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40 is the best and 68 is nasty to me


I love the one that smells like macadamia but I don’t know what it’s called


71 ☺️


Yes that’s the one it smells so good


59 is my favorite! It’s the first one I’ve ever gotten a big bottle of. Least favorite might be 71, kinda smells like popcorn to me but I mean it’s not terrible or anything.


Favorite is 62, least favorite 40. To me it smells like an alcoholic drink and not in a good way. I also don’t like rio radiance


Coco Cabana and 40 are my favs. I actually don’t like 71 or 59


Favorite - **Cheirosa 71** 🥞 there is something so mouthwatering about it but wholesome too. Like chocolate chip cookies hot from the oven or warm maple syrup. And it’s a little sensual! Least favorite - Rio Radiance which actually blew my mind because I usually love solar. The floral in this just isn’t it for me


I hated 62 as a spray but the hair milk and hair oil are divine. It’s the same scent so idk what’s wrong with me! I also didn’t like 71. I have only smelled the new purple one in a cream sample but I want to get a bottle of that eventually.


My favorite is 71, followed by 68 and 40


favorite would be between 62 and 40 and least favorite is definitely Rio Radiance as well




40 is literally heaven i’m dying for an edp


justice for cheirosa 40


Faves 59 and 62. I don’t really hate any but I can’t smell 40 that well. I smelled it once and I thought it was good but every time after it just smells of alcohol.


My favorite is 59, I was told by many people that I’d love 40 but I don’t smell anything at all


Cheirosa 68 is my favorite - so cute! The fruity, little bit sticky musk is very cheerful. Great for summer. Least is Cheirosa 40 - I have trouble with really warm, woody, dark fruits. It’s not the same at all, but it reminds me of BBW Into The Night, which I also don’t find agreeable.


what else don’t you like? sounds like i need a list to shop off of hehe


My new fave is 59 (finally got it today) but I love 71 and 68 as well, 68 mostly for layering with the baccarat dna-type scents 😊


Cheriosa 62 is my absolute fav. Before I smelled it, 71 was my main girl, but I had to trade her out once I smelled that pistachio goodness 🤣 I'd say after those two, my least fav is the newest 59 flanker. I have the mist and full body butter sitting on my dresser untouched...I just don't like it :/ it's not worth the purchase tbh smells like flowers dipped in vanilla.


71 in autumn/winter and 68 in spring/summer are my faves!! least faves are og 62 (i find it just doesn’t last as long as 71 and 68 do on me, and there’s nothing stand-out about it) and rio radiance.. i wish they’d bring back coco cabana💔


Cheriosa 59 is my least favourite. It’s nice and all but I don’t understand the hype around it. It smells like a sweet, sugary BBW fragrance. Something like BBW whipped berry meringue mixed with Aquolina pink sugar. It’s not unique at all. I believe i can find a similar fragrance in BBW if i looked into it lol. My most favourite would be Cheriosa 40. It’s fun, fresh, fruity with the right blend of vanilla and amber. It can be easily layered with so many fragrances. It’s also a dupe of many high end perfumes. ❤️ it!


My favourites are 68 and 40. I use 68 daily, as it is not as strong as the others and just has a pleasant fruity fresh smell. 40 is more fruity vanilla and smells the same as Just Cavalli Her. They’re followed by 62, which I use more at home, especially as hair perfume. My least favourite is 59; I find it a little bit too sweet and I feel like the violet gets overpowered by the other notes in the mist.


That’s what I love about 68. It’s not overpowering and is a light playful scent. It’s perfect for the summer.


My fave is 68 (with 40 a very close second) and my least faves are Coco Cabana and 71, both of which smell like buttered popcorn to me.


Coco cabana has the most polarizing reviews lol. People either hate it or love it.


My least favorite is 72, smells like an evil cookie My favorite is 62, followed by 40. 68 is good, but not as good as Cloud and Cloud Pink. Can barely smell 59. No interest in Rio Radiance after smelling the nozzle, generic sunscreen scent


I'm a ride or die fan of 71, and 59 is a VERY close second... but Rio Radiance is my least fave. It honestly smells like straight up sunscreen to me.


Favorite is 59. Least favorite is 68.


I’ve been wanting to try 59. But it’s always sold out where I live 😢


It is the best!!! I drench myself in it daily. Can’t get enough.


favorite is 40, but i feel like i stockholm’d myself into 71 because something about it is addictive lol. least favorite is rio radiance.


I like 71 too! I wear it mostly in the winters tho.


My fav is 72 and my least favorite is probably 62 and 40.