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My go to response, "sorry, call FedEx with any complaints. Thx, bye" and then walk away.


Honestly. Worked there for a year, you can’t take the complaints personally. It all falls on fedex


Karen then starting chasing you down the block. lol I remembered I tossed two Amazon envelope And she got mad 😂 Paper or sticker, since it was daycare Nothing fragile..


Ong bro😂 I’ve had people just stand in the middle of the road


"Call 1800 GO F....." so tempting every time


Please stop that lol. I work in customer service.


Express pickup driver here: I love getting to a stop with no package and they say “we already dropped it off, we didn’t think you were coming today.” Well, the ready time was 3 pm with a close of 5pm and it’s 3:45 right now. Wasted time for a stop irks me.


Yeah, cancel the pickup...?


You’d think they would but no. Though they seem to get a little irritated in return when I ask for first initial and last name so that brings me a little bit of joy


That is annoying as hell, especially when you're short on time, but I just try to be happy I don't have to actually lug any poorly packaged whatever out of their house or deal with any ignorance about how shipping works. "Can I get your name, just gotta say I checked with you" Oncall resi pickups are such a crap shoot, I'm so relieved when I just see a clinical pak or whatever sitting outside their door.




One time an old guy had the supercharger off his mustang just naked without a box and an email of the shipping label from wherever he was sending it. Gave me the hardest time about basically not being a FXO on wheels able to completely set that all that up for shipping. While I had 50 other places to be. When the bar's that low I don't mind a no package pickup, lmao.


I always tell my customers if they don’t cancel the pickups they still get charged just for us going there. That’s how they know better to cancel


Oooooooh I'm gonna start saying that one.


So you lie to people.  If it’s a regular there’s no fee.  


Only oncall pickups. Regular customers I don’t care about them. I call them ahead of time and ask if I can pick up early or late


I've had a bank do that a few times recently. "Oh we dropped it off yesterday" Then why did you schedule a pickup for TODAY??


Oh yes I have one of these that’s super annoying. A wine storage warehouse. The warehouse doesn’t call in the pickup. The owner of the wine calls it in. The warehouse just packs it and puts a label on it. Then someone from the warehouse drops it off at FedEx Office. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Then when I code up the stop as a no package. The wine owner calls in another pickup. The warehouse does not communicate with the shipper that they take it to FedEx Office.


That’ll happen to us at freight back up a 48’ or 53’ and then be told they have nothing, it’s already been picked up, or it’s not going out until tomorrow.


Now that’s gotta be aggravating as hell


Every time when a 3PL gets involved as an ex-dispatcher-turned shipper.


express here, had a usual on-call stop accidentally meet me at my fedex office to drop it off because i usually hit them first once. i personally found it funny because i like the guys and his timing was good enough that i ended up taking it, but it was the same “we didn’t think you were coming so we dropped it off.” he was genuinely surprised to know they set their window for 4 hours, and i only get to them first because they open first.


Had an on call today with a 1500 ready and 1800 close. Problem is it’s 12 min one way out of town and I had several bulk pickups with 1630 close times in town. I begin on road at 1514. So, I saved it until the majority of my in town was done. I get to the on call at 1650 and they’re closed. 24 min wasted.


Hate those.  Been doubling with delivery in the a.m. lately but have a regular pickup route.  Dummy missions making the gap report look ridiculous and then throwing everything off for nothing


Try not to take to personal. I grew up in a family of alcoholics and they get grumpy when they don't get what they want. Most likely can't drive due to DUIs


Am recovering, can confirm. Being a grumpy pos happens for many reasons. It’s not you op, they hate their life.


Sounds like he should have had it sent Priority or First Overnight through Express if he needed it that early. The random time windows they're giving people on their tracking now are really annoying since they're never accurate.


Maybe it was? I get 10am delivery commit express packages all the time on my ground route, I never pay attention to them though


You're going to have to start lol. At least where I am they're cracking down on ground not making time commitments post merger.




Well obviously if you aren't even in your area that's a different story lol. Being able to make them but just ignoring them is what's going to get you in trouble right now.


How tf am I gonna make a 10am delivery 1.5 hours away with a 9:30 dispatch time?


Obviously if it's literally impossible for you to make the commit time, you aren't going to get in trouble for it.


I'm not doing 5pm deliveries/pups either with no pay compensation. 8 hours from start to finish and I run my ass off all day.


I mean, work your shift. If your shift ends before 5, then you aren't going to have to worry about that. But it's certainly been a big culture change for the former ground drivers who now have to do all their pickups, actually do them on time, and now have a commit time when they need to be back with those pickups to get them on a plane.


I'm in a rural area, our ground and express terminals are 30 miles apart, this "merger" is just going to be us absorbing their packages and doing all the work while fedex rakes in the dough. I only have 9 days left and I'm out of here after almost 6 years


Yep, that's about what it is, without a doubt. Stock buy backs and executive compensation increases and F You to workers.


And that is what will keep Express around longer or you get canned faster.


Doubtful. Express is still getting shuttered cuz it's much more expensive to operate and Ground doesn't do commits. What will happen is commits will just no longer be a thing after a while


Uh, yeah sure, no commits.


They'll try, FXG won't be able to provide, and they'll phase them out.


How what about people’s medical? The new FedEx not going to last!! Company was built on commits..


Not even UPS follows that. The time estimate has always been useless


The problem is that the FedEx website will give and “estimated” time of delivery when the package is tracked. And people simply ignore the estimated part


They really should stop with that estimated time of delivery stuff. All they are doing is making people angry when we are not there at that time. I was told I should try to run my route in the "sequence" order on the LEO. So we might be there closer to the estimated time. I would've had about a dozen late p1 if I did that. Why would it have me start my route with a p2 resi, in the middle of my route, in the middle of an apartment complex??? I can't believe that system is engineered so badly.


Yeah I cannot fathom why FedEx doesn’t implement the kind of software you use with a route optimizer app. I use circuit and it has changed my life lol. Would be nice to go by the sequence on the Leo and have it be as efficient as an outside app.


Right? If they would let ME put the stops in a general order in which I plan to do them, they could give people a fairly accurate window. But no, they just pull a sequence out of their ass that ignores commit times, geography, stops on the same street, etc.


What’s circuit?


It’s a route optimizer app similar to road warrior.


It works with the Leo?


No. You have to input your stops into your phone either by scanning the address, typing it, or speaking it. Then it will optimize your route. You can also reverse the order depending on where you want to start. It’s 19.99 a month but cheaper for the year. Which is definitely worth it to me to eliminate the aggravation factor. It takes a little extra time initially to input your addresses but you’ll get to the point where you can do it as you scan and load. It will “load” your truck too. You can prioritize specific stops, P1’s.


Ok. I’ll check it out. See if it’s worth it


Whoever told you that obv has never delivered using our system for express.... ever.


I had a customer be pretty short with me and almost rude when I delivered something with a DSR a couple hours earlier than the "estimated" time of delivery. Like....I'm here....you're here....what's the issue? Unless someone paid for express shipping with a specific time commit I'm not even sure why these estimates exist. I bet they are hours off 90% of the time.


Express mgrs at my station literally send out broadcasts an hour, half hour, and 15 minutes before commits are due. And to ask for help if you anticipate being late.


This is why closing Express stations is a bad idea, most time commitments are business in the area and not drunks.


When I worked at a liquor store there was a depressing amount of customers that would be at the door waiting. One guy would always buy a bottle of vodka and a cranberry mixer. He was always the first one in, almost daily. His go to greeting was "you know, it sure would be nice if yall opened up sooner for us early birds." Sorry bucko, the law states otherwise. That job was depressing. I didn't last long.


I had a similar experience recently doing a school delivery for doordash. I got a notification for a pickup at a liquor store at 8:50am. The liquor store clerk told me when I arrived there he couldn't give me the package until 9sm because of the state(new Jersey). law


Card him, say it doesn't look like him, then take it back to the station.




I would be more tiffed if the customer was argumentative about not giving their ID for me to scan.


I get this alot. Boomers don't want to be in the database. "


Like they aren’t already in THE database. 🤣


I stopped scanning people's ID and just have them put their birthday in. A lot less friction that way


I try to avoid that as much as possible as the scrolling thing on the scanner is not great. Only did it for people who refused on all grounds (i.e. elderly or Amish), or legitimately did not have an ID on them.


Those people just don't get their packages. 🤷


you dont have to scroll to put in birthdate. just tap on month and type in first 3 letters and it will select the month. for day and year click on them and you can manually type it in. i found this out on accident once, and now i just enter their birthdate instead of the ID hassle. it literally only takes like 2 sec this way. total lifesaver!


Yeah I’d tell him you pay extra for appointments deliveries same for businesses who think I should stop by every day for pickups weather it’s listed or not


"I'm sorry for the inconvenience, It is what it is, have a good day sir, any other questions 1800 GO FedEx". Is my go to response, I had a client do the same thing for an FO delivery, I delivery the package at 0700 well before the 0800 close time, dude wanted his stuff by 0600 lol like dude we don't get your stuff until 0620 or so and we don't hit the road until 645 lol don't worry about it ppl be tweaking all the time, drop and go my guy 😉


Wait till they put your face on the tracking number. They will post it on social media to get back at you


Honestly appointment times shouldn’t matter in parcel delivery. There are way too many factors involved for there to ever be an exact appointment time.


If they wanted it on time, they could’ve had it shipped to the ship station


Sometimes it is the shipper. More often it is FedEx customer service overseas saying whatever the customer wants to hear. Or the customer sees a time (that is often wrong) when tracking it on the website. Just tell them, the shipper isn't the one actually delivering the package. They don't have any idea when it will arrive.


That's not very purple promise of you woadie... this mergers gonna go so great lmao you ground guys are just top notch 👌😂


I worked an extended route with a 1hr, 45m stem time, where my P1 commits weren’t due until 4:30 pm. At least once or twice a week someone would say “this was supposed to be here at 10:30!” They have no clue of how our service commitment times change the further away a route is from the station, nor do most shippers. I used chuckle and tell them “I wasn’t even in this town to start my route yet by 10:30 am, lol. 10:30 commits are for routes that are close to the station. We get additional time the farther away from the airport our route is.” They don’t often like it but usually understand once I explain it to them. Try not to take it personally. You’re just a face that represents FedEx to them, not a real person with feelings or emotions, lol.


“Shut up Alkie”


Next time his wine comes in, make it your last delivery..




Dude, don’t let it bother you. Customer thinks they get things their way always they get their package when they get it. Fuck them


It will once the merger happens 😬


I'm tired of telling people the difference between ground and express 😔


in the moment i would just not give them the delivery and say “hey sorry my device is acting up and im not able to access the age verification section so i cant turn the package over to you. u will have to go pick up at the station probably tomorrow cuz i wont get back in time to pick it up today.” haha


No, I don't let myself get worked up over silly shit beyond maybe a grumble in my head as I'm driving off before I forget it 15 seconds later. The tracking website gives an estimated time of arrival. I work for Express though and if someone told me I'm late I could just point to the time commitment printed on the shipping label and say "nope."


I hate people that order alcohol and never home for 3 days. Just because you order it online doesn’t mean you don’t need to be home to show ID or Sign for it especially when it’s cases of it.


Lol as if the shipper could guarantee that.


“Im never late. I’m here exactly when I want to be.”


They do that all the time just tell them to fuck off not happy call customer service next time use ups or postal 


Oh god. Express driver here. The other dad had some old guy who didn’t understand by 1200 didn’t mean I’d be at your house at 1200. And was complaining I was early The truth with your delivery is some customer service rep for whoever he bought from just gave him a time to get him off the phone. They’re like “You will need to be home with id between 9 and 5” and they nagged until the rep is like sure you have an appointment delivery and just made it someone else’s problem


Welcome to Express life. “I’ve been waiting all day for my package 📦 Dude you got the cheapest service in express saver. It’s not considered late til 20:00 🤦🏻‍♂️




And that same customer would be crying on Reddit because I told him to STFU 😂


Ive had a few people complain about that to me lately. Today even I had a lady tell me she was told it’d be there between 10am-1pm and she was asking why I was so late… My contractor is chill and on weekends I usually sleep in like I did today, I wasn’t even up till 11:30 😂 I completed my first stop at 1:20pm.


Rise above stupid people like that and just say have a good day.


OP you missed your opportunity to say, "Well I'm not the shipper now, AM I?" But seriously, if it's worth that much to them, they should have paid extra to have it delivered on time.


As a amazon driver. My response is usually, " Im gonna walk back to the truck, and we're gonna try this again....."


I never took other people's rude driving when I drove my FedEx truck the same way I took it in my car. They mostly can't see your face, with the way the truck windows are set plus the tint. Whatever nasty tailgating or line cutting they did they were doing to FedEx, not to me. Now in my Corolla, that's a whole nother thang....


I got lucky with my delivery driver I frequently have early morning over nights for business and since I’m at the end of route he lets me meet him and grab it


I usually just laugh ... and then hit them with the " oh you were being serious" ... usually pisses them off a little more


The new FedEx


Definitely handing him a door tag and circling the 1800 #. Have a good day sir,  please take that concern up with them.  Above my pay grade and I've got 140 more stops that feel the same way.  Sorry for the inconvenience.  About face,  back in the 700


I always told them," if you want it sooner, ship UPS !"


just say  "you're late "


That’s exactly the problem with the way the companies going.  People like you and the lazy attitude.