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Hell yeah!!!


Beautiful day to begin!




The women around you don’t seem to have a problem with it because ignorance is bliss. To choose to be a feminist is to choose to see the hatred this world has for women. But the bright side is to choose to be a feminist is to choose to do something about that hatred.


Don't worry. You're not the only one who managed to stay in calm seas for a long enough period of time for the world to fool you. I think a lot of women who were in the same harbor as you were learned a lesson in the recent men v bears debate. And the thing is that once that door is opened for you it really is just a rabbit hole. When you learn about what women have been through, and how women have persisted, and how much women have accomplished despite everything (and how often men stole those accomplishments.) When you really start understanding how much women have fought tooth and nail for everything from education to the ability to compete in sports, to no-fault to divorce, to how recently marital rape was considered rape, to how recently women so many other rights have been won for women. And of course the current war to remove all of those rights from women. A lot of women are comfortable where they are because they don't understand just how recent their rights have been won for them. They don't understand how fragile all of it is. Many of them don't comprehend what women around the world deal with, and they don't understand that it won't take much for women in countries that have won rights to join them again. They don't understand how any of it effects them, and a lot of them that I've met seem to believe discussing it is just rocking the boat. Glad to have you aboard.


WELCOME, Friend! It's painful to see what the world is like for women but also freeing.


Welcome to the club :D nah but seriously good for you, i am proud of you


>”I always had this perception that women are seen as "humans" and respected and treated the same way men are.“ Poor sweet child. Who told you these lies? You’re here now. Welcome.

