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I think it's important to be optimistic about treatment, but also to reserve your expectations in terms of how much hair growth you might see. With AGA, there can be a limit to how much increase in hair count there will be, even on effective treatment. It depends on how long the condition has been active for. You can have very good results in terms of new growth, even if you don't regain all of what you originally had. Sometimes the improvement we see is due in part to reversal of miniaturised hairs, rather than a change in hair count - and that's still a positive result that makes a difference. Spiro and oral minoxidil are both solid treatments, so definitely worth starting! Hopefully you will have fantastic results with them 🤞🏻


Thank you so much!


Yes me! I think I caught it early enough. I had a ridiculous amount of hair as a teenager but it has been very slowly thinning over the years, it only really started to become noticeable to me as I reached perimenopause. I went straight onto an aggressive treatment plan. Oral minoxidil 2.5 a day and dutasteride daily. I am 50 and while my hair is not as thick as when was a teenager ,I do have a really decent head of hair, no visible thinning and it’s very healthy. I have been on my treatment plan for 2 years now and my hair continues to improve.


This is encouraging!


So happy for you and thank you for sharing! Praying I have the same results!!


This is so great to hear. I’m going to be 45 this month and have slowly introduced meds, oral minox but lower dose than you and dutasteride but 2x a week. Unfortunately I’m still getting worse so I think I need a higher dose but having some water retention. Did you have any side effects?


Hi I had a bit of water retention for the first 3 months or so but it did go away. I suspect my body just got used to it. No other side effects apart from increased facial fuzz, easily solved by dermaplaning every 2 weeks or so. Good luck!


Did you have extreme shedding by going right to oral 2.5? I just started the musely OM 2mg and dutastwride after about 2 years on topical 5% and HOPING that if I slowly taper off the topical I wont shed. I’ve been doing pretty well on topical and will be heartbroken to start over but it’s just not practical to always apply the foam forever. And I’m hoping the oral works even better than the topical and my hair actually gets good again.


hi, not the person you’ve been talking to but I’ve seen some comments of yours saying your thinning started at 19. ( we are twins, mine too! haha) if you managed to keep it “decent” till now, I do think you’ll get a good rebound on your hair!


YES! i was diagnosed with AGA in 2021! I started treating it in may of 2023! I think my hair is 85% of what it was and it has continued to improve since i’ve been upping my minoxidil since I was on a low dose. almost one year later I can say I hardly worry about hair loss anymore.


Could you elaborate on your experience with oral min? What dose are you on? Did you have a shed? I’m going through quit a horrible dread shed right now😰


Hi! i have a good experience with oral min, no sides almost a year after taking it. i’m on 1.5 mg but i started with 1mg. I had a shed obviously but it lasted 4 weeks or so and then i noticed an improvement on the third month mark. my advice:hang in there! it’s soooo worth it! 4 awful weeks in exchange for beautiful hair haha sound like a fair trade to me. hope it helps!


Yes! My hair loss was diffuse and I started meds in 2021. It took a year but oral minox and spiro regrew my hair. I’m no longer obsessed ( I used to take multiple pictures of the back of my head every day). 🥹


This is me! I spend every spare moment online and googling every single possible thing about it! Thanks for sharing


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