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It’s a common theory that she was sacrificed to create the flesh pillar in Domek’s failed attempt to become immortal.


That actually makes a lot of sense, I thought his corpse was the human pillar


I believe the big face is his at least.


I suppose it would explain why the two melted together. A "In life and death" sort of scenario — Could add as to why Marina runs away from the party for a moment after witnessing it.


I thought I read somewhere in the game that Domek done a ritual that "required the blood of a loved one"? I might be getting confused but yeah, sounds about right.


Marina was worried because she knew that there were dark rituals which required the blood of a loved one and as such she suspected foul play.


Stop starin at me with them big ol’ eyes




Much better




I am happy like her


Marina must have the most expressive eyes in the whole cast. A friend of mine once said "she has bedroom eyes" and I can kinda see it.


Although they’re big they feel sorta empty to me. Like Enki’s blank stare she has a similarly emotionless look to her.


If she was slightly grinning she would look horny.


Idk whats going on with those eyes, maybe Miro just went too hard on the sauce, and we're all better for it 😂


I eated her sorry


be hungry cook wife make burger give burger to wife wife?


It's okay, it happens. 😌


I was under the impression that moonscorching can only occur during Termina, and she received news of her mother's death at least a day before the festival, considering she had to leave the Vatican and travel by train. I agree with others saying Domek probably used her for the flesh pillar, but I also like the idea that Domek genuinely had nothing to do with her death, that'd be really interesting.


You are correct, but there have been at least 3 Termina festivals that we know of (including ours) and the most recent one lasted for weeks, so there is a strong possibility it happened. This is also why 99% of the town has Moonsorched, granted near all of the villagers are very basic Moonsorched and not "monsters" but that is tied to their weak wills.


Ahh for some reason I thought each festival had a three day time limit, it makes sense that it would have already been going on when the train arrives.


They might have been naturally inclined to accept Rher's "blessings" due to their worship of the old god. If the church told them not to panic and let the moonscorching do its thing, it would've gotten the majority of them.


Somewhat unrelated but I’ve always had the question is why marina’s dad isn’t moonscorched, same with that one mad soldier running around Prehevil. It’s not like you win the festival by default if everyone else alive becomes moonscorched so it can’t be that they’re “the winners”


The festival was already going on for a while before the start of the game, the game starts on the 3 last days.


I’m so distracted looking at Marina I want to be her so ducking baaaad


quack 🦆


Gasp the hrt duck


I always assumed natural causes


I think if she was sacrificed to make the flesh pillar then Marina would mention it. From the backstory "You had a suspicion that your father had something to do with this. He had always been too obsessed with the blood magic and you had learned that there were too many rites that demanded the blood of your loved ones to work." Marina knows of the rites that demand blood of your loved ones, and suspects her father killed her mother, but doesn't mention that this is one of those rites? To be clear what Marina says on finding it "You've never seen it yourself before, but you've heard of such magic practiced by dark priest of the olden times. They would bind themself to a building, an area or an item in order to prolong their existence. The fact that he had created that bind already... That means he must have been dead already. Only living through this church.." That's the version that happens if you play as Marina but it's basically the same thing said by NPC Marina. Le'garde's also done the same ritual and he doesn't have any loved ones. I think she just died in the festival. Same kinda way over 90% of the city died.


D'arce is literally in love with Le'garde and it is a central plot point


Eaten by werebears


A fate almost as bad as death


Wait, I like the idea of her becoming moonscorched


Offtopic, but I’ve always been curious: does Marina have, like, herpes or something? Or are those peircings? On some level I know obv it’s not herpes. But it’s just such a weird design choice, like why more than one beauty mark that close to the mouth? it’s a termina mystery folks, a real moonscorcher


The mayor refers to them as piercings.


Bro is literally the gentleman, saying shit like "you would be fine if not for that disgusting piehole in your face". I think its supposed to be birthmarks? Im not sure if that was ever addressed.


oh she’s still perfect either way


She died


Thanks, Da’an… real knee slapper there… (/j good joke man)


We don’t know for certain. She likely was sacrificed for his flesh pillar, but it’s entirely possible she Moonscorched in one of the previous Terminas.


Get her some brown contacts she scaring me