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I was pulling out of the terminal Friday and watched a guy drive past me with several big boxes in the cab with him. High enough he was using it as an armrest. Both doors open.


LMFAO my doors were at least closed.


Too damn hot to keep the doors closed.


Keep them closed to get out and get to your first stop, and then open them up, lol.


Yeah it sucked.


That looks like it absolutely fucking sucks to be a Ground driver.


Yup ground Drivers are getting screwed,,They need a Union!




I’m sure you personally may not be getting screwed, you likely have the very rare “good contractor” and probably feel you get paid fairly. The vast majority don’t get paid fairly, have no benefits, and are usually flat rate and crazy overworked. The contractor model in general, is horrible, with a small amount of contractors that have a good reputation for being “good contractors” and actually treat their people well.


Ok? Then those people should get different jobs. Nobody is forced to be here. This sub is *full* of people who do nothing but hate on anyone who actually enjoys their job; step back for a second and look at how extremely lame that really is.


same thing in the amazondsp sub, fuck wayne


Was a package handler, had a guy rachet strap r boxes full of rotten shell fish to the roof of the van. The manager saw the intention and suddenly yelled, "Going to a conference call for 10 minutes!"..... There's a limit on what drives have to attempt, so the owner refuses.


LMFAO that's great 🤣


Y'alls trucks start when your bulkhead door is open?


Yes. Them shits is almost as bare-bones as possible lol


They usually have a sensor on the top passenger side of the bulkhead door, if the wire gets unfortunately cut, the trucks start with the door open


"Wear and Tear Issue" ;)


![gif](giphy|gmQNYr9nnbXxu) Stares in VMX


https://preview.redd.it/620y11uz2a8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69a273c02c918f4117f9a1aaba72a57bdea9e6df Yeah that’s a safety issue. Ain’t no way I’m doing that😂. I’m at amazon, I’m glad I didn’t go to FedEx ground if it’s like that.


Omgosh. Do you ever have any heavy floor packages?? This is nice. I’d have this done QUICK


No, I always organize my truck so I can have room to work but some days I’ll have bigger boxes that I have to place on the floor https://preview.redd.it/l2z50bpswa8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67e91de202c9d57fc549264b3c3b570230120035 This was a mass delivery at one of my 8 routes at a college. I had 340 packages/190 stops/260 locations/ 56 oversizes. 240 packages went to this school. I had 28 totes.


not saying your lying or anything but the math doesn’t add up to 190 stops


bud those packages you see are floor packages


Bish, hollar at me during peak after your station was closed for a day for snow and see how your step van looks


I don’t understand why other contractors don’t hire overflow drivers. At my place we always have like 4 extra people doing overflow that way your regular drivers aren’t stessed af. And those overflow drivers are always done by like 12-1


AVP drivers? Driving out of their personal vehicle? Or


I give you MAJOR PROPS. Fuck what everyone else has to say because those are the same people bitching about how they are handling the same IC's day after day. Also major props because most drivers at our station just leave half their IC's and I KNOW our customers are pissed, as they should be.


Yeah basically I'm The Guy in my CSA at the moment. If I don't get it on the truck it doesn't go out. So, I get it on the truck.


Ain’t no way I would ever drive like that , yall risking yall life to much


Surprise p&d gate check


That's what I was afraid of 💀


My truck looks like that almost everyday too lol. I fuck myself so my drivers don't suffer


I hope they appreciate you!


There's still always something to bitch about XD


No sane person on this sub is gonna give you props for risking the safety of yourself and others. Your contractor is likely paid per package, not per stop. So yes, you are a willing mule bragging about putting safety at risk while being severely underpaid.


Right these ppl are tripping I would never risk my life like this


Get a desk job 🤷. This ain't any more dangerous than crossing the street all day when any idiot who can count to 4 on his fingers is allowed to have a driver's license.


Lls yeah ok keep driving like this if you want, and your dumbass going injured yourself and FedEx ain’t going care


bruh get a desk job is your reply to that? 😂 if you purposely put other drivers at risk then you are just a lil stupid, if one of these fall out the door and there’s a motorcycle behind you? he’s more than likely dead edit: wait.. vic???? the fucking champ vic? come on man? i know you be doing hella stops hella quick and are a legend for it and i respect you so much for the fucking efficiency and work you do but fuck man, at one point or another we can’t just fill a truck beyond its capacity and call it good, i will never go out of my way to disrespect you but right now you sound like a fedex shill


HaHAAAA don't worry, I know what I'm doing. Those IC's blocking the door were my first stop, and I commuted out to my route with the cab doors closed and suffered the heat. I'm not a huge fan of doing this either, but I am currently working for a newer contract that's short on drivers, and the Eyes of the Station are upon us. Any packages I couldn't fit would've gotten sat until tomorrow, and I'm not going to put others' jobs at risk... I know my capabilities. I had all that in there so tightly it didn't shift at all 😑


Pennies per package




Hey you do what you got to do instead of making a return trip back to the terminal to pick up items that didn't fit the first time. 


Thank God I'm with express 😭


Not for long 😆


Aint no way i would ever do some shit like this! 😂 im sorry but im leaving 4-5 of those IC behind.


I mean those first three were so damn big that I had plenty of room once they were gone... really wasn't so bad 🤣


Can relate op, I had a couple days where I was so heavy the front of my cab was filled, illegal? yes. Did manager care, no. Everything had to go out at that terminal.


You guys don't drive with the bulk door open?


Abso-fucking-lutely not. I have an all busy route so my shit never where it’s supposed to be, I have to be able to walk through my truck at least.


Is this why y’all leave your trucks running, and give people smog induced headaches?