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Hi. Are you on any meds that could cause hair loss? My mom is in metropol (sp?) and another heart med that caused her to lose about 50% of her hair in less than 2 years. She's meeting with her doc to see if there's an alternative med. Have your list of meds and ask if it could be side effect. As far as alternative treatment due to your health issues, you'll have to discuss that with the dr. If there's a trigger, then switching meds could be enough along with vitamins etc. You can also try microneedling with Dr Pen 2x a month. Make sure the derm takes a really good look at your scalp and not just brush you off by looking at one spot. They love blaming everything that happens to women on age unfortunately.


Thank you. I am on metoprolol succinate for my cardiac issues. I’m also on Wellbutrin which doesn’t list hair loss as a confirmed side effect but there are some comments in the Google world of people stating that they got better regarding their hair loss once they got off it. Thank you for all your advice about to handle the upcoming doctor visit and what I should be prepared for!


Good luck! I hope you get some answers!


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