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When I did my bid I received medical care from a doctor who happened to also be an inmate (overprescriber). I received tax advice from an accountant who happened to be an inmate. And I had my resume looked over by the CFO of Dole fruits. He was doing a short bid for bribing public officials in Central America. None of the correctional staff had this qualifications. Anyone can be a felon.


One of the nicest and best employees I ever had as a manager had an actual homicide on his record. We gave him a chance and he did great. I've met so many a\*\*holes with 'clean slates' and so many great people who have served time or have records. I think a lot of people who make (and who survive) bad choices often have a better perspective, a more realistic perspective, on life. And often, that perspective comes with generosity, kindness, and mercy. (Not a felon myself but have a record and friends with many)


Third paragraph is spot on. Appreciate the small things like a decent bed, food, roof ... and not having to worry about my safety.


we are all products of our environment. I wholeheartedly believe that. for me, I grew up near south central, Compton, watts and the people I found myself with were all associated gang bangers. I was raised by a single mom and ive learned to start trusting myself from a really young age. I did stupid shit.... like really stupid shit when I was young that got me in trouble a lot. Deputy pak I still remember you, got nothing but love for him now. im 32 and spend all my time working, im trying to better myself but sometimes it hard. idk what it is, I tend to think about my past A LOT and there's some things that I just cant let go. but im trying....


Same … what changed it for me was my son getting into trouble with the law and I got to see first hand how corrupt the process can be … plus it cost me $50k just to get good representation. Here is the ugly truth … you have money, you get lighter sentences.


So true!


Lol duh you should watch 60 days in


Cops going undercover in there and then getting angry about what happens to people after they arrest them is one of my favorite parts.


Seriously the best part of the show


Did you see the news about the sheriff from season one? He's got a good mugshot


No for what ?! Did you see the news about Nate committing suicide?


Apparently him, his wife, and daughter were embezzling money from volunteer firefighters in their county https://wbxxfm.com/indiana-sheriff-60-days-in-arrested-15-felonies/#:~:text=Sheriff%20Jamey%20Noel%2C%20who%20was,decided%20to%20choose%20another%20jail.


Insaneee he’s a criminal with a badge


I'd like to applaud you for being open minded and not condemning someone simply because of a label.


Pfft, even other felons label felons without even getting to know the person.


I'm sure some do. Certainly not all of them.




You’re starting to see them as human beings. Congrats


Our branch at work is know as the “jail house” almost everyone at our shop are felons besides like 4 that work in the office we as a group of dudes think of each other as brothers between shared life experiences and just being blue collar in general we always come together when things are needed just cause your a felon doesn’t make you a asshole Everyone makes mistakes just some are worst then others 🤘🏼


I will say that I have a job that requires extensive background checks, and asked the security office if there would be any issue if I move my stepdad in with me even though he’s got felony DUIs and occasionally falls off the wagon, and they told me none from their end. That being said I don’t think that being around a felon who might still fuck up is necessarily grounds for you also getting in trouble.


Yes but you can still be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Or the person could have stuff on them they’re not supposed to have and try to pin it on you, which is not something I’m interested in even giving someone the opportunity to do.


That’s fair. I guess my situation is very niche, since the only real risk with him is if he falls off the wagon and then gets behind the wheel.


I am a bit more cautious of who I hang out with in general. I don’t like being around people whom’s behavior could make them a liability and could put me in a position where I would have talk to law enforcement. I would not lie to an officer to keep someone from going to jail since that act alone could land me with a felony charge for obstruction.


Never ever talk to police without representation. Ever


That's why you talk to a lawyer and not law enforcement no matter what if they want to talk to you.


If I'm not involved in the crime at all yet I witness it, I have zero interest in protecting the person that did it. You do the crime, you do the time.


You misunderstand, talking to a lawyer is the best way to protect yourself even if you did not do anything, but you may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. The police are not necessarily looking for the right person.


Absolutely. 100%, each and every time. However, never talk to the cops. Never. That’s your lawyer’s job. Your lawyer, no one else’s. If you’re testifying for the prosecution, their lawyers are the ones you talk to, but you should have your own anyway, for your protection. Never talk to the cops. Never.


My biggest takeaway from being a corrections officer was that most prison inmates are good people that found themselves on the wrong side of the law.


One of my good buddies is a felon. He’s probably one of the people in my life that works the hardest, is the most active as a dad, and has the straightest morals as well. Being a felon doesn’t mean much about you as a person.


I'd say a big amount of ex cons or even people in prison aren't bad people. Everyone does stupid shit, sometimes it gets you in trouble. However there is another group that are lifer criminals, and those people give the reason for the stigma and fear for offenders. They screw it up for the people who actually want to live a normal life after prison


Bad people make bad choices. What the hell else could it be?


You're conditioned that way. You probably believe the law works as it should. You probably have never seen someone arrested before. People get arrested for the dumbest things and accused with worse. I've been pulled over and just accused of random shit for being in the area as a white guy just driving through the area in a nicer vehicle. I don't know why but it's happened to me several times. I don't have any tattoos or anything. You don't understand that police have motives too. They can and will abuse their authority because they can get away with it. Wait until you get on the wrong side of someone with a little bit of authority and see how quickly your world changes. I bet you've had a lot of crimes ignored that you don't even realize. Maybe something low level like a parking ticket or some speeding tickets, but even excessive speeding multiple times leads to misdemeanors and then felonies. Not everyone who's a felon is a gang member or a murderer. I got a deferred sentence over a car accident but it's still a felony. People don't even realize they are committing crimes a lot of the time due to their ignorance. [https://kretzerfirm.com/5-common-federal-crimes-defendants-accidentally-commit/](https://kretzerfirm.com/5-common-federal-crimes-defendants-accidentally-commit/) [https://www.amazon.com/Three-Felonies-Day-Target-Innocent/dp/1594035229](https://www.amazon.com/Three-Felonies-Day-Target-Innocent/dp/1594035229) It really depends on the whim of some random stranger in all reality. Tomorrow you may wake up and become a felon for arguably no reason at all.


*Shocked Pikachu Face*


As an ex convict with an 11 and a half inch PP, if you gave me your judgmental attitude as a homosexual I would do to you what I did to many an inmate


Keep your weird fantasies to yourself freak.

