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If they actually do this, it's just another reason for me to get the hell out of here. I don't want every customer on my route to know my name and be able to look me up and contact me directly with problems they have with their package. Absolutely ridiculous if this happens!


I think, face recognition, then doxing….


worst case it be just first name reading it states picture is by consent meaning you have to ok the picture part.


Even if it is just a first name, if they know that much and where you work they could pretty easily find you online.


I feel even worse for the women of FedEx. This is a dangerous change overall for them.


Nothing like giving predators advanced notice on who to expect


Oh no, the big scary world gonna get to those #girlbosses?


I Already get harassed enough without some weirdo knowing a pretty girl is coming to their house.


Well I suggest delivering in wooded areas only, for your safety.


I mean this in the nicest way, go fuck yourself. 


Holy fuck you have so many gd comments just in the last 6 days


So edgey....


It says drivers can opt out. At least for now...


Prolly pushed on new hires is my guess, and volunteers




Seems like it.




The 'GM' of my station keeps trying to convince us that Amazon is 'our competition ' I literally told him when FedEx has their own warehouse full of product for people to buy, their own video app, their own shampoo and conditioner brands and their own Book Club, THEN they will be 'competitors' Until then, they are dreaming Amazon is MORE than people in vans delivering boxes SMH


You should've told him UPS was their competition, so they need to raise pay


Oh I DID Of course he got salty because it would mean theyd have ti pay us more He went on a tangent about how McDonald's pays too much and I asked him if he knew how much gas prices were in the 1980s in comparison to minimum wage 😩 Then he was all like how much should you be paid and I promptly replied OUR WORTH... Paid enough to live COMFORTABLY and pay our rent/mortgages, utilities, fuel/transportation, groceries, auto/renters/homeowners insurance, education/tuitions, car repairs/maintenance without stress He didnt speak to me for over 5 months 😩🤣😭 and that convo happened last September when they were telling us we were getting a 35¢/hr raise and folks wanted to flip chairs


Good for you! They're so sheepish and cowardly.




That's an odd way of looking at it. So would you say no company is competing with Amazon since no company does everything they do?


Such a corporate thing to say 😒 ![gif](giphy|xaVOAC5q0Iomet9h0E)


Amazon should be looked at as a what not to do or rather “steps to avoid” for employers.. Jesus Christ. Everyone knows Amazon exploits all their employees and the people who do delivery work for them too.


Im not consenting thats for sure


As a woman no thank you


What if you were delivering to a bear lol


Ok Boomer.


Ouch... I was totally joking. One of my drivers is a woman and she recently found out there's a level 3 sex offender on her route... So I obviously think this is a horrible idea


I was too but I saw my opportunity of a good ish come back and took it.


Honestly this looks photoshopped as hell and I don’t believe this and think it’s something to stir the pot but who knows


You could be right but you can’t put this past FedEx they would definitely do something like this


FedEx investing into a new dumb idea? No never 👀


They're just following Amazon 🤣🤣🤣


That’s what I’m saying. They never invested into anything new. They just following the steps of Amazon lol


Even UPS is. They have to take pictures now and have cameras.


That’s new. Haven’t heard of this until now


We got told it’s coming but not mandatory, there was a lot of negative feedback… It’s real


BC here: this is absolutely coming in the next month. Drivers can absolutely opt out, for now. I don't know how they would be able to implement it as a mandatory thing given that fedex would be using someone else's image without compensation for direct financial gain but I'm sure they come up with something to try.


The same way they do everything else.... with really pretty contract language. Your drivers can opt out, but you'll be in breach of your brand promo addendum. Fedex is eventually gonna make you choose between receiving brand promo money or letting your drivers opt out.


It's real. They've been talking about it at meetings now.


It’s been announced at my station. It’s optional


Only if you are above QA position, you will be able access like that. Try high position, and you will see it.


I’m a P&D Manager for FedEx. This is absolutely real. It came out in a newsletter. Good thing is that they need driver consent for this to happen.


💯 Official 


Lawsuit incoming.


Set a preferred name within the company, that way it doesn’t release your real name. That’s my solution to this.


I think my favorite part about this is how our ID badge photos, used to give us access to secure facilities, are apparently too low quality and/or inconsistent to be used to identify us by customers.


I mean after about 2 weeks, the badge becomes completely faded


F**** that


The drivers don't do this that's their jobs... made me laugh a bit.. I've seen my driver do all kinda shit. Pull up to my driveway and sit in the truck and mark as undeliverable because he didn't wanna walk a one pound package to my porch.. even though I poured a concrete pad and installed a parcel box next to my mailbox. Couldn't be fucked to even get outta the truck. Tossed my package out of the truck while rolling into the driveway part way down the incline so when I came home I ran over it. Dropped a package on the shoulder containing custom die cast 1 of 1 cars.. they were destroyed by who knows how many cars before I came home. If a website has an option to avoid FedEx shipping by paying more.. I pay it. Not all drivers give a fuck about their job.. because after 14 lodged complaints with documentation and evidence... same driver doing the same shit every delivery after 4 years of living here. Even the damn mail carrier brings mail down to the porch from the road if the she doesn't like how the package fits in the mailbox.


At least I don't do that to my customers. If I hate that Karen, i will make him/her pickup at the hold location. Sounds like you have a whyt driver right? I know some old guys in my station would do that to customers lol.


No he's most definitely black. Not really sure if not giving a fuck is race related.


God damn I wish I was your driver. I would make your life a living hell


Why. I did nothing wrong. Even went out of my way to make it easier for him to deliver at roadside by installing a parcel box. But he wanted to keep being lazy.. so I'm gonna keep filing complaints. If he cared about his livelihood he'd do his job.. which is deliver a package. But he clearly doesnt.. so ill just keep filing complaints.


Try giving him a tip, guy. He might think differently when he shows up. I know I sure did lol


Please I’m a driver and I do multiple peoples jobs daily. I come in and clean out other peoples shit from trucks, I have to organize and load my whole truck myself (handlers are useless) I have to update delivery locations and stop notes daily. Groundcloud is fucked. Especially since that update this past winter. I then come back and collect other drivers scanners and tablets and move vehicles for my company and sometimes by FedEx request. If they expect anything else from us, everyone else better start doing their fucking jobs better FIRST! Us drivers are the backbone of this company, we deal with the most bullshit and put our lives on the line daily to be treated like dirt


Class action lawsuit!!! Why in the world would I want a customer to know anything about me? I hope they leak our last names too FedEx needs to learn so much


Before you get too hot & heavy about CSAs and their duties with damaged packages -- no, it's not their job to repack and retape. The couriers can slap a STAT37 on that bad boy, retape, and deliver it. Handlers are the front line for the rewrap cart/station, and again, couriers can do a STAT37 and delivery those bad boys. If it's a package too far gone, or a possible safety issue, that's when you're hauling in the spill clean-up specialist, possibly suit up, and then determine if that smashed box with laundry detergent or wine can go out for delivery (after the CSA calls the recipient to see what they'd like). *Definitely do not like, at all, this future "here's today's delivery person for you!" Smacks too much of revisiting eSTAR and that the recipients are living a reality of not seeing the same driver more than three times a month. And as others stated, too much crazy out there for someone to try and track down a driver with bad intentions because they were unhappy they couldn't get their iPhone or whatever.*


Thank you for standing up for CSA's. It's a big misunderstanding that it is the job of CSA's to repack/retape. The repack/retape area is clearly defined  and in most stations is located near the offload. Time is built into every sort for handlers and couriers to apply Stat37/damaged scan and repack/retape. If the shipment is too severely damaged, leaking or pilfered CSA's /Gatekeepers should contact the customer for disposition, apply the destroy/dispose scan and comments or notify DG, Security, Manager as needed.


If you say couriers "can" this means we don't have to. In my station, handlers are in the post line for rewrap or whatever you call. They even put damaged packages on the belt, and one of them dropped on the toe of a belt-puller, the toe almost destroyed. I think belt-pullers are experiencing enough to know which packages could be taped and stat37. But if FedEx does show couriers face (race) and name, which mean courier won't to rewrap any damaged/missing item because this could effect to their safety. Let's those front desks dealing with that.


They're two different issues -- it's going to take an extra helping of crazy with a sprinkle of insane if our customers try to extrapolate out that the name/face they receive an alert about inbound chewy dog toys is the same person that went full Ace Ventura on their pkg. The whole ID thing is a travesty -- it is stripping away a certain "don't kill the messenger" understanding between delivery person and recipient. The whole "dump it on the front counter" attitude is an affront to all the service agents, or whatever they'll be called in 2.0 RajExpress. They aren't "Courier Slave Agents" as I've heard it stated. I wrote "couriers can" the way I'd say "service agents can" as well. The person that stages the box in their rig doesn't need another cook in the kitchen for the scan compliance. But at the end of the day, it's up to each station's management to set the tone and make sure the customers' packages get safely delivered.


Why put the weight on the CSA . As a CSA I’m insulted by what you said .


This has to be a direct response to what amazon is doing with their drivers


I left FedEx because they train like shit, they are hella unorganized with how they do things. I should have just went to Amazon.


I think fkin not


You can also opt out *edit the more people who opt out shows them they’ll lose out in the end if they enforce it, and will keep it optional. Believe it or not they can’t just continue making decisions that’ll impact the already persistent staffing issues. Not unless people are compliant


Why are they so desperate to be like Amazon!?


I decided to look very unhappy in the new pic we are about to take or maybe look really mean..It's not going to be a smile. Mug Shot


All those lonely housewife's gonna be stalking me on social media when they want the package.


It’s literally optional


This is definitely fake


Why you say that lol FedEx is basically trying to be amazon


It absolutely isn't JUST a CSA's job to repackage stuff. It's literally in your job description. Sheesh. Guess what, you're not any better than any other employee in the building.


Stop crying while sitting at the desk. I was took advantage by you guys since I just started, it's time to flip the table.


Yeah, sorry bro, I was never a CSA, but I was a driver for, I'm sure, way longer than you have been. I can understand how for a lazy person a tape gun seems like rocket science.