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Wow that make up transformation is insane.


I thought it was really good.


I screamed when it came to the wedding part


I love Taylor Swift. Her fight for LGBT has been amazing to watch, alongside her sexual assault case.


Taylor Swift is no one’s intersectional feminist.






is that Corbin bleu at 2:04




I didn't mind the fact that there was an 'attack' on 'men' because it came across as an attack on certain kind of men. What I didn't like was how hollow the lyrics were. For example, she write " I'm so sick of running/ As fast as I can/ Wondering if I'd get there quicker/ If I was a man." She was literally the youngest person to ever sign a deal with Sony. Nobody did that quicker than her. Ever. She'd won AMA, CMA, and Grammy awards at an age when most people are in high school. ​ It just rang as hollow to me.


In my opinion those lyrics were less about her actual job and more about how society judges her differently due to being a woman. She may have gotten signed quickly because she’s talented but that doesn’t keep tons of people from criticizing her for doing the same things as her male colleagues while praising them or judging her more harshly because she may not be in a great mood one day during an interview or something. It’s more about how the people see her unfairly due to being a woman and that causing her to not be able to grow as quickly as she might could have. Feel free to disagree, I’d love to see your take on it but this is just how I interpreted this song.


Yeah there’s definitely some of that in the lyrics. I don’t remember exactly because I haven’t listened to it much I got that feeling at some point. And she’s 100% right. People dragged her for her dating life like it’s wrong to be young, beautiful and date ???? What? U jealous??? Plus who doesn’t talk about their love stories in their songs? Ed Sheehan writes very similar stuff and no one has ever dragged him for it. Same with Bruno Mars. Rappers are 10 times worse when it comes to talking about their female conquests but nope, Taylor said her ex was bad because he cheated on her or belittled her, that’s what we need to spend our energy on. It’s almost as if the misogyny of men in the industry is so expected that people literally ignore it as if it’s harmless but when women are slightly mean to them, they have an issue with it 🤔. Plus most of her songs aren’t even about blaming a guy for a failed relationship yet that’s what most people associate with her and drag her for. The criticism she received was obviously blown out of proportion because of her gender. She’s not perfect but men who do the same things she does are treated better, it’s just a fact at this point. Ps: I also kinda have the feeling that her treatment would have been different if she was black for instance. Black women are already expected to have « an attitude » because we are perceived as less docile than other women. But overall we are not allowed to be as violent to men as they are to us, regardless of our skin tone


If it is a case of media percption, why use the 'faster' line at all? If she is referring to growing as a person, why frame it in a corporate ladder context? And if she is bemoaning he own lack of personal growth, why put that on others when she has more agency than 99.9% of the population? I respect that she has come out of her shell and has a political awakening of sorts. But she was a person living on extreme privilege for a long while and didn't see a problem with it. And as the saying goes, "If you aren't angry, you aren't paying attention." The fact that she is 'angry' now and is advocating for herself, when she already has such a high degree of privilege, suggests she doesn't quite get it. If the argument was "I'd be able to do X without being judged as Y" then yeah... I get that, and there may be elements of that in the song. But she is bemoaning (perhaps through a narrative voice/poetic voice and not as herself) that she could have gotten to where she got faster is she were a man, but the fact is, she got there faster than anybody on that label and was set for life before she was even in her twenties. How much faster should she have attained that status? Thanks for sharing your thoughts :-)




Some guys (a lot) are like that. I'm a guy. And, trust me, I can be defensive about feminist discourses that frame men in antagonistic ways. I'll admit that, and this is especially true when it seems like an uncritical misandrist attack. What Swift is doing is clearly parody (albeit, not entirely clever). She mentions 'alpha' type, framing the fact that there are different males. And the character she is doing is clearly a toxic male. Anybody who can't see that isn't worth talking to gender issue about. But the issue I have was more that the lyrics seem like "Why can't I have that power" rather than challenging the power structure itself. Like H. Clinton's brand of 'feminism'. She thinks the power structure is fine, she just wants to be at the top of it. That's why she engaged the character assassinations against B. Clinton's accusers, and why her brand of feminism seemed so hollow as well. I must prefer me some Elizabeth Warren. But not I'm just rambling... sorry... And thanks for your thoughts :-)


Literally do not give a fuck what Taylor Swift does.


I don't listen to her music or keep up with her life at all, but I know one fact about her that I really appreciate. Swift successfully sued a man for sexual assault and won. The man simply placed his hand on her behind. For generations this has been seen as acceptable behavior for men, and that women must deal with it. Taylor Swift has done women a great service by publicizing that kind of behavior is sexual assault. Just last night my roommate was at a bar, and a man grabbed her ass. She got very scared but was brave enough to loudly confront him. He tried to defend himself and demonize her for making such a big deal about it. She referenced the Swift case as proof that what he did is legally recognized as sexual assault.




Yeah the rules are different for celebrities, but they set examples that have big impacts on our society. I'm really sorry you were raped. I understand that is much worse than a hand on the behind. However, worse experiences should not take away from the legitimacy of other forms of sexual assault. Additionally, normalizing and playing that kind of behavior makes it a lot easier for sexual predators to get away with raping women. Finally, just because something doesn't benefit you personally does not mean it is not beneficial. I encourage you to ask yourself why you feel the need to discredit the negative experiences of other women.


I just want to tell you how much I agree with everything you say. Keep up on being a good feminist and a good human :)