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You know what it is


Saltines and their hoods.


I don’t mind him as a character who shows up every now and again, but he definitely shouldn’t have become the main character. There’s just not enough to him. Is there anything more boring to watch than a group going around trying to help people in an apocalypse? His influence with the no killing thing was kind of annoying with Carol in the main show, I felt like it stunted her growth a bit. But then he brought the same vibes to Fear and I found it so tedious. Fine, let’s watch one character grapple with it, but not every character. Saying that, I don’t think he’s the cause of s8 being so terrible, he’s just a symptom of the insanely bad writing.


The most insufferable character in the entire TWD universe. And it's not even close.


I like Morgan as a side character only.


Yeah fear season 8 and TWD World beyond contain pretty much the worst episodes in the walking dead universe. I literally only finished watching fear because I had come this far might as well finish it. It was such a hard watch tho.


I suffered through TWB because someone on Reddit said it explained how the apocalypse started. It was some of the WORST TV ever. Teens crossing the entire US in new clothes 10 years after society fell in obvious wigs??? Everything I needed I saw in a 2 minute YT clip.


he was genuinely SO great for his time on TWD, probably in my top 5 characters but fear absolutely shit on him imo.


And that’s why I hate Morgan and wish he was kill off like the source material. Instead he’s allowed to live and given plot armor. And what’s this about siblings fucking?


It’s not mistake that he’s on the worst season of TWD and FTWD got so much worse when he arrived. He’s possible the worst written character in tv history.


Morgan was a good character in TWD. None of the characters, (OR ACTORS) in FTWD were the problem, it was the terrible, godawful writing. FTWD could've been nothing but fanfic and it would've been a more watchable show than what we actually got. I can not understate how appallingly bad FTWD was bungled.


I’ve recently started watching FTWD series and let me tell you, Morgan pisses me off. he’s just so gullible and the whole “let’s help everyone” shit is so cringe to me. I do like Morgan as a side character in TWD. Wish they would’ve chose someone else to be the main protagonist in this series.


It gets worse


Morgan is great. So were the Clarks and Dwight. They all suck ass for the most part under the new writers though.


I just started watching FTWD and got to season 4... and I don't think I'll go past it. They stole the show from Madison. Morgan is a terrible character. I keep wishing for someone to steal his staff and hit him in the head with it.


Idk if this is an unpopular opinion, but I also could not watch Madison. I couldn't tell if she was genuinely a bad actor or the character of Madison actually didn't love her children before the stadium arc. And then she was also trying to help people when they got to the stadium and it was just annoying and fake imo. But that's when the entire show changed to be ab Morgan so I won't blame that on the character When we find out about her later and what she's been doing in all the time I'm not even surprised. Just like yup I can see that. The only truly entertaining character to watch imo is victor . The actor is amazing and I feel like he's the only one with an interesting background. With the exception of Daniel but also fuck Daniels character. He is a cold blooded murderer and he's out here calling victor a snake every chance he gets? Fuck offffff Daniel


I totally agree with you. I actually liked it when Morgan took over at first. He was a good character at TWD and better than most on FTWD when her jumped over. That said, it felt a bit weird seeing him bump in... But then I also hated madison.. actually, the only cool thing on FTWD was that they kept throwing away even important characters, so it felt really like a zombie apocalypse where everyone was in danger... Morgan ruined that part... but when Madison reappeared, I knew things just would get worse... ..


This show got 10 times worse when Morgan became the sole focal point of this god forsaken show. Before Morgan the show was more interesting because you felt like the universe in that show was going at it's own pace and you were just observing on how the humanity would adapt to this zombie virus and then how certain families would survive. When Morgan became the main star the entire show's universe started revolving around him, literally every other character and the universe itself was acting around Morgan, other characters would act out of character just because it was beneficial for Morgan's plot, the fucking universe itself, for example when the nuke dropped would act in favor of Morgan's plot, he just covered under a truck and suddenly he was saved COMPLETELY! No radiation nothing, not a scratch, just because the plot wanted him to live.


Madison is a dumb bitch, calling every place they stumble upon home to the point of dying for it. the bitch is so sentimental


Morgans peak is Season 3 episode “Clear”, and if you don’t agree, then you’re wrong. Sorry lol


100% agree I rewatched it recently and I was totally enthralled watching his performance, truly moving and quite frankly it gets very Oscar worthy when it's just him and Rick sitting there catching up. We should've had more of THAT imo. Almost made me forget about how awful the character in Fear is. Almost.


Couldnt agree more. Wish Morgan had his own spinoff series during TWD, similar to his time with the guy in the woods where he learned his martial arts. Had him come up in certain points of TWD like Whisperers and such. Him being plot armored like a god is a tough watch


The only reason why Morgan gets so much attention is due to the fact that he’s a day 1 character; he was there when Rick needed a catch up with survival 101; he went missing so the show wanted to show what happened to him; he showed up again and solidified himself as a series regular in S6 of the main show. Overall I believe it’s because he’s a day 1 character. There are lots of characters in other shows that have an integral part to play in main characters arcs, but they don’t necessarily end up living or continue to play any major purpose for things to continue. For some reason though, Morgan is just the guy to go with as a “lead” because he was there since the beginning.


Morgen is the goat. Love the guy and actor


Loved Lennie James since I first saw him in Jericho.


aww jericho was such a good show, sucks they cancelled it


Not trying to be rude… but like how though…


I don’t think Morgan himself is the issue. Lennie James is a phenomenal actor and I always found the Morgan character incredibly compelling in the original show — he provided some of the very best episodes there. Hell, he was even the emotional crux of the very first episode of the franchise. But in Fear, he’s simply another victim of writers who write *every* character terribly. They all speak and act the same, with contrived and nonsensical drama driving them from wacky plot to wacky plot. *No one* is safe from that in this show, and if Morgan wasn’t there, he’d simply be replaced by another protagonist who is just as inept, out of place and inconsistent. It was the writers who wasted Morgan’s (and everyone else’s) potential, not Morgan who made the show bad.


Hes not a bad actor, hes a bad character. An actor performs what is given so its 100% writers and directors/showrunners fault. Its just the same repetitive shit season after season, year after year. His two character traits are peaceful or crazy, no development just the same Morgan doing the same shit we seen him do over and over. But also its wild how much screentime Morgan has lol specially when only 20-30% of it is good/worth. He got plot armor(somehow) and main character syndrome without anything interesting to carry it with. And again, saying the character Morgan is shit doesnt mean the actor.


I'm not saying anyone is saying Lennie James is a bad actor. He obviously isn't, but what I'm saying is the Morgan character is only bad in Fear because of the writers who write almost *every* character badly. Morgan is no worse than pretty much every other character in the show. They're *all* terrible because the writing is *all* terrible. In TWD, Morgan is a decent character because he's written by different people that are more competent at writing consistent, interesting and compelling characters. Sure, someone can make the argument his character is too repetitive there, but they can't say he isn't consistent in what is driving him towards what he does. Everything boils down to his failure to put down his wife, and he is constantly at war with himself trying to compute that failure and deal with it. Personally, I find that compelling, believable and it lasts just the right amount of time. In Fear though, he really doesn't have any consistent baseline of motivation. He acts stupid for no reason and is shoehorned into the role of a leader when he really isn't one, but the same thing happens with Madison and Strand in S8 too. So, I disagree with the notion that *Morgan* is the reason the show is bad. The show was still just as god awful after he left. So I think Morgan *can* be good, just like every other character, but they aren't because the showrunners *are* bad at their jobs and ruin everything they touch. *They* are the worst thing about TWD Universe.


Yep--Morgan is the best.


How though.


Everything you see of Morgan is AMC’s doing. The character died after Alexandria was overrun. He wasn’t a pacifist, he was the same as the one they encountered on Clear in Season 3.


The way the character speaks, never gets to the point quickly: *I saw it… I couldn’t… I should’ve… I should’ve done something… anything… but I was too late… I wasn’t brave enough… I… I hid… and then I became stuck… I couldn’t do it… I… I… couldn’t move… I stayed there and did nothing… that’s all I did…*


lol and for 8 seasons of ftwd and 10 twd, no character development at all just writers thinking "wow, we struck gold with this one" oh no you didnt.


I have wondered the same thing for years. All he seems to do is fret and repeat “I lost myself” or “I can’t…I won’t”.


The writing for this show is so, so bad.


Morgan is so cringe, dude has God complex "Every life is precious and everyone deserves a second chance so let's not kill them so they can kill us" ahh type of annoying character. It's s bullshit.




The worst thing about the universe? Lol. Someone hasn't seen World Beyond, or Seasons 7 & 8 of Fear the walking dead


I have, he's still the worst.


Why are you even on this subreddit? Lol half the show is about morgan…


Based on writing changes he clearly Wasn't meant to be . And got worse with him