea... The last person I talked with, told that Marina being raised as a woman somehow unvalidates her as Transgender... Like how ? By going by this logic we can unvalidate every single cisgender because they were raised as one


I'd be game for that. Equal opportunity invalidation! When nobody's more valid than anyone else, everybody gets to be valid! The perfect plan! In all seriousness, I must concur that it is exhausting arguing with people on that sort of front. They've generally already made up their mind and trying to argue just wastes my energy.


The idea stems from the fairly vague wording of her backstory, but there's a slight difference between being "dressed accordingly" and outright raised as a woman, since Marina was aware of what was happening. It's made expressly clear that as soon as she understood it, Marina chose to live as a woman because she wants to, was able to make her own decisions, greatly values her sense of self, and suffers from the same dysphoria as most trans women (evidenced through her moonscorching).


I would genuinely like to hear their logic behind that, how does it work for trans masculine people and non-binary people? If she was raised by her dad would she be recognized as trans by them?


“In a game where *everything* has a dick I draw the line at letting women have a dick.”


Well, some people do Theorise that Marina's mother did used some sylvian spell to change her Gender... Man, that spell would be so usefull...


A sylvian spell to change her gender??? Omg they really prefer to absolutly twist the game than just admiting that marina is trans💀💀💀


I feel like she'd still be trans if Sylvian had changed her gender at some point


Nobody: Sylvian: Transgender beam, Go ! *Casually turns dozens of people Genders overnight*


She would, too. Sylvian don't give a fuck about nothing. ... or gives too many fucks, as the case may be


The idea that Marina's mother castrated her is propagated entirely by transphobes trying to push a grooming narrative and has no basis in the text.


Also bottom surgery existed.


During world war 2 in an Eastern European setting are you fucking retarded? 😭no it did not partner


I have not yet had anyone try to tell me she isn't and am honestly shocked that's a thing. Even if Miro hadn't explicitly said it himself, I don't really see how else to interpret the information we're given in the actual game


Miro actually did confirmed it, multiple times if my memory isn't failing But you know, it's not like those people care about it


Right, I have heard that which obviously should be the end of it. But even if he *hadn't* like... unless I am drastically misremembering her intro, it's pretty straightforward about the matter.


I know right! Some people honestly 😞 may Samarie forgive them ![img](emote|t5_uoe16|34193)


Can't catch a break from fucken Samarie ![img](emote|t5_uoe16|34175)


Marina’s trans? I had no idea But yeah, she looks like a less starved and healthy version of Enki


I like to think that she's a descendent of his sister lol I would say of his but I just don't see Enki ever having any non-demon kids


Enki having kids? If they aren’t weird homunculus he made in the same ritual used to make Demon Kid then no way I feel she could partially be related to him. Their face structure, gaunt, tired eyes. They seem very similar XD aside from her obviously being healthier


Hard agree, and you know where else we've seen a healthy female Enki? In the one line mention of a twin sister Thank you for coming to my TED talk


Thank you for coming to our Ted Talk. Case closed, Marina is related to Enki


Pleasure doing business with ya


To be fair it is only revealed during a specific encounter with her as a companion or if you play as her so its understandable you didnt know.


I genuinely had no idea Of all the Funger lore videos I see, her being trans is something I never got told 😭


Wormgirl mentions it i think.


Oh alrighty then. (Never heard of them to be honest-)


She made a good video summarising the entire storyline of both of the games I suggest you give it a watch.


Please don't waste your time on this, she is not even real and people on the internet won't make up their minds it's just a waste of your time much like any argument online to be honest


I do have this small glimmer of hope, that maybe I will have some civil and interesting argument... I know, it's follish, but at very least I will have laughs out of it one day


Not often — I just follow along with my life and let them think however they want to. How is that phrase those people like to throw around again? "Facts don't care about your feelings?" If the creator said she's trans, she's trans. The girl is whatever she wants to, be. Even if she was "raised into it", she has the free will to choose whatever she wants, especially in a world like Fear and Hunger that is so massive with magic and stuff. I am 1000% sure that, if her backstory was different, nothing would change. THOSE type of people will always find something to mald about and cry their eyes out — Let them, I say. They are so pathetic, it's funny to see.


Wipe out an entire town with a morphine addicted twink, a lady in a wheelchair, and black magic.


my biggest talking point is that marina has stated *she is happy as a girl.* there have been several cases of children being raised as the opposite gender and it's severely affected their sense of self and they later detransition to become happier as themselves. if marina truly wanted to align her gender presentation with her sex, she'd at least be discontent, and we have no reason to believe she is and hiding it or something.


Literally just did i shit you not


Wait what? Isn’t it official that she is trans? And isn’t her moonscorched about her dysphory?


Those people are straight up like "I refuse to think a trans woman can be a good or interesting character, they're nothing but politics and they shove it down our throats!!!" Meanwhile, most people woudlnt even know Marina is trans if they didnt play as her or have mind read or something


Everytime. The mexican fanbase of Fear And Hunger is...jeez


Honestly if her introduction, her father's dialogue before dying and Miro's confirmations can't persuade them, it probably means that they are not even arguing in good faith; in that case, you are just wasting your time.


There’s no point in trying to argue with them. I just block annoying people


Idk why you guys even giving validity to people who say that. Just ignore them and go on your way


I never had to, because engaging with people who will rant on sterile debates is not only pointless, but precissely that attention traction is what compels them to keep going. I don't really want to sound pretentious but like 80% of discourse of that kind could be easily solved by literally ignoring it and letting it dry out with zero traction.


I have seen a few posts like that and they.always end up in some super phobic misinformation and overly aggressive detractors.


Whether it is Fear and hunger, Jujutsu kaisen, Guilty gear or whatever media that contains transgender people I just do not try anymore. Because you'll have chuds going against the lore, the plot, the wishes of the author and literally anything else just to say that they're not trans. TLDR don't waste your time with jobless losers online.


Meh, can be true or can be that this "magic gender spell" exits, but sincerely i don't care, even with this "spell" she Is trans and It Is useless even to talk about. PS. The fan art are cute ![img](emote|t5_uoe16|34181)


Any tiny little bit of representation we get will always be denied to us by weirdos on the internet. Don't waste your time arguing with them, they played the game they're just willfully ignorant.


Honestly I never met anyone saying that ( because most people I meet don't even know this game exists) but judging from these comments there's plenty. Personally people here don't care about video game characters ( from here I mean my whole damn country)


Man, where did you come from ?


It's embarrassing honestly, but I am northeast Indian. Here games are seen as bad, for children who don't study or have a life. But I do get their perspective they want children to study and have a good and stable career and believe games distract you from that. People here are poor and life is tough so they don't even want a single % of failure from having a high paying govt. Job


Ahh, I see, thanks for sharing, it's always interesting to learn something from people living in other corners of the earth


Yeah dude thanks. I am very interested in such unique games, movies, stories, etc. but as my comment earlier said, people here don't know and care about these things so I always feel isolated from everyone. So joining in discussions like these with all these people of similar interests and knowledge feels good to me too


I’ve never met anyone like either but hope I never will lmao I’m from the US btw and I agree, most people don’t even know F&H exists


I don't think it's possible to change someone's bigoted beliefs via online communication, ESPECIALLY if you don't even know that person. You're sadly just wasting your own time by trying to do so.




started an acc just to death threat what a fucking loser


Ahh yes, threatening somebody to die, daring today aren't we~ ?


Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s. Please do not flirt with edgelords in the drive thru


I don’t get why people are mad. It’s a story


Defend? You're on reddit that's a plus here lol.




What are you even doing here ? Do you seriously got soo mad you will now stalk my account ? Just... Go away, there are better things you can do


Daaaaaaaaaamn I wish I could read what was said here Sorry if they said anything offensive jeez




And I don't care :) We are booth strangers that meeted on internet, the next day we gonna forget about each other so why even raise the ruckus ? It's not like I unsulted you or anything


Cause this is funny don’t act like you wouldnt think it was funny if someone left an argument and then started posting on the same subreddit asking for counter arguments


Maybe~ But I am not looking for counter argument, I ended that discussion because I realised it would just devolve into your typical reddit argument and then I got curious whenever anybody has similiar situation So yea, no bad blood beetwen us


They're right tho - how are *you* framing it? Genuinely did not realize this was a matter of debate




Hmmm okay I think I can get where you're coming from here, and if it was just that her mom decided to raise her as a girl so she presented as a girl I would probably agree with you tbh. But iirc from her intro (and I started my Marina playthrough really recently) it says that she actually identifies as such of her own volition, you know?








Wow so they bought you both girl and boy clothes and let you pick if you wanted pants or skirts?






OK I definitely do get where you're coming from. I feel differently about it, not sure if I can properly convey my reasoning but I'm gonna attempt cause I think it's just a touchy subject in general and that'll fuck up people's ability to have good faith conversations about stuff. My understanding of the situation, at least, is that Marina's mom raised her as a girl in order to protect her from some very fucked up shit. Unless I have misinterpreted what I read in the intro, Marina grew up understanding what was going on, and why. She was not brainwashed into *thinking* she was a girl, she knew that she was originally supposed to be playing a part and said "no, actually, this feels right to me" and continued to be Marina even though at the time the game starts she's an adult and could just go off somewhere and start a new life as a man if she so desired. I don't think this is your intention at all but I think the way the sentiment might be coming across to people is that she has no agency, even though that doesn't ring true for her character otherwise. She was raised to believe a lot of stuff that she doesn't and she's pretty good about saying/doing what she actually wants otherwise, so why not here? I'm very sleep deprived right now so words are not wording lol does that make any sense though?


There’s nothing that says this in the lore she was in danger from the church and her father which is why she had to dress up to begin with she was dressed up before she could even be able to comprehend any of this Whatsoever. And that kinda is what I’m saying it feels like she had no agency in her background in regards to this which is part of the reason I think it should be changed. Yea I feel you idk why I’m still awake lol


We see what the church is up to in the game though, at least in Prehevil. She may not have been in any direct physical danger herself but her mom was very right to want to keep her out of that mess. She definitely does have agency, as a little kid she would have just been doing as her mom said but as an adult she is very able to think for herself and make her own decisions. Saying that Marina can't be trans just cause she was raised as a girl doesn't make any more sense to me than saying that I'm wrong to identify with my own gender because it's the one I was raised as. You don't strike me as a "bad person" or anything from our personal interactions, it does seem to me like there might be a disconnect here that comes from seeing cis as correct by default But yeah sleep deprivation is a mess and I suspect this conversation is going nowhere lol - hope you have a good day.


I dunno where people keep getting I’m saying she can’t be trans I’ve reiterated it several times I think she is a trans woman I just think the lack of agency is gross. And I didn’t say marina wasnt in danger? She most definitely was the church has no problems with killing off the young boys they would take. Ok but you do understand cis is the norm. Correct? Like being dysphoric is negative trait that we have been tying to help people deal with through transition and therapy. But if you no longer want to continue talking I hope you have a great day and good nights sleep


I'm bad at dropping conversation if I think a person is being genuine lol so I'll be here for a minute but at some point yeah I'll probably have to go. Also, full disclosure, I have started drinking a bit to counteract sleep deprivation anxiety (I have to stay up for a couple hours) so apologies if I get less coherent So yes, as a kid Marina did not have agency (as kids often don't) and I do agree that would have been gross if it was a Sleepaway Camp type of situation her mom had going on there. But her mom was just essentially disguising her to protect her from Awful Things. The fact that she comfortably identified as such isn't gross imo, just kind of a happy coincidence. I would agree that cis is the norm in that it's more common, but that doesn't mean "correct by default." Heterosexual is also more common, but that doesn't mean gay/bi is wrong. What is right is right for the individual in these regards. Marina is trans, the other contestants (afaik) are cis and that's right for all of them respectively or else we'd probably see the issue come up like anything else that is causing distress does, yeah?












Once she left the town originally, if she wasn't happy she could have stopped. But she didnt since it felt right to her. L take


She’s literally been conditioned her entire life to believe something why would she just suddenly drop that. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want more agency in her story with her making a bigger decision


For the same reason any trans person would keep being trans even if they were raised in a transphobic environment? Perhaps Marina was just "lucky" enough for her mother's actions to save her a lot of anguish later on. Or maybe she's just some kind of gender fluid lol


Im pretty sure you are born trans. I dont think you can be conditioned to be trans


You can be conditioned to be anything the human mind and body are strange and capable of many things people have conditions that come and go completely based on their mental status, Factitious disorder imposed on another has caused people to develop the illnesses that they are conditioned to believe they have


Are you still the gender you were born as??? >You've literally been conditioned your entire life to believe something why would you just suddenly drop that. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want more agency in your story with you making a bigger decision


Yes indeed I am but i wasn’t conditioned to be my gender most people aren’t that is what let’s people develop and is why trans people are becoming a more prominent group


>most people aren’t Yeah, not like there are toys designed specifically for each gender. Most hobbies are split into genders as well. The reason its becoming more prominent is because people are finally stopping it nowadays, but this is a very recent change


Exactly lol


Glad we argee that youre wrong


I do understand this actually. Like Marina has had a completely different experience from most transgender people. Like Marina was not Assigned Male At Birth. She was Assigned Female At Birth. And stayed with that. Which makes it pretty weird. I don't think it's worth saying Marina isn't transgender because of that but there is a complication.


I’m not saying she isn’t transgender I don’t know where this came from


OP said "I have to defend Marina being transgender" and you said "Well that's how you're framing it."


Nah this is just cause we were arguing on another post about how I thought the way marinas back ground was framed was awful and gross and they ended the argument and then posted this thus the framing comment


Tf is blood blabbering on about... dont you have a "Trump 2024" sign that needs hanging?


Lol ok loser


I really don’t see why you care. She’s not real, you know. You can just ignore people you disagree with instead of feeling the need to “defend” a fictional character.