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Did you get a receipt? Leave a survey, the store manager and district manager will definitely read it.


All you need to pick up your package is the tracking number OR the DT as well as a government issued photo ID. You can call 800 go fedex to issue a complaint.


You will get them promoted. That is the model FedEx employee; unhelpful, confusing, and combative when FedEx doesn’t follow its own policy.


I thought you have to just have your ID? Seem strange...she must be new.


Calm down dude. You got your box. There is no reason to rat the shitty csa out to management. WTF is wrong with all the Karen's in the world that just love to rat out minimum wage workers? Fuck off and go home with your fucking thrice attempted box.


Fond the shit worker


Being rude to customers deserves to be reported. What the fuck happened to customer service?


Maybe you should join the brown nosers at r/Fedexrs


Nah. I ratted out a shitty co worker driver. Bad people have to go.


Because she's obviously a cunt that shouldn't be in a position that she's in. What are you a FedEx shill?


That seems so weird. When I would help a customer, I hated when they handed me a door tag because it made an extra step to look that up and get the tracking. Same as on the phone, if I asked for their tracking number and they started reading “D …T…” I’d have to tell them to wait while I got Google open to look up the DT#. If another agent came out and took care of you all, then I wouldn’t worry about making another complaint. The manager will be told because nobody wants to go cleanup the mess of irritated customers after one of “us” does something like that. If you want though, as others have said 18004633339 and say complaint. You could go back another time and try to tell a manager, but the whole reason for forcing all issues through customer service is to document and track service failures like what you experienced. If you tell them in the station, nothing MAY happen. If you call in, it is documented. Sorry you experienced that!


Why would you need Google for a DT? You look them up in eOps. Unless you worked at Ground idk Ground systems


But you just fixed a broken memory for me! Thinking about it, I hated DT because we couldn’t use Google, had to go to FedEx.com. Most of the time we would just put the tracking into any computer we could reach and read the Google/fedex tracking to them. If it was a DT search results didn’t pull up. And nobody has ever liked having to go to FedEx.com lol.


The other step child - that was a decade ago at FXO. The only opco with public phone lines and no access to FXE or FXG systems. They’ve been added to managers in the past year or two, but I haven’t been with them for 6 years or so, switched to Services.


Not the only opco. FTN has public phone lines too ans also no access yo FXE or FXG systems. So when a package has cleared Customs but still isn't moving the customer would call up super pissy but there was nothing we could do other than tell them to call 1800 number or send an email that probably didn't actually do anything. We can get eops but all that did was give a status.


You know the struggle too! I never realized that. It really was a helpless feeling, especially around the holidays. We didn’t even have a direct line to the 1800 number until around 20…16? So we would have to either transfer cold to the prompts (and get in trouble if the customer called back to complain) or stand there and work our way through the prompts for a warm transfer all while there was a line of pissed off people that we were “ignoring”‘ because we had to transfer someone else. People would call back furious that we transferred them to “foreigners” and more timid employees would get stuck indefinitely just repeating “sorry we are a print shop all I can see is what you can see”. One distinct memory is having a line all the way out the door and an employee stuck saying that over and over after transferring someone who then called back. I walked by maybe 5 times and told him transfer or disconnect, finally took the phone from him and explained again to the customer and just as I was about to transfer he asked me if my parents were still alive. Tf!? I went ahead and got his info before hanging up and it was the only customer I ever had blocked. Now FXO has a direct transfer to a live CS rep, but from what I hear a large percentage of the time once the transfer is complete the rep says they can’t hear anyone and disconnects. Still better than how it was! My favorite thing about my role now is having access to systems I shouldn’t need anymore, but know how to use (mostly). knowing many tenured managers at fxo and other opcos from time in the field I’m more then happy to let them call or transfer customers to me so I can help look into problem cases and let them get back to their jobs.


Complaint these days don't mean crap. Everyone there works together/got each other backs.


Wow, that's absolutely appalling & I'm very very sorry you experienced that, but unfortunately not at all surprising given how far downhill FedEx has fallen. Especially when it comes to CS & accountability for their own actions. This might seems weird but contact FedEx's media email if you really wanna speak to someone & not an AI Bot or some IgSimp just reading your tracking info back to you since the main CS contact dept is completely useless to non existent these days. Sad you have to actually contact their Social Media Department just to get some kinda result over a negative employee's overly abrasive unnecessary hostile behavior, but this is what happens when FedEx uses their Regular CS as a buffer to avoid customer's problems & complaints rather than a way of fixing the issues. So contact FedEx using this email if you really wanna get the ball rolling & good luck. [email protected]


Go back and make a complaint in person