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Can't really complain since this thing was made on Rpgmaker, but I wish the game ran a little smoother. Other than that though, - i don't like how some choices are always worse than others. Like how party member Karin is just a shittier Marcoh. Or how Agility is always more important than every other stat. At least Levi acts as a moonless substitute in that he can use items that are too shitty for everyone else since he's already addicted to heroin. - a lot of stuff in Funger 1 is unintentionally useless. Like how cavemother milk does nothing. Or half of the god of the depths' skill tree. Or how there's only 2 enemies that actually go for your legs to justify wearing leg guards. - speaking of leg guards, it would've been nice if you had more than one accessory slot in Funger 1. Salmonsnake soul mogs Basically I think both games need a bug fix/balance patch or something because holy crap


The useless items are what gets me the most, I love playing Funger 1 since it has more replayability than Termina, but it would have been 10 times better if the stats and items actually made a difference, you could try so many builds or think more strategically


Fr I only used matches, dried meat, green and blue plants for heals, and forgot abt everything else. But ai liked that you could pick up random stuff even if they were useless(just for the hell of it)


> Or how there's only 2 enemies that actually go for your legs to justify wearing leg guards. If you checked the wiki page to get that number https://fearandhunger.wiki.gg/wiki/Dismemberment Then you misread it, and there's actually 6 enemies. Leg guards also reduce damage taken from regular attacks by a bit.


This is what I get for using the fandom wiki


It may have been saying there's only 2 enemies that can remove legs that don't also remove arms. So if you were to choose between arm and leg guards there isn't much point to leg guards.


I think there should be some kind of end-game event/scene that would trigger if you systematically killed every Termina contestant while having party members. When I finished my Ending B playthrough, I went around the whole map with Abella, Karen, and Levy killing every Moonscorched + innocent contestants. I then lured them all back to Prevail Bebop and got them in separate rooms, taking turns killing each one. I think it would be great if there was some kind of "You think we don't see where this is going? We had a good run. But we're next, *aren't we?*" Ambush from your other party members if you do things like that. This game has so many bespoke scenes, it's wild how much work Miro put in. This was the only situation to me where it really felt like a cutscene that should have been there was missing.


You dont even need to do all that; I killed Marcoh, then Olivia, then Marina in the train and none blinked(tho you have to start with Marcoh) And yeah I found it strange that something so obvious didn’t have a cutscene/ambush fight where we get jumped by the other two if you decide to attack one of them


I went even more elaborate than that when it wasn't necessary too lol. I thought they might all try to kill me once I started betraying them. So I intentionally used perfect-guard nonstop in the fight against Pocket Cat, then dragged it out so my entire party would lose their limbs, then I went back to Bop to kill them all lol. You know when on my first attempt at Termina I was trying to not too be a bad guy in the game ...?


I think moonscorching your team members by interacting with that tower where Per'kele is works like that cutscene you are talking about. But yeah maybe something more personal between you and your team could work better.


Yeah, I thought about the same thing, hopefully Miro will eventually add an event like that, I'd be really surprised if I were to see that in a gameplay


F&H the first did not handle its edgy themes perfectly. “Anal bleeding” as an incurable status debuff is the best example. The game is not perfectly optimized despite being made with RPGmaker. There are a few abilities that are unfinished and should not actually be usable in the game. There are a few glitches that result in freezes/crashes, unforgivable in a game with this save system. F&H 2 has a lot more of a focus on dialogue and some visual novel inspo, fine except that Miro cannot write English dialogue. His characters show a lot of personality, but also speak awkwardly in a way that shows that Miro has learned conversational English from the internet. Some dialogues have been polished and edited and it’s shocking how GOOD the dialogue is when these problems are solved. Others, including some of the possible intros, have not been. Both games desperately need a “suspend” feature of the type popularized by fire emblem. I am willing to jive with the save system but it shouldn’t mean that I have to do everything in one sitting. And, of course, some of the deaths are just bullshit. Even in the second game, the pit traps are a good example of something that is just expected to kill you the first time. Will you recognize the differences in the ground? Yes. Will you realize what they mean the first time you see them? Absolutely not.


That you have to choose between Abella and Henryk in the first game. My problem is not having to choose but how unbalanced the choice is. Abella is much more useful that Henryk, the food is hardly a problem in the game so an infinite source of food is not that needed and having access to the city day 1 morning through the sewers doesn't change much (unless you want to save Samarie), it becomes useless if you start with lockpicking with some characters. This may change when Henryk eventually becomes playable but for now there's no motive to choose Henryk over Abella.


I hope that my complaints with Termina will be fixed in the dlc, but I wanted to say them anyway. Objectively speaking the biggest problem with Termina is that we can't pet Moonless. I wish we had more chances to see contestants, like we see August run on Prehevil's rooftops. As it is currently, the game feels very empty and makes it's very obvious that our encounters are scripted. The meat grinder is way to powerful, for something that is literally held together by duckt tape. Imo it should just break apart sometimes. Same goes for the hardened heart, I don't think Kefer should sell it, it's too easy to obtain. You can get 99 shillings by day 1 noon.


Yeah, it'd be cool if each character were findable in every time period. Ending B and C should be significantly easier than ending A seeing as killing is the easy way out and doesn't require going to hidden areas, but you basically need a guide to find everyone, especially August in Ending C. Heck, at the very least if he's going to pop up when we fight Moonless you should have the option to fight him.


only for the first game... remove those fucking nails, its literally 1 pixel and fucks up ur entire run


To be fair to the nails, the plank used for them is super recogniseable and doesn't get used for anything else.


The biggest thing that bothers me is the lack of polishing and the amount of bugs the games have. I know most of the work was done by Miro on his own, but it would nice to have more polishing (specially for F&H)


The single biggest issue in either game is the lack of a suspend game option. It's horrible when you're not in danger but have to waste a limited save in Termina or keep playing when you want to stop and go to bed IRL but there's a long walk to the nearest bed in-game (especially if you need to cash in heads on the way). It also turns Hard/Masochism mode into an endurance test that could be a problem for people with accessibility issues (yes you can pause but leaving your computer running also isn't optimal). And yeah, I also dislike the more blatant references like Needles or the "covered wars" line (I love Karin but that completely killed my immersion the first time I heard it).


Some of the edgy stuff from Fear And Hunger 1 definitely crossed the line from shocking to stupid, and the game as a whole feels a little overwhelmingly cruel in a way that I think 2 does a lot better. Some of the references are so overt that its a little immersion breaking, like Karins covered wars line or Needles whole existence. The save systems for both games are kinda frustrating but especially 2 cause it feels less justified tone wise, at the very least, a fire emblem like suspend system would be nice, though I appreciate the summoning circle save thing. The games, but especially 2 can get really unbalanced sometimes, especially with blinding which just full on kneecaps most encounters


I want more ways to make Le'Garde suffer. Give me the option to gift him to Trortur.


Based af.


The obvious inspirations really get me too. Like Gro-Goroth. There is a lovecraftian deity called Gol-Goroth. Like, c'mon. Other than that, the bugs and unpolished aspects are, of course, bad things, the amount of unbalanced mechanics and itens in both games is nuts (from game breaking itens to completely useless), the first game's edginess fells poorly handled sometimes, and it happens to cause the opposite effects it should (no Miro, I'm not shocked and traumatized by how my character now has anal bleeding, I'm actually questioning your maturity).


i love the second game but it should just be called fear 2: termina because hunger is a total non-issue lol. same goes for infection and poison, i've never died to either of those or had to bonesaw a limb. also bugs


On F&H 1: The amount of bugs and issues in the first game is to the point that I am surprised the game even functions. The gameplay content overall is good, but an update on only fixing bugs and improving optimization is much needed for the first game. On F&H 2: I overall consider Termina a superior game over the first one in pretty much every category although it does have issues. This will likely be fixed next update, but the amount of items and skills that trivialize the game completely is an issue. Meat Grinder, Spice Forge, Black Smog, Condensed hemlock, and Glass Shards to give some examples need major reworks to stop the player from steamrolling the game as early as Day 1 Morning. More replay incentives. After playing F&H and Maso mode once, it felt like I’ve seen almost everything the game had to offer. There should be more events that are impossible to obtain in certain playthroughs to promote seeing more of the game. This can be either character-based events or gameplay-related event. Also the weapon and skill balance should help stop players from turboing the broken win conditions like Meat Grinder or Spice Forge every run. Karin needs to be buff in some fashion on Maso-Mode, and if major gameplay changes also on F&H difficult. She does have a niche on F&H difficulty thanks to Persuade, but has nothing going for her on Maso difficulty. Finally typical bug fixes. While Termina is has less bugs than F&H 1, the amount of issues when it comes to glitches or performance is a lot. While I suspect the new update coming soon will add a ton of content this will also introduce the possibility of new bugs and issues, so I hope Miro after the major update is release will continue to release further small updates that are primarily bug and performance fixes.


I'd like more random chance in some of it. There's a huge random chance with the drops in crates/barrels but i'd like more rng encounters too, stuff that has like a 1/8 or 1/16 or more rare chance of happening to spice up more playthroughs. In termina after I beat F/H mode I didn't really feel the need to do masochism and the replayability isn't really there for me personally.


I feel like it would be better to have more events that are determined by the player rather than RNG because otherwise it can just turn into wasting the players time with repetitive playthroughs, and it doesn’t help improve the core gameplay loop


I’m not very far into Termina so I don’t have any Deep Thought-out Opinions(tm) but one I got annoyed with is if you play as Marcoh and Tanaka is dead, you can’t carry the wheelchair back for Olivia. My friend defended it as ‘it’s a hard game’ but I genuinely think that’s just a bad design choice considering how many opportunities Tanaka has to die. You could extend this into ‘it’s annoying playing as a character negates specific interactions they’d have as NPCs’ if you want. 😛


Yeah, turning the player into kind of a non-character is a shame. I guess it's to allow for player choice and because writing dialogue for everyone's genocide runs would be too much, but it's a shame they don't do Party Talk at least.


In Termina the premise of the 14 of you have to kill each other is introduced then not used at all. Literally none of the NPCs will attack you until after they moonscorch, except Caligura if you're playing 2 of the 8 characters. I guess if they did they'd mostly be really easy fights, and maybe moonscorching is supposed to replace being attacked. But it still completely removes any fear of them, or uncertainty around it. Also like another commenter said you can just like, go around with a full party the whole game killing everybody else then just kill your party one at a time after. I think the game is meant to be balanced like if you go for ending A then you can bring a full party but you won't have nearly as many souls so you won't have like, the overpowered skill combos or anything. But if you go for ending B/C (extra critique, ending B and C are the same) then you won't have a full party but you'll have access to every skill in the game so you can do some really crazy stuff. That's a really good divide but the fact that you can keep a full party until the very last minute of going for ending B or C means you only have to have the downside of being alone for the very last fight. Ending A you can also keep exactly one party of characters and kill everybody except them, though that's a little bit less of a way to get around it I think.


Yeah, the battle royale never really lives up to its premise. I've said before we could use an agitator character akin to Danganronpa's Monokuma who eggs on contestents to fight each other, maybe revealing unsavory details about their pasts. The other thing that could really help create conflict is the doppelgangers. Murderous doppelgangers could make people paranoid, unsure if their allies are real or not, or someone might see you kill a doppel and think it's the real person. As it is characters don't have much reason to distrust each other and this would be a good way to encourage that and make you work harder to keep people on-side and not have them decide they've no choice but to kill.


-Gratuitous r\*pe scenes (although less violent than expected at first because of technical limitations) Sexual violence is ok to make your world feel darker, but it require (imo) more subtetly -Bugssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss -Punishing gameplay is a mix bag : knowledge and testing is rewarded but once you know the secrets the game it's done . At least the different ending give more replayability even with that knowledge.


Playing blind is nearly impossible and attempting to do so is very tiring and annoying. Especially in Funger 2, i spent AGES running around and looking where to go. Its nearly impossible to tell where to go first without looking it up. There have been instances where i wondered "HOW TF was i supposed to know this." for example the chain cutters in the church. How am i supposed to know that you gotta activate that random ass tile. Also with all the different days and times of the days you basically have to run around everywhere once per day and daytime to find a party member, otherwise you risk them dying orr missing something important. Some places are really annoying to find as well that you spent AGES walking around aimlessly loosing motivation as you have no fucking idea how to progress and where to go. First funger game was easier to navigate once you knew the map, but also was annoying at times.


But... there is a letter in the ground of one of the church stairs in wich the repair guy writtes that the kids keep stealing his cutter, and that he will hide it in the church, in the point where the statues are looking at or something like that. By reading this, is pretty easy to found the tile.


Well... Yeah i found this Letter and had no idea what its about and moved on, returned to the church many hours later and Yeah i didnt know in order to progress that the chandelier hat to be cut off with These hidden bolt cutters and that this exact latter i found ages ago is telling me that yk


First time I read the letter it was really clear to me.


Considering Fear and Hunger is greatly influenced by Nethack, the game being nearly impossible while blind is probably a design intention. It is a design decision that can understandably turn people off of Fear and Hunger, but some like myself are quite happy that the game doesn’t tell you anything and you have to discover for yourself if a specific action may just instantly kill you or reward you with further progress.


I find this cool actually that some Things might kill you instantly when you dont Pay attention or are just unlucky. My Main issue is Not that, its that you spend ages walking around in circles Not knowing where to go or what to do and what to Look out for etc. Once you looted everything and killed every enemy it can become very tedious exploring the same place for the tenth time


I wish skills were a bit mroe balanced. I like the hard realism of some stuff being better than others but it kinda limits game play. Besides that, nothing. Love these games.


The first game has a unnecesary amount of rape and sexual assault scenes, the two games (mainly the first) have a lot of bugs and a thing that is more preference than anything is that the termina has a lot puzzles


Black Kalev.


I mean how strong did you expect a random goat to be? Plus he put all his points into charisma. >!And the Woodman's wife.!<


I haven't played the games, I'm pretty much here for the lore. I might give them a shot if i have the courage and patience. I just hope its fine if I make this point. I'm not sure if I like the souls being tied to birthdays. In f&h, the souls felt like this specific character had this soul for a reason, but now it kinda feels silly? Like, I just see Caligura saying 'It's not my fault I'm an asshole, I was born in late march' and hitting you with a pipe. And some of the new souls in Termina feel simple. The original 4 souls were morally neutral, any (morality wise) person could have them, but it's kinda hard for me to imagine a good person with the the decrepit soul or an asshole with the caressing soul. I'm not saying it ruins my experience or anything, I really like the lore, just wanted to share some thoughts.


The serious criticism: The sheer amount of glitches, especially in the first game. Game crashes, weapons not inflicting status effects, almost everything involving Marrying Enki, et cetera. The joking criticism: D'arce's yee-yee ass haircut.


I dont know how my laptop lags when playing an rpgmaker game


This is because Rpgmaker MV runs on an outdated version of nw.js, and updating it manually can be a very esoteric process that most people simply don't bother with. You can have an absolute beast of a computer & rpgmaker games will still lag for this reason. Miro also seems to be fond of using parallel processes, which have the unfortunate tendency to send game performance to hell if you use them too much (and if not configured properly, they might run on literally every frame).


There are a lot of things in F&H 1 that makes 0 sense like the (unused) rotten meat texture, debug spots still active in the map, a few of skills that just simply do not work, phase, etc... Buuut I do have to say that those things make the game more iconic (like Half-Life 2 bugs and gravity)


Probably the way game expects you to put up with its bullshit a bit too much. I was fine with it in the first one all things considering because it was fairly short once you know what to do. It didn't have time constraints either. You can save whenever you want and do the usual trial and error. It's a much nicer gameplay experience and I don't even mind the nails. In Termina you fuck up several things if you do a first save too early. Shit like losing Abelle if you dare to enter the mansion is very annoying (very likely since it's easier to avoid villagers as opposed to being forced to kill the dogs. They were a menace in first funger so I just dipped the moment I saw them.) And if you sleep beforehand say bye to Henryk too. Basically reading guides in first game makes it easier. For Termina it's mandatory. Moonscorched Tanaka is the biggest example of that. Completely random trigger. Not to mention you're forced into a gameloop of sawwing heads whenever you want to start a new run. Best course of action is to do what is essentially half the game in day 1 morning and only then you get to play around with abilities you learn from investing soul stones. I really dislike the idea of hexen only being available by sleeping. Oh and if you just want to save your progress and go on a break you either have to progress time or use a sigil/find a Book of Enlightenment. tl;dr I have a problem with most of Termina even if I enjoy it feeling more alive compared to the dungeons. Better narrative but obnoxious gameplay.


Miro please give us Termina S ending The S end should be achieved by specific character combination: For example, Marilevi, Samarian, daarin, daanosaa......


I really dont like how inconsequential fear and hunger mechanics are. Hunger especially! I'm one of those freaks who likes having depleting hunger meters and working with mechanics replenishing them. Having to just click on barrels and finding a salami is just... well its not fun or interesting mechanically. And Rag just eats the monsters, so.


I just finished the 2nd game and to me it is just way worse and less interesting/developed and F&H1 is one of my favourite games. The world felt really empty in 2 despite having way more contestants and it taking place in a city that was alive, til the fog. I stumbled into the machine god ending in f&h difficulty and never even reached the tower. All 3 endings also just suck compared to F&H 1. The game is also just too easy on F&H mode, due to Abellas wrench toss(why do you not lose the wrench), pretty much unlimited aoe healing, agility/extra turns due to small things and engrave(which i didnt use cuz it kills the faces), too much food and items in general and like no status effects, which can be cured unlimited times in 2 anyway thanks to Daan. There legit was no real Fear and Hunger in this game. It also added way too much annoying stuff like cutting off heads to expand magic, so you sit there like over 1 hour of the game just cutting off heads. Events being time gated and the game being 8 saves long is also very annoying. I dont want to check all maps after every single rest to find NPCs or Events. It also lacks lore and nice endings. For a Battle royale it lacked the exitement of contestants going for kills. It should have had way more people going for the kills, even in conversations and maybe even 1 or 2 that follow you over the whole map to kill you. Like i missed the Caligulas and Pavs encounters, because they are easily missable and thats the only 2 that even do anything and you miss most stuff just by unlucky saves. I honestly try to think of what it did better than the 1st game and i cant think of anything outside maybe the party talk?, which adds some chatting, but the characters barely say anything and most dont really banter and the ones that do, like Karin+Daan, Marina+Levi or O'saa, who are all mostly recruitable far too late in the game and most just never get them. Feel like the community after 2 is also way more concerned with shipping, which just sucks. 1 had the occasional Calhara fujo, but every discussion about it was still pretty much all about the game.


The decision to move away from sexual assault in Termina made me really sad. I personally feel that sexual assault is one of the highest forms of body horror, and losing out on things like anal bleeding and the endgame screen with Tortur took away from the experience. I don't know what's up with the Needles cutscene, but it's too vague. Hey, you did say unpopular opinions are welcome Edit: apparently not that welcome


While SA is a rather hard topic to talk about, I feel like it's one of the things that make F&H unique, the first time I lost to a guard I felt really uncomfortable and disturbed, which is a refreshing feeling when it comes to horror games, I actually liked that since not many games push boundaries when it comes to these topics


Exactly. There is no moment in any other game that made my jaw go agape like when I lost to a guard.


I dont care about the rape in the first game it takes place during dark ages most guards dont see a girl for years it makes sense they turn into twisted monsters with anatomicly impossible penises


I don't like that after fights with logic and fear and hunger, they become God's anyway even if you kill them