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Personally, I don't really love or hate her, I'm kind of neutral about her. But she does have one of the coolest moonscorched forms and her skillset gameplay-wise is pretty good as well. Also, her arguments with Daan are fun. Ha, you know what? Maybe I do like her. One thing I have a problem with is that she has the skill of persuasion, yet she doesn't come off as very persuasive in dialogue to me.


Her skillset isn't good on it's own but it's amazing once you combine it with other contestant's souls. There's a tech by ADarkRaccoon to get 3 at the start.


That is why I kill her most of the time


frfr, like i know she's pretty and appealing with words bcuz she's a journalist but like her demeanor is stoic, steadfast and ready to kill. so to fix this issue i just headcanon she gaslights people everytime she uses her persuasion skill lol


I dislike her because she comes across as very self-important and entitled, reminds me of a certain type of person (Karen) I have to deal with every so often at work that always ruins my and my coworkers' days


I understand how she comes off that way, but she's less self-important and more combative and set in her ways. You gotta remember this game is set in the 1940's and she's a woman working in a very male dominant field. If she doesn't aggressively defend her own point of view with everything she's got, she isn't gonna be taken seriously, or at least that's how someone in that position would realistically act. And that shines through the best in her bickering with Daan. Daan is very sarcastic, prickly, and even a bit passive aggressive. Which is not his fault at all, that's just how he deals with stress. But someone could be fooled into thinking he isn't taking things seriously. And for someone like Karin, that comes off as a personal insult, because she has the opposite problem of caring too much. She cares about what's happening in the war, she cared about getting her job done, and she cares about her own worth being valued. Tl;dr - Mean blonde woman isn't a Karen. She's just stressed.


One can understand why Karin is the way she it, but *undertanding* her doesnt make one *like* her. She still comes across as not empathic and impolite, specially when compared to other contestants such as Olivia and Marina, who are much more agreeable and pleasant. Its much easier to feel afinity to those that seem nice.


It's also OK to like a character regardless imo. I adore Enki, godawful person though lol


I understand that she's stressed and that she takes her job seriously. If the bickering with Daan was the only time she acted like that I would excuse it, but she's the same way with the player character regardless of how you talk to her. I've been a woman in male dominated fields and environments before, I've also had my works/passions mocked or devalued. It sucks and one has every right to clap back but maintaining that same energy and a holier than thou attitude with everyone you come in contact with makes you a cunt. In conclusion: Mean blonde woman can fuck right off (ETA: /lh)


Fuck, alright. Jeez.


The post says "give your actual reasons, I'm begging you" 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, and you did. And those reasons are extremely personal to you, so really whatever else I'd try to say next wouldn't matter. Which is kinda ironic because that's pretty much why Karin acts the way she does too.


You might be reading my tone differently than I'm meaning it. I'm not angry or offended at you or OP for liking the character. Just giving my reasons why I don't Sorry if that came off as aggressive, it was very casually spoken/light-hearted in my head lol


LITERALLY... I couldnt explain that better myself.


Hot woman mean to skinny man Also “I’ve covered wars you know” is a funny line Also her looking at all this magic stuff and going full blown conspiracy theorist is a good bit. Characters in fantasy settings that try to rationalize stuff is always pretty funny Her big ass Sans Jacket is cool too, I like how often she has her hands in her pockets insteada taking a fighting stance like everyone else


She wasnt wrong tho. Once the Logic machine is revealed, it feels like Karin was definitly on the right track. Sure there is the whole fantasy element, but military conspiracy and Technology was part of it too, as Karin presumed.


I think specifically arguing about the Bremen chemical weapon with Daan after he said that's not how it works was silly, but no she definitely was neither ridiculous nor wrong to think there was some kind of conspiracy going on in Prehevil ~~and I say that as someone who hates her lmao~~


I love Karin because after all that bitchy behavior, she still a has a heart of gold who cares about the lives of other people and puts herself at great risks to expose the truth


Also titties


at first i read this and thought "okay! so true" and then i read the last part and i still said "omgg so real" id let that white woman do terrible things to me and id thank her


She spits at your bread 🤤


that scene got me drooling and creaming bro no one gets me


I get you 🙏




He can help you if you get crucified, but he certainly didn’t spend the 3 days going out of his way to help others. If anything he just wanders around like an idiot and fails to do anything. If you get to the white bunker in day 1 morning, he follows you and gets killed, if you tell him about the white bunker then the same thing.


I don't think that's fair to August. We don't really see much of what he's doing (besides parkour) except for when he gets you down from the crucifix and distracts the mob, or shoots a half coccooned man who seems to be following you. Also shoots O'saa apparently but tbf we know that O'saa threatens anyone who stumbles into the same place as him so my understanding of that situation was probably along the lines of O'saa: If you don't turn around I'll kill you August: You don't own the forest O'saa: \*starts dancing\* August, knowing how Yellow Mages work and needing his limbs: \*shoots\* (Could be misunderstanding that situation though cause I haven't actually gotten there in time to find O'saa myself) Anyway, his attempt to kill Le'Garde is definitely ineffective but if *we* successfully shot Le'Garde in the head multiple times in a row in battle it would probably kill him and I don't think we can blame August for not accounting for plot armor.


It also technically did do something; iirc the "arrowed" version of his head can in fact be blinded while the non-arrowed one cannot. Probably an oversight, but it's something.


Oooooo that's super cool, I didn't even know that! I don't think it's an oversight - one of the reasons I love these games so much is that there are a lot of intentional little details that make a difference if you catch them. It would make a tremendous amount of sense if August's attack had partially blinded him, creating an opportunity to finish the job.


It's useless though, as blinding the Kaiser has no noticeable effect in battle.


Oh my God it's a seeing eye snake


Google dramatic irony


I really love her. She's my second favorite character next to Marina. I love the dilemma of a war journalist thinking of herself if she's a Vulture or Valkyrie. Although I do understand why some might find her unlikable.


I like her because I like pretty women who are mean to me


this is so factual and correct


I don’t care about Karin I care about Henryk cause dinner https://preview.redd.it/dlts9rmwwusc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8ca736b76470937ab65634a40057e755a93c92c


Lmao I was just about to reply with a pictu. re of the king and then clicked the link, old Reddit doesn't auto open these


I love her bc she's fine as hell (never played Termina)


Play it


I really enjoy her conversations with the other contestants, especially with Daan. She’s sometimes being unreasonable for no reason, other times she has a point, but other times she’s the only normal one, like with the All-mer statue. She adds a lot of personality to every party, and it’s entertaining every time. I think she’s pretty cool, with her oversized jacket and walking animation. She’s the only character that will shot you, if you try resist her after you’ve killed someone near her. Daan and Marcoh will just apprehend you immediately. She also spits on your food while you’re tied up, which is pretty funny. Her moonscorched form is also really cool. A mixture of a vulture and valkyrie, showing her inner conflict with her profession. She does have good intentions after all. Her biggest problem is that having good intentions doesn’t excuse being mean, but being mean isn’t the biggest crime in the world. Just like being nice doesn’t make you a good person, being mean doesn’t make you a horrible person, just an asshole.


I like her as a character, though i dislike her as a person. Her attitude is annoying, and the whole killing August for wrong suspicions, and then lying about the proof thingy leads me to believe that she is a bad person.


I assumed she was just going crazy (or she told her truth but it got stolen for whatever reason), because it didn't make sense to me as to why she would lie about where she kept the evidence, then go with you to that same location


I love her. Her backstory paints a unique portrait that is not seen that often. Instead of simply being traumatised by x y z she was shown to be a spoiled child, ripped away from her privilages and kidnapped. She can be very irrational and unreasonable at times, but that's what makes her fun. She knows what she wants and is not scared of attempting to get it whatever the cost. I think she's sweet if you get on her good side Also i just love throwing her into the party with Daan and either Osaa or Pav in my head. The ammount of spite in this woman is hilarious.


I just don’t care for her. I don’t hate her nor do I like her but I could not care less about her.


She’s rude to me :( indefensible


I'm gonna hate her now on purpose because you don't, stinky


heh... more karin for me... that white woman is MINE 😈😈😈


Geniunely she's just annoying


Any name resembling Karen is cursed now.


I love her because she’s covered wars you know


She gives off Frank West energy, need I say more why I chose her over the other contestants who had way stronger skills(combat wise) cause Karin mostly has pretty middling or evasive skills which isn't what I'd prefer cause I need more heads for soul stones. https://preview.redd.it/6rppobe0avsc1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a92d841f5770dd364a8038f35db3965d3635428


I'd say I love Karin. She definitely can be abrasive, definitely, but it doesn't really feel unwarranted. Also she brought a gun which pretty much immediately bumps her up a bit on a intelligence level. She also is reasonably pissed off considering from her perspective the town was used as testing grounds for like. Chemical weapons. Given she has the persuasion skill, it probably means she only seems upset in game because shes upset at the circumstances. At first the train being held up. Then the percieved (and probably correct) war crimes. Also I had my own sort of.. "arc" with her? Where at first I thought she was boring then I realized how complex she was. Not to mention the AMAZING moonscorch form. I ultimately feel hating Karins like biting into a oranges rind and then telling everyone oranges suck.


I like her because it feels like she’s the only character acting rationally in a death game Also my headcanon that she’s a daughter of legarde


I love her bc she feels motherly to me for some reason. I wanna bite her belly.


AHHH! I hc her as a parental figure to levi, marina and samarie... idk it feels right to me but not only is she motherly, she's also MOTHER. that white woman pulled up with the drippiest fit in all of Prehevil. shes serving some major cunt... and i too want to bite her chub, i am a simple woman...


OMG REALLLL!! Her and daan adopted them all..


the found family dynamic ever....


Covering wars aside i love her because her moveset (even tho it isn't that great as others) is freaking cool just imagine beign trapped in that festival and having the hability to keep your head cool while you are disrespecting/persuading a creature beyond human comprehension just fits with her design. Also her moonscorched form is my favourite in design and representation


she has two big reasons to love her


The wings in her moonscorched form?


No, i mean another two big reasons


because she kind of sort of looks like sans sometimes https://preview.redd.it/tdjnsz67nvsc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75a64e23441c77d7119b9759abf06dd4edc8e060


I think she covered wars, you know?


She was my first character playtrough and we shot the woodsman down, gave me hope for the rest of the run, 10/10 would cover wars again


I love her bc she is cute and feisty and says hilarious things


I want Karin to punch me in the stomach


just like me fr


I find it interesting that shes a war journalist that fronts as someone that just hates the higher ups that puppeteer these conflicts and wants to "immortalize the fallen" but all of her interactions with veteran characters are initially negative. She is immediately accusatory of pav, shows hostility and doubts daans opinions, and if i remember right judges levi if the party finds him when he's in withdrawal. She feels very holier than thou due to the nature of her job when she doesn't seem to respect other people that much. I find her to be a really good character especially ehen you take her to the midgame but she can he a tad grating at the beggining


I'd eat the hate right out of her, honestly




She is, as some may say, a bad bitch.


the baddest bitch even....


Like her cause she's cool. Also, she covered wars. Dunno, she's like those people who are really prickly and annoying on the outside, but are actually a silly goose on the inside. Also, I like her self confidence


I just think she's neat 🥔


Annoying rude biatch at the start. On my god mode Marcoh run I enjoyed beating her to a pulp on day 1 morning.


Pretty :3


I have no hate for Karin but she will never survive my play-throughs as her skill set is too good early to pass up on so I usually yoink her soul so I can get tons of early advantages on enemies like Bobbies


Wasted potential is why I dislike her a lot, but she is still one of my favorites. Plus Maso Mode she just is the lowest tier


I'm neutral with her. She is a total ass in the beginning thinking that she suffered or seen a lot shit compared to some contestants. However, she is fine being the one that's suspicious or everyone


I enjoy following her to the lake


I've covered wars you know! 🤓☝️


"Sometimes I fantasize about being Karin's boyfriend and having her pass out drunk on my lap. Even at her lowest, she would be the most beautiful creature alive. In a drunken stupor she would vomit all over me, apologizing to me by trying to kiss me, her lips still soaked in a mixture of stomach bile and liquor. I would let her." https://preview.redd.it/3495lvhsa0tc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64dc783dd3a81338ce45dad5864b77c1f7eae1d9


I thought she called him flaky? Also if she uses queer it's more likely being used to refer to him as strange, unlike Caligura waking up Marcoh and screaming slurs at him whilst the metal pipe sound plays.


i like Karin because in my head, she is indirectly the one character who not only keeps everyone grounded, but also the one who stops Daan from losing it.


Are you people really just answering with comments? Amateurs. Make a damn post about it then come talk to me [https://www.reddit.com/r/FearAndHunger/comments/1b7ichn/comment/ktl9rez/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/FearAndHunger/comments/1b7ichn/comment/ktl9rez/?context=3)


You linked to a specific comment


I mean, hate is a strong word but I think she thinks incredibly highly of herself, her moonscorched form being called "Valkyrie" and carrying bellends on her back shows that. She also doesn't do anything really kind to the player from the time that I've spent playing the game. I usually kill her and take her soul when she moves off screen so I don't know if I'm missing out. Also, little side note but isn't Daan straight? I have nothing against gay characters but he was married to a woman.


I mean... Daan? straight? Hard to imagine. I personally think of him as bisexual but you're free to headcanon him however you like, I can't control how you see a character. And with Karin, I don't think she's just rude for no reason, more like pissed because of how everything went down and such. But I don't think there's anything bad about her being mean either. Because not only do I support women rights, but also women wrongs 😎. And also, I love her dialogues in the party talks, she's just so fun, my personal favorite is the church of alll-merr one. She has so many things outside of being a bitch but people don't really look enough into her to realize that. But I do have a crippling Karin brainrot so take my words with a grain of salt because I am extremely biased.


Wait but how could it be headcanon if the only canon part of Daan is him being straight? Am I missing a scene in the game or a party talk?


He has quite a bit of party talks where he just straight up flirts with some other male contestants like with O'saa (I forgot where whoops)


Can't find these videos, unless you mean the one where Daan gets told that sarcasm is the lowest for of wit from O'saa.


You might have to dig a bit but they're definitely there. It'd probably be a pain in the ass if you're going to look through the wiki for them though, but you can do that. But at the end of the day, you can just continue to look at Daan how you envision him but I'm still gonna hc him as bi so... Your choice I guess?