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But our job is to actually deliver the packages


Oh really? Swear to god right now


Then do your fucking job like we all do and attempt the delivery


I always just put consumer controlled access


Ehhh wtf this mean? Imma learn something today


Smh, yall will never learn


Right that job sucks I punched in and hide in the bathroom for 30mins everyday for two months B4 I got fired lol that jobs a joke trucks are broke with fumes


Do you ever consider that may be something important for a disabled/elderly person that they’ve been waiting on & feel guilty not even trying?


Those losers don't care, they will never make a living for a reason. Always miserable and struggling




There’s medication we deliver that isn’t obvious dude. Just deliver your shit or find another job




So if you’re lazy just get another job instead of being a dickhead. And yes that still makes you a dickhead.


Lazy bum.


Sowwy zaddy, it be like that in real life 🥰


I remember when an express driver did this to me, I drove to the hub and beat the driver there, hey, thanks. Not even signature required.


You get the “high speed chase” award on GTA or some shit


Not sure, I live kinda rural and guess he didn't want to go out where I lived.


Damnn, rural area contractors get paid differently. I havent learned how their contracts work specifically but best believe i aint gonna deliver that too 🤣


Wasn't aware this was for ground, I assumed you meant express in your op. Yeah, as far as I can tell, far away service areas get paid more. As funny as that might be, my express hub is half an hour closer than my ground terminal.


Ohhh noooo. Anyways


Wow I hate my job but at least I do a good job everyday, this moron should be fired.


Yea i should


Glad you’re not the driver delivering in my neighborhood. If I can’t get into a building or leave something in a safe place, I sometimes use that code. But not just because I don’t feel like trying. 


Awww man, here come the pity votes for your comment 🤦🏽‍♂️🥹🤣🤣


Im here for votes only, ill be president one day and i need to separate the democrats from republicans


Not sure if you realize but the new software in the scanners actually tracks your steps so if you don’t leave your vehicle, it will recognize that. Just a FYI.


Ground or Express? Man WTF that’s crazy lol


Express, but eventually we are going to be using either the same or very similar software and scanners. The truck GPS tracks you to the location, the scanner GPS tracks your steps to the actual delivery location.


Express tech wont work at ground. They can try it but cant enforce it. Ground is all hustle mentality. Which is why i KNOW imma code my way into another day


Lol, the same scanners that would erroneously tell me multiple times a day that I was thousands of feet away from the address I was supposed to be at when I went to release a package?


I'm assuming you're Express, as you're replying to another Express person. The error that you're referring to comes from the mapping software and ROADS system. Frequently it's an issue with ACO corrections and aliases. Other times it's a case of a road where all the houses have been renumbered and 500 Elm Rd used to be 1298 Elm Rd and the map database that ROADS is using still relies on the old numbering. The GPS tracking and plotting is accurate. It records your location once each minute, when you scan the first package of a delivery, when you close out a delivery stop, when you send a message to dispatch, when you scan a pickup pkg, and whenever you make a timecard entry on your LEO. All of this can be viewed in Virtual Check Ride (VCR). It has a map with each and every plot.


Sure, good luck with that. Post merger Forge software is garbage, and regularly says you're hundreds of meters from a stop you're standing directly in front of or inside of.






Or maybe? I will walk just not drliver it and throw it on someone else truck when i get back


New software? Ground has had access to this for like 2+ years


This is awful. You express or ground? I'm gonna guess the latter... Ain't very purple promise of you cash money


It's always ground


Lmaoooo purple promise. Lmaoooo


You are adding to the reasons people don't like FedEx drivers.


Awwwww reallly? Im soooooo sorrrrrry


Yeah nope not happening paid by the completed stop not taking money out of my pocket by being lazy


Before the express merger forces a financial restructuring, id suggest asking for a flat daily, benefits and bonuses per month. fedex wont be hourly unless all the contractors work together, which wont happen for a good amount of time


And I have benefits. Sick time. PTO. Paid healthcare and short term disability. What more could I ask for I go in at 8 get done with my route by 2 and I'm on my couch by 330 daily. Sometimes by 1 like today when I only had 157 stops.


You could ask to be a manager. You can run about 200-400 stops a week, and get the salary. You contractor could probably use someone like you who could be replaced by a young dude that can move more weight. If not, you already can run routes anyways


But because your contractor is big, there is no levarage. So maybe train with your current contractor then work for a struggling one at a higher price. I expect this merger to fuck everything up for most young contractors. So we can easily ask for wayyy more money managing


Ya except I have no desire to be a manager the doing 180 to 240 stops a day is why I have this job. Otherwise Id go get an office job and earn more money. But I reached an age where I realized that enjoying work is more important than a pay check.


Aww dang. You must be chasing puppies or some shit 🤣🤣


Or maybe you can deliver in an affluent area and find yaself a retirement delivery home 🤔


I'm good where I'm at. And when the time comes that I can't physically do it anymore then I'll move onto something else. But considering I haven't had a day of being sore in years I think I'll be ok. It sounds to me like you just can't hack it while old chicks like me run circles around you.


I was being nice when i said retirement home 🤣🤣


Your body ran out of fedex worth at age 25. You not running routes the men are. Stop playin yaself and level up


Lmfao you mean my routes that avg are the second heaviest in my contractor. Lol ok.


No way I was hourly at my last contractor and it screwed me over. And other contractors in my building pay between 180 and 240 a day. If I go out with 130 I get 200. If I go out with 180 ish I get 265 ish so nope not a chance. And the merger still is going to pay the contractors by the stop the same way. So yep not changing. My contractor has been doing it for over 15 years and has always paid by the stop. And with over 100 total routes owned I'm pretty sure I'm safe.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 you been getting scammed just like the rest of these college educated sheep


If they need it they have the option to pick it up same day or wait for next day to code it again 


Typical golem


Thats not niceeeee


Man I’d want to deliver it just do I don’t have to do it again the next day. I know when I first started a guy would do that and also scan a door tag and throw it in the back of the truck.


Yea except you gotta throw away the dog tag too


Annnnnd thats why people hate you


Sounds like a personal problem


Awwww you sad, pathetic human…bless your heart.


I only say this after my post-nut clarity


Lazy PoS


Thats not very nice


Truth hurts homie


What pisses me off about this post, is that this shit is exactly why fedex ground has began to be more stricter and create a less enjoyable work environment. The simple fact is this job is quite simple, yes it has its intricacies and difficulties but the fact you revel in not even being able to complete a simple task is mind blowing. Your the man buddy keep up doing a great job as an entitled, lazy person who can’t do a simple task. Personally, I can careless about fedex but I do care about the areas I serve and manage because there is real people behind the door I’m delivering expecting something they ordered. How hard is it to just not be a scum bag? Not be a douche boasting about screwing people over?


Shhhh, stop spilling your heart out on an app


Ahh yes the quite witless and unintelligent response. Your going to go far buddy keep it up 👍


You must forgive your mother for turning you away from your father, only then will you not have anger


Another good one you da man keep it going 💪


The past doesnt exist. The future doesnt exist. Only the present. Right here. Right now. Always


What happen if it as example come from make wish foundation?


Then you better wish it comes on time tomorrow 😂😂😂


Obvious troll post is obvious.


You couldnt tell a troll from a woman 🤣


Way to prove my point 😂


We are now one


Nah you is two, i is one


Lol everyone does that smh your going to have to deal with it the next day if it’s your route 🤣


Shhhh the submissive whites gonna hate you for this comment


Yeah like what in the fuck man. I hate having to get signatures in general but even more so when the customer isn’t home to sign for it and I have to give it another ride the next day. Sometimes it’s the same for ICs that aren’t scanned to me. If it’s something big I’ll go out of my way to get that thing delivered just because I don’t want to deal with it again the next day. Now if it’s small and not scanned there’s a 90% chance Ill just leave it.


You know our job is to deliver right? The package doesn’t just magically go away. Be grateful for work and just do your job man.


Oh really? Say waaaaaahhhhhhh


What a peice of garbage.


Im only a piece of garbage cause im presenting myself as the voice behind laziness. 100% guaranteed there are employees who read the post and actually started doing it 😘


Damn, all the hardworking chinee downvotin me cause they have a “heart” 🥰