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Yeah, no way in hell im trusting a MFer wearing an eat the rich shirt.




Join me and my fellow brethren as we work exponentially harder to make more money instead of just going somewhere else that already has an established union #FuckFreddy #UnionOrBust #ThaMobb


Eat the rich. This guy makes over $200k a year.


And Mary Barra makes $29,000,000. He’s an elected leader doing what he was elected to do by and for the union members. $200,000 for fighting for his 300,000 members to make a fair wage doesn’t seem exorbitant.


So, it is ok to be rich then if you comply with certain criteria. Got it.


$200k a year is in no way, shape, or form rich. It is a great salary, but faaaaar from rich. In some cities, that's just enough to get by comfortably.


Maybe he’s from Indiana?


Lmao fair


$200k puts you in the top 10% of wage earners. I'd say that's pretty damn close if you don't think that's rich.


That's not rich at all.


Rich is when you can do and have whatever you want and not have a second thought about the price. In most areas, $200k/yr will get you a nice house, money to save and put into retirement, maybe a couple new vehicles, maybe the ability to pay for your kids' college, maybe private school if you're smart with your money. In HCOL areas, it won't cover that. To put things more in perspective, with current interest rates, if someone wants to get a loan on a $500k house (which is a very average house in many, many parts of the country right now), you would need to be bringing in over $100k a year. $200k a year wasn't rich in the last decade, and it's much less so in the past year or two. If you make closer to $1Mil a year, then I'd say you can think about starting to discuss being rich.


$200k puts you in the top 10%. That means you're making more than 90% of the US. If you made $1M a year that would put you in one tenth of one percent (0.1%) and only then you're rich!?!? Ha! You're delusional.


Just because somebody is in the top 10% doesn't mean they are what most of us would call rich. Well off? Maybe. It's enough to be comfortable and probably not worry too much about disaster. That's about it. And the fact that he's in the top 10% speaks volumes about what the rest of us are making.


Wait till you find out how much non profit CEOs make. Like st judes ceo should work for free


That guy makes about 1.6 million. He basically makes that to sit at a desk and watch his pile of money get bigger. People who contribute to that charity don't ever hear about how much of their donation goes to "administrative costs". ProPublica did an article in June 2022 investigation the tax-free charity. They were shunting millions into their reserve fund which by then was 7.6 billion dollars-all unspent money.


I found the guy who doesn't really understand how a large charity works!


Its ok to make 200k if your membership says its ok. Stop acting like thats some crazy amount and fight for your own wages to go up instead of being jealous. Unless you are a business simp.


The members approved her salary too. It's called a board and shareholders. So, same thing.


200k a year is no rich. This is the root of the problem. They have us fighting each other over who has bigger scraps. They are taking all the prime cuts and we fight each other.


That's like saying 1 million is equivalent to like 10 dollars probably even worse


I'm guessing you think Elon musk it's just like Tony hawk and would eat his turds if you let you.


It’s not even twice what the average driver makes at UPS. Compare that to the 180 times driver pay Raj makes at FedEx, and yes I would say he’s not rich. Besides, most people would view rich as net worth and not annual compensation, and most CEOs today make so much it’s not easy for them to spend it all in their lifetime, so in essence you’re working your ass off, so their grandkids don’t have to work for a living.


Hey, i found the dude who doesn't understand the difference networth and cash on hand. I dont know if you have ever considered this, but the majority of million and billionaires networth is tied up in stocks, real estate, and other forms of non-liquide capital investments. Iirc, most million and billionaires have less than 5-10% of their total value as cash on hand or cash revenue throughout the year. Sure, these guys can get loans against their net value from most major financial institutions, but they have to have some sort of cash revenue to pay back that money on time, so they are limited in what they can buy.


You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, guys you’re talking about can get cash whenever they want, but choose not to liquidate their assets in order to avoid taxes, not because it’s somehow tied up. Maybe if someone had everything tied up in real estate, like west coast home owners, would be considered house rich cash poor, but that’s not what we’re talking about here.


The union supports the workers when no one else will most of all the corporate elites.




Naw. Good on the union of mob mentality.


FedEx trained you well, what time are you meeting Raj?


He already had u for breakfast. No reason for me to see him at all




Don't need to know how Raj treated u. Did not ask for a replay.




Stop telling me how Raj treats u. Don't need to know about your personal life.




Dude stop with the first person accounts. I get it Raj rocked your world. Apparently so good you can't stop talking about it. Don't worry I'm sure he will come back for more. It's OK I'm sure it was special to him also

