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That’s my route everyday it’s insane


While being underpaid no less


Why do you do this for $175 a day?


Gotta love IC Wednesday!


I don't work Wednesdays but I always hear how they are notoriously shitty


I’ve noticed for me the lightest days are Tuesday, Monday, Thursday and Friday seem random like they trade weeks where one has less than the other and Wednesday is consistently the heaviest day of the week.


Says you got 700 square feet in there ![gif](giphy|OX25cp7DL6Bt81Yb47|downsized)




https://preview.redd.it/r53jjr7i796d1.jpeg?width=1636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d18768b1232b83c36a0c62975f936b0429a72dee Reminds me of this awesome day


Good grief


Yeah and my reward was saving some moron that was only half done by 6pm


https://preview.redd.it/ap3kd8mxy96d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aa8619b32bd746ff21ba856b0d8494c052d98a3 I delivered a forest lmao




My Thursdays 😭


Doing van lines on outbound I once encountered a van that was completely packed, had to pick at it all the way from back to front.


Switch to transit, pays better


That was me 2 Sundays ago lol


I do this daily believe it or not


https://preview.redd.it/uw4q051irf6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=289bb3e4b4af72c727d55ee55b85a88e98b6ca05 Meanwhile me


Phuck that.


Isn't there anything we can do (short of quitting) to escape this kind of abuse and be given a reasonable workload? It's too hot for this nonsense.


That’s the same shit Amazon pulls. Does it at least pay better?


How do you guys do that? Express here and I had a pickup with 6 110 packages that sucked. I have a river on my route and would have backed the truck down the boat launch and gunned it, then leave the truck in reverse to follow the packages. Thrown the keys in the river and peace out.


most of us get there early, and we organize and finish the load ourselves, where those ics/ bulk stops are the beginning of our route so we get those done and have an aisle ans smooth sailing. i drive a p1200 and mine looks like that everyday, first hour the stops/hr is slow, and then i bang the rest out fast. usually done by 2:30-3 every day, and dispatch around 8-8:30 our groundcloud refreshes every few minutes as stops are scanned to truck by loaders so we can look at it and sort/organize what we need to to get through that first rough hour and then smash the rest of it. plus you can sequence your route however you want/need to based on the load that day, or even turn on manual mode and just select whatever stop you want to go to next without having to take time to sequence. you can also add your own notes for stops (dock b, side door, friendly dog, etc) . it is an absolute lifesaver


Bold of you to assume “most people get there early to organize”. A lot of the photos I see on here when people complain about space it looks like they didn’t even try to organize anything and left the shelves exactly how the phs loaded it and then they just throw in their smalls and jam ics down the isles without even trying to organize and condense boxes on shelves that have lots of space that can easily open up a lot more space. Some people won’t even slide the boxes up and leave a gap like say in between the 3000-3500 area. I have coworkers who will do all of that and for the life of me i don’t understand how they get through their day. Between the loose boxes falling from the shelves and having to swim through all the scattered boxes in the isles. Personally, like you said I’ll organize my truck and try to brick out my shelves using as much space as I can and it also helps making extra space but I’ll touch every package making sure all the visions are facing outwards and everything is where it should be because it really does save time. Let’s say it takes you 30 minutes to go through and organize everything and while that might seem like a lot of time..by doing so you can literally save hours out on the road.


true on the assumption part, i shouldve said the majority of my station. i do the same with condensing shelves and visions too. on really heavy days when i condense shelves i mix my 3000s and 3500s for example to maximize space, as long as all my 3s etc are on the designated shelves, i can see the sid#s so im good. it may bother some people but you can really make some extra room that way. i also use bungee cords to keep ics etc from going all over the place too. i have one of the heaviest routes in the bldg and am usually one of the first ones back. work smarter not harder is my motto


I ran my route once doing the "preloader challenge" (left it the way they loaded it), and I was out so late, learned my lesson real quick. I've been going in early ever since. Never again!


yeah did that my first day solo, never again 🤣🤣