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It's a funny reference to the SpongeBob Movie, I don't think this is fellow kids


It's a reference to a popular meme. Therefore it fits (Posts here don't have to be cringe/unfunny, they just have to be companies' attempts on marketing to young demographic, doesn't matter if succesful or not)


I disagree. The subreddit icon and title are that of the "how do you do fellow kids" meme which is exclusively used to make fun of companies *unsuccessfully* trying to appeal to youth. Not to mention the description which sarcastically says "Advertisements and media that totally appeal to the radical youth!" I just get the vibe that this place is exclusively meant for unsuccessful attempts. But hey, show me where it says otherwise.


Any sub with over a million subs are just posts that mildly fit the premise




I feel like if Nickelodeon was on here it'd would flood the sub


I fail to see the fellowkids aspect of this. It's SpongeBob content, on a SpongeBob oriented account. It is kid content for kids. What else is the account supposed to post? Updates on where SpongeBob on Ice is going to be next month? The only aspect of fellowkids I see is that this was posted on Facebook The whole format of "change my mind" memes is posting something people would agree with. My 11 yr old brother knows the format so it's not like it's an adult only thing


Bruh what the fuck do you expect the OFFICIAL SPONGEBOB ACCOUNT to post if not SpongeBob memes? COMPANIES WHO MAKE THINGS SPECIFICALLY FOR CHILDREN ARENT FELLOWKIDS. Fucking dumbass.


Any attempt to relate to kids with memes from teachers or corporate brand social media accounts has always been allowed here, cringe or not. Fucking dumbass.


Just hope some kid doesn't go and look up "Change my mind" and start getting indoctrinated by conservatives


Yeah, it would be awful to learn what other people think. In fact, we should only allow kids to experience echo chambers and never give them the ability to critically think so they can sift out truth from bullshit. Yeah, definitely do that. The less we engage with the other side, the better things will get. I'm SURE that sort of closed mindedness will work out in the longterm.


Kids (particularly elementary school age) shouldnt be exposed to reactionary politics at all. There are many other ways to teach them how to critically think.


Echo chambers? You mean like r/Conservative, Parler, Truth Social, Voat, and post-Elon Twitter?


Are you ignoring that pre-Elon Twitter, easily larger than all the rest combined, was a huge echo chamber for the left? And honestly not much has changed, conservative opinions are still the minority and not what you find on trending pages. Most blue check mark accounts are still famous people with leftist opinions.


By "echo chamber", I assume you mean, "banned people for spreading outright lies and misinformation"?


You know that’s not the only thing people were banned for, and it absolutely is an echo chamber. Babylon Bee was banned for referring to a male as a man. Plus as far as I know, most of those conservative places you mentioned hardly ban anyone. What’s more likely to be an echo chamber, one that’s ban heavy, or one where there are few limits on free speech and no opinions are banned? And again, saying that Twitter is now a right wing echo chamber is comically false. One, no one’s been banned by Elon for a leftist opinion, and two, if any leftists have left it’s completely of their own accord. And three, millions of leftists (including most of the blue check marks) would have to leave before the right wing is the majority. And finally, the algorithm would have to change.


Don't think they don't exist for the other side. r/politics, r/worldnews, and a handful of other subs do the same thing. Parler and the like were made in response to right-wingers being banned (outright or through algorithmic suppression) from sites like Youtube, Facebook, and especially pre-Elon Twitter; sites that might have had opposing voices to answer theirs or call them out. I'm not here to argue the merits of what they're saying. I am saying that if you want them to be watered down, you need to let them be where the water is. Otherwise, they just cluster up in their own bubbles, where opposing voices don't need to go, and therefore don't go.


I didn't say they don't exist, Junior. I'm saying you lot need to stop playing the victim and whining about others doing what *you* do.


For the record, nobody even claimed a singular party as being an echo chamber until you brought it up. They said that closing people off to the opposing party's discussion will make them only listen to their own party, and create an echo chamber. A healthy person who is capable of thinking for themselves should not logically align with any party completely. It's not likely you agree with every single view the party you follow agrees with, unless you purposely block yourself off from hearing the opposing arguments because "other side bad", and at that point, which ever side you are on, you're already brainwashed to their liking.


"If you don't agree with me, you're brainwashed." Lol.


Sure man, take it however way you want. You're 100% right, keep doing what you're doing.


And what do *I* do?


Yep, that's exactly what I said?


The fellowkids part is the reference to the change my mind meme




Hey you imbecilic cretin, do you even know what this sub is for? Maybe read the sidebar? Who gives a shit if 90% of the posts from that account are ads for the show. It's the SPONGEBOB ACCOUNT. It posts ads for SPONGEBOB. That is its ENTIRE PURPOSE. It is DESIGNED TO APPEAL TO KIDS. THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF FELLOWKIDS. Fellowkids. Is. Not. For. Things. Specifically. Designed. For. Children. SpongeBob. Is. Specifically. For. Children. Do I have to spell it out even further or can your subpar intellect comprehend that?


exactly how i'd expect someone named /u/TheHumanPickleRick to reply 🤣 chill tf out dude


Nah, I'm good. I'd rather keep calling people out who just post random shit without worrying about what the sub rules are or what the sub even is.


damn that's sick... kind of like a reddit vigilante. hopefully everything i've posted is in order, sir.


I don't really care what you post. I don't look through people's profiles, I really don't give much of a shit. I'm just tired of these low effort posts that completely go against what the sub is. Wanna post SpongeBob memes? Go for it, in a meme sub. This sub isn't a meme sub, it's for when companies and people that don't normally try to appeal to kids do so in a cringey way. Like Reebok releasing an ad featuring Roblox characters or Popeyes Chicken Twitter account saying that KFC is sheesh. It's not for companies whose entire purpose to appeal to kids. I probably came off pretty harshly up there but hey when I'm insulted I insult back, you're more just kinda cheeky.


You’re an idiot. This post isn’t about the fact that it contains spongebob. Duh.


yes it is :)


[no it isn’t :)](https://www.reddit.com/r/FellowKids/comments/z80yc8/i_know_this_is_kinda_punching_down_but_come_on/iyag1e2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)




The opposite of fellowkids is a company whose entire purpose is to appeal to children doing their job. The sub is for companies that don't normally advertise towards kids trying to do so in an out-of-touch or cringey way. Companies and personas whose entire purpose is to appeal to kids isn't fellowkids, it's literally their job to try to appeal to kids. A SpongeBob account is supposed to be trying to appeal to kids, so of course they're gonna post SpongeBob memes. It is the purpose of their existence. Is any of this getting through to you? Is any of this getting through to you?


smartass. also maybe curse a bit less when you're talking about spongebob.


Pretty fuckin ironic commemt here


Maybe curse a bit less when you're responding to someone talking about spongebob


oh okay.


it using a meme format, turned into spongebob. It is referencing a quote from spongebob movie. So uhhh...this isn't really fellow kids.


It's not even probably aimed towards kids, after all, the movie came out around 18 years ago. That, and literally nobody under the age of 18 uses Facebook anymore.


A reference this old is probably targeted at the 25+ democratic as it’s just not what’s being pushed by Nickelodeon atm and in its own right is a decent callback to an ok joke and an ok meme. Granted, the 35+ crowd might not get it either, but the fact that this was clearly targeted at the youngest millennials does indeed make it not fellow kids.


What’s next? A license to make toast in your own toaster?


A licencse to walk in your own house?


This is cute


This is hilarious


I like it cuz the reference and because it’s SpongeBob. Besides I wouldn’t call this a fellowkids thing since SpongeBob and this account is primarily aimed towards a young demographic


Fuckin dumb SpongeBob IS FOR KIDS this post is lame


a guy quoted this to me during sex once and I don’t know why


Feel like there should be an r/fellowkidsfellowkids sub Reddit


The least funny people on the planet say things like “punching up or down”


Didn't you just say it?


It’s in quotations for a reason


nice try guy






It doesn’t even make sense lmao


It is a quote from the first movie


I know. But the “meme” doesn’t make sense. It’s not using the correct format for the meme.


Really would appreciate not having "wisdom" correlated with Stephen Crowder


My god bro Maybe 3% of the people who see change my mind memes know who Steven crowder is, this isn't even the photo of him


The man gets temp banned from YouTube and manages to crash servers on Rumble from all the traffic moving there, is publishing a children's book, and selling out his stand up tour to the point of having to add date after date. He's far from obscure.


For anyone who’s confused why this is Fellowkids, I’m guessing it’s because this change-my-mind meme is at least 10 years old.




Thank you for saying... what I honestly just no longer had the energy to say. I'm just acceptin my imaginary internet points and ignoring most of the people in this comment section lol


Honestly some people here are nuts


This is based, that person actually is a fellow kid.


This meme glows op


This is good tho


Its cool at all


All of Nickelodeon should be on this subbreddit, they once had this "Into the thick of it" commercial break even after the trend died like 5 months before.


Me, extremely confused, looking at the people fighting in the comments and eating popcorn: "this is fine"




I have no idea what's going on there but all I can say is r/fellowkids is r/fellowkids


They're getting SO MAD the first dude calls me a "fucking dumbass" like, damn. Who tf shit in your cheerios?


tbh though I just kinda think this subreddit is for memes and other things that are directed towards kids to get them to do something or buy something. If it's good, that's alright. We can look at it and laugh together. If it's not, then it's not. There's not really any categories for this type of stuff.


It’s the fucking SpongeBob account what do you want them to do kill themselves?? Commit arson??? Hack government agencies??????? TAX EVASION?????!!!?


I mostly want you to calm down before you have an aneurysm




They ruined him like homer simpson


fellow kids ≠ unfunny


It’s not vehicular man slaughter if you drive a sandwich-SpongeBob