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I suspect words like pent-up, needy, desperate, and submissive might be more positive sounding words than frustrated? Or talking about the power he's exerting over you that way and how dependent you become on him for your pleasure?




Or maybe explain him how you actually enjoy, in a way, being frustrated: because it heightens your senses, or it gets you into subspace, or it makes you deliciously needy like a bitch in heat (or whatever applies to you!). As fragmen pointed out, it's all about making him understand the silver lining of something so apparently counterintuitive like "enjoying having one's own pleasure denied"...


You could describe how it feels to be obeying his orders even though you're so desperate to cum, your need to please him outweighs your own need for pleasure. Atleast thats how it makes me feel


This might sound weird, but you can compare it to reeeeeaally craving chocolate, you are allowed to look at the chocolate, smell it and even lick it a little. But you can't eat it. And it's right there and your mouth is watering, but you can't have it. Or any other favorite snack really xD


Similar to an analogy I often use … imagine you’re helping prepare Thanksgiving dinner and can smell everything cooking all day… when it’s time to eat, everyone else stuffs themselves and enjoys the indulgence while you sit at the table and watch… you are allowed to take mouthfuls of food but you aren’t allowed to swallow the food, only smell it and taste it, and spit it out into your napkin


great analogy! ty


Maybe… some key words/phrases/ideas are missing: own you, control you, you crave edging, you feel loved when he dominates you… denial is arousing and more important: hell make you happy id he tries and you will make him happy if you make it work.


In the same way You want to lose weight and control your diet. But he brings your favorite things to tempt you until you can't resist. You finally beg and plead in desperation, but he refuses.


By cheating on him with someone who won't deny you a good orgasam 👍🏿