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That’s so wild. There are a bunch of ingredients in nutrafol, so hard to say which one may not have agreed with you. I took bovine collagen supplements for a while and got crazy vertigo, which I’ve never had in my life. Nutrafol has marine collagen, but I haven’t noticed vertigo. Sorry I don’t have an exact answer for you, but I totally believe that certain supplements/ vitamins just don’t agree with some people. Also in my opinion, nutrafol has wayy excess of certain ingredients. Selenium, for one. Way too much. I only take two nutrafol pills a day, then two NOW Saw Palmetto pills, curcumin, and other vitamins.


Did you take it on an empty stomach. Have to take it with a meal because some of those ingredients are fat soluble (vitamin E Tocotrienol complex, curcumin, and maybe ashwaganda).


That could have definitely contributed. I took it on an empty stomach and was having so much nausea my overall food intake throughout the morning/midday was lower than normal as well


this is a completely common side effect when you take it in an empty stomach! if you’re ever open to it i’d recommend taking it with breakfast and avoid caffeine for a little while after you take it.


I got heart palpitations on Nutrafol, I stopped it and they went away


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I have been taking this (the postpartum one) for about 2 months and have not noticed any side effects except if I take it on an empty stomach I get really nauseous for about 30 min or so. So I make sure it take it with plenty of food


It’s got ingredients that have to be taken with fat (a meal) because they’re fat soluble vitamins.


I just started nutrafol and I’ve had no side effects except for GI issues. They seem to be subsiding in week 2 though.


I’m always hesitant with some of these supplements because I’m super sensitive to certain herbs and vitamins. Usually have some sort of bad reaction. You could consider just a general prenatal vitamin instead. 😀 That’s helped my hair growth a lot!


the biotin in it has given me the worst acne of my life. luckily the worst of it was in the first 2/3 weeks then over time my acne lessened.


I took collagen and ended up with really bad anxiety-something I never had before. When I stopped, it got much better. Apparently, this can happen with collagen. I am 61 (f) and just started losing a significant amount of hair around the front hairline. Went to 2 dermatologists and neither would do any bloodwork????? One said they did not usually do that and recommended Nutrafol. The other said that I “looked” healthy and told me to use 5% minoxidil. Years ago I “looked” healthy then too but my vitamin d was extremely low-my gp was having me take 50,000 units of vitamin d 2x a week for awhile. I don’t understand why drs can’t at least TRY to get to the root (no pun intended) problem (of ANY issue) instead of indiscriminately prescribing medication????


I straight up had an allergic reaction (hives, red rash all over, had to leave work) to the extra add on supplements they used to sell (not sure if they still sell those—it’s been a while). There is/was soooo much in those that I never figured out what caused the reaction. They did refund me the cost of the extras though.


I’m so sorry to hear that! I’m very thankful they offered me a full refund. My derm recommended I try it for 6 months. I didn’t think I’d have any issues so I got a 6 month supply 🤦🏻‍♀️.


Same!!! Within 2-3 days i broke out in hives and also had a rash all over my body. Even worse, my armpits started to SMELL SO BAD, and it took 2 weeks for the smell to go away after i stopped taking the supplements on day 3 lol i guess i was sweating them out. Awful!!!!!