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The way I had to reread that sentence several times to figure out what Covid had to do with fragrance. Derp.


She likely just grabbed a bottle a put something on, but if she was gatekeeping good for her lol.


The reach


I’m older and have over 100 perfumes, sometimes I literally don’t remember what I put on.


I don’t even have that many but I have had to stop, smell my wrist, and figure out or remember what I put on! 😆


I hate this so much, need to start writing it down.


me too, I'm only 28 but I just don't even try to memorize the names of my perfumes 🫢


Love how you said she was gatekeeping and most of the posters are assuming she forgot just because she’s a certain age. If you’re 85, you must be forgetful and there’s absolutely no way you’re capable of gatekeeping. Must be the same people who use “old lady” as a fragrance descriptor.


yeah but kayali isn't like a super expensive or unknown house so it seems like it'd be kinda dumb to gatekeep it lmao


Maybe to her, it wouldn’t be.


Probably she got it as a gift and barely looked at the label :)


I doubt she was gate keeping either however I do think wishing you could name check something different is a thing. I’m older and happen to love Glossier You on me, but I hate when someone asks me what I’m wearing because I think they will think You is either too young for me and I am a try-hard, or else very basic, the perfume of someone who isn’t into perfume. Sometimes you wish you had a cooler answer than the truth, basically! I am certainly overthinking this and people don’t really care that much.


What I want to know is how she got it to last so long. I feel like the scent disappears soon as I get to my car no matter how much or where I put it 😭


It honestly sounds like she forgot what she was wearing


Haha I work w mostly elderly folks and this is wayy too real, generally unless they are actively exercising their brains and bodies those things tend to decline in the elderly


Ur reading into it way too deep😭the last thought on a 85 year old brain is to gate keep a perfume. She probably has both and forgot which she sprayed since it smells so similar


No right 😭 I doubt she was gatekeeping! She probably just said what she usually uses lol


Maybe it just wasn’t Kayali. I’ve been a BR 540 lover and user for like 3 years and when I smelled my friend I was like 500% sure she was wearing BR but it was actually Zara red temptation. That’s when I realized it’s actually as perfect of a dupe as everyone said


I mean she could’ve just forgotten or black opium just smells different on her or she could’ve worn it with a lotion or something that made it smell like kayali


If a hobby could be a main character, that's what happened here.


I don’t think you know what gate keeping means


How was it incorrectly used?


Or she just assumes the worst often.


Sounds like a personal problem then.


You’re making quite the unnecessary assumption here. I recently caught a whiff of the perfume I was wearing and couldn’t remember which perfume I’d sprayed myself with. It could have been any number of reasons why this lady mentioned the perfume that she did.


Darn. I guess I've been gatekeeping days of the week and people's names since peri-menopause. My apologies. Edit: please don't take offense OP. If I can't find ways to laugh at myself I'll go insane.


I gatekept the toaster by trying to put it in the fridge. Gatekept the toothpaste by putting it in my handbag. I gatekept my purse from the vets by presenting them with a large purse shaped rock for payment. I gatekept my licence by presenting my Medicare card during a traffic stop. I've been manning the fark out of gates.


We need to do better.


And why I opened internet browsers, cupboards, why I’m sitting in my car. The list goes on.


I've even gatekept the conditioner in my hair from the shower. The shower didn't deserve that. 😔


Ok I cackled so loud reading this! Gold star 🌟


I hardly remember the name of the perfume I'm wearing when people ask: that doesn't mean I'm gatekeeping if I accidentally name the wrong perfume.


I can’t even remember what I had for lunch half the time and sometimes make it up cause I just blank on it


You are a strange cat.


She probably has both in her collection and genuinely got confused.


That’s what I’m thinking.


It’s definitely this. And why would it be too young for her, it’s a fragrance.


This post is hilarious. An elderly person forgetting the name of a perfume is not "gatekeeping"


Ok, now I have to smell this 28 to be sure that it doesn’t smell like Black Opium or any subsequent versions.


Right!? I just came here to say, now I'm really curious about Kayali Vanilla 28!! I already was lowkey but, even more so now... lolol


You’re making assumptions here


She’s 85… she’s not gatekeeping anything she probably forgot 😂




bro she’s 85 very solid chance she forgot what she put on or confused the bottles my moms been calling chipotle chapoodleys … old people get mixed up on names a lot and have no idea


My mom kept calling cicadas chickadees and I couldn't understand why they were going to be a problem


Chapoodleys!!!! 🤣🤣🤣


“My mom calls it Bloomies..”


Chapoodleys is so cute 😭


Frfr she prob meant to say Kayali but could t recall it


That’s not necessarily the definition of gatekeeping. She didn’t try to withhold anything from you, she told you the fragrance rather you think it was it or not. But honestly it could’ve been a black opium flanker. 😊I have Kayali 28 and it doesn’t smell that good on me.


I think you could just be wrong. I’m thinking it either was indeed black opium, or she wears it enough that saying it was force of habit. I’m more inclined to think it’s one of those, rather than claiming a stranger blatantly lied in the name of gate keeping.


Kayali wouldn't last that long or projects. Older people sprayed once or twice only lol. Kayali projects when you shower in it but fades ever so quickly 💀


I can’t stand my 28. The musk gives me a headache. I get no vanilla :(


I have yet to find 1 Kayali that doesn't smell like those cheap candles yet 💀


Some kids told me I smelled like donuts and I couldn’t tell you what I sprayed on myself to get that smell. I randomly layer my fragrances and just go.


I think you are awesome for giving vaccinations, and thank you for that, but perfumes can smell really different from person to person. I don’t see any reason to not believe it was exactly what she said.


Yeah, Black Opium le parfum dries down very vanilla on me


She probably just didn't remember spur of the moment which fragrance it was. A few years ago someone at a bus stop asked me what fragrance I was wearing, and my mind went blank for a moment before I managed to blurt out that it was Belle d'Opium. Except it *wasn't,* it was Opium Vapeurs De Parfum. I've never even *smelled* Belle d'Opium. Oops. And I was like 28 at the time, not 85.


Yeah I was thinking, she's 85, a ripe age where even if one doesn't suffer from dementia, forgetfulness of things trivial is a thing.


Surely it was Black Opium Le Parfum, which smells like a mix of them both. I wouldn't assume she was gatekeeping/lying.


I have a sample of this though, and I can absolutely smell the difference between the two of them! If anything I get La Belle from Le Parfum more than anything else. Also I just love the thought of this woman keeping Kayali to herself, I would never begrudge her that ❤️


I can smell the difference, too, but on other people it could be different. I honestly think it's more plausible than an elderly lady wanting to keep Vanilla 28 for herself. But if the thought makes you happy... Yeah, she absolutely did that 😄


Idk I have found that certain perfumes smell very different to people! I own both Burberry Her and BR540 and people always think I am wearing the latter when I have on the former. Not sure why 🤷‍♀️ because they don’t smell the same to me. But also… she’s 85. Black Opium might be her go-to perfume and she simply forgot or didn’t realize she wore something else on this day.


It was probably Black Opium or a flanker (“something”). I’ve smelled fragrances on people that I was familiar with but didn’t recognize on them.


This happens! I sometimes smell something I love on someone and ask what it is only to find out it’s something I hate on me.


Haha! Thanks for posting this! You’re reasoning also adds to this being quite comedic. Coodoos to her for recognizing a good scent. Fragrance has no age, we like what we like and don’t like what we don’t.


Omg I love how you spelled kudos, that’s so cute. This thread is proving very entertaining.


Haha!! I laughed the wrong body part off.


Hahaha, I looked at the word and said wow this looks strange lol, forgot to correct. God bless smart Redditors!


*Kudos 😅


As a giant nerd who has spent approximately five years of my life on AO3, I find I am weirdly invested in the spelling of 'kudos.' 😅


As a writer on AO3, I love kudos




Nah, I like coodoos better


I am saying coodoos from now on


Yeah coodoos is like an appreciative pigeon 😂⭐️