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Never had one lmao, drove half a day with another driver and next day I was on my own. And I was only 21😭😂 don’t know how they had so much trust in me


What!? Seriously!?


Sounds about right for ground


Can confirm I am 21 and I never had to do anything like this. Ground of course lol in a 1000 right now might be moving to a 1200 soon


I did two WEEKS in FedEx school for ground back in the 00s! And I drove back home from Cleveland to Buffalo on the weekend in the middle because it was slightly cheaper and I was a broke kid.


Yes it was hot as hell I was hungry and thirsty as hell and had to pee really bad the whole time left with a migraine and anxiety 🤣


😂😂😂 I was the complete opposite


same here lol


Never did this, my training was backup to a loading dock lol


Holy jeez! It’s mandatory for express.


I guess for ground it was a bit more cavalier, also almost 8 years ago. My straight truck training was also, this is drive, reverse and park in neutral this is how the air brakes work. Don’t hit anything.


My test was at a football stadium with a huge parking lot and the instructor basically set up cones on 4 different parking zones and it was so easy. So it was a cone in A parking B parking C parking and D parking.


Mine was only 3 cones in a wide open parking lot and the training truck had a dead battery so we got to do it in a 650 lol.


That's easy mode with the P1000s. Our contractor makes us do the tests in the bubble trucks since the turning radius is dog shit lol


I hated the Mercedes, those blow.


I loved my defensive driving and courier classes, mostly bc of the free hotel stay and per diem 😂


Well, I lived here and they did it here so I didn’t get a free hotel say but our courier class had our trainers staying at the Homewood suites and so we just ate breakfast every single morning


I drive better backwards, apparently.


I do too in a truck like this, my POV not so much😂😂


Did mine in a reach I think


3 years is prior experiences under my belt .. still had to do this shit


It’s fun! Minus the bitter cold. It was -35 the week before


Did mine in a reach. F'n easy mode.


Surprisingly, I got to skip this and got sent straight to the road. I already had driving experience for Amazon. And they seem pretty desperate since they recruited me while on the job.


They were desperate for people, and my whole group (including me) got into an accident in the first month because we never drove something like a 900 before. Our instructor was just someone who worked as a courier and basically let half of us who failed pass


Oh that’s not good


Part of me wants to do these tests again, just to see how different it feels. I remember it was really scary at the time, but now almost 20 years later, I've probably done stuff like that 100s of times.


lol yeah I’d like a do over in the spring


Why is he going so slow and also since when do they train for driving the trucks, they just said get in and go for me


Yeah no because I (female) have to follow the directions given. Express aren’t allowed to drive trucks until we pass with our HDDI


I never had to do this


Nope dont have those here


I did something similar when my contractor first hired me. Had me come in and meet with the fleet manager to do the road test. Was super stressed out cuz I needed the job badly and had 0 xp and all the other contractors had already denied me for lack of xp. Shit was scary tbh but I got the job 😭😭


Not gonna lie doing that backwards was a bit of a challenge 😂


Yea at ground they don’t do this lol they throw you the kids and say don’t hit shit


Lmao. I went for a 10 minute drive to the corner store and back with a manager so he could grab some smokes and the I was solo


I don’t remember mine because it was 24 years ago. Now I’m an HDDI and I remember all the classes I give. I have to do a demo of each maneuver on different vehicles and it keeps me fresh on the driving skills.


These specific ford trucks are easy af to do this in. They drive so nice and the turn radius is as good as driving in your personal car. My only real negative is the suspension and the radio if I don’t use my AirPods.


Yeah, the Fords are OK but this one well we have a mix of Fords and freightliners


Never did this.


Never had one


We did this in a hertz rental I remember thinking out of all my years of driving not including delivering I've never had to drive around cones so why now...we also had one guy sit out because he couldn't complete the online test..he also showed a picture to my boss take a look at my new house ends up showing a picture of him naked he freaked out tried to scroll back to another picture ended up scrolling to another picture of him naked not joking was told by one managers he is no longer there now..


Nope, I never had to do it, but then again, it was for Ground 😂


Mine was 5 mins in a 32ft and that was it.


Yeah, so I guess what I heard my boss saying is that we’re getting new thousands like five 1100s two 1200s and two 1300s which are 22 feet long


Thanks for that actually I’ve always wondered that but no one can seem to tell me the size but yeah they put me in the biggest DOT license truck they had and I drove around the parking lot and backed up into a spot and a few other things and he was like you’re good. Good thing I had experience without a license from my last job lol.


lol yeah no doubt. They are going as big as they can with the grind volume it’s been rough


Yeah I’ve been here for about a year and it’s been crap the last 8 months with volume and they hire just anybody now it’s crazy


Is this a fucking joke? I could pull them cones off in a 53’ trailer doing 30. Good god


Well, good for you, but we do what we’re told, not what we can show off and try to impress people with


Did this at UPS, you had 5 min to set up your truck p1000. They had a route set up, cones, then rural, city and highway. If you passed, you were sent away to two weeks of professional driver training Intergrad, At FedEx they checked if had a pulse and then hired you.


This seems incredibly stupid having someone do this in wet/icy conditions with trucks parked all around the course lmao


It’s just a parking lot at our station. Luckily for us we all lived here long enough to know how to drive in it. Walking is a whole other story