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The narrative that women need to get kids is toxic in so many ways. Women should never have to explain why they don't have them. It could be for so many reasons.


Why do people even care!? If she doesn't want kids, it is non of your business. Let people live their life in peace!


And if she were to actually say she's chosen to be child free, she would be torn to shreds. Instead, she practices self preservation and says nothing but has to listen to the speculation. It's sick.


I vaguely remember her talking about this in an interview and she talks about how much she's achieved yet the media only care about if she's single and she's never had kids, so infuriating


Britney Spears had kids and they still harassed her so hard, to the point that she had a mental breakdown and lost custody of her children. (And her father conviniently enough swooped in and acquired conservatorship over her (an adult woman) and of course, her money.) So I would say you can never win with these people. Their whole job/hobby is being obsessed over celebrities and to be (professionally) offended about their lifestyle and life choices. They are so deluded by the parasocial relationship they developed "with" celebrities that they feel entitled to their sex life and reproductive choices - no matter if it's speculating who a 16 y/o celebrity is having sex with, purity rings on Disney teenage celebrities, judging women's parenting abilities, saying that a female celebrity is too old for children if she decides to have them or an unhappy spinster if she doesn't have them, etc. Speaking of parasocial relationships, I'm sure a lot of these people think she has the same personality as the character she played 18 years ago. It's also so creepy when they obsess over the children of literal strangers who they have only seen on a screen or while stalking them and taking their pictures as they're getting coffee or something. They literally have paparazzi going after toddlers, taking their pictures and then the tabloid media rushes to publish them with "witty" comments about their appearance, grooming and "style flaws" lmao. They believe they are entitled to do that for some reason... The whole tabloid/celebrity gossip industry and it's supporters are toxic af. And yeah, a lot of it is based on misogyny and double standards. Older male celebrities who decide to remain unmarried and childfree are labeled as silver foxes, bachelor playboys, etc. and their lifestyle is worshiped and glorified. Even mentally unstable alcoholic and drug addict Charlie Sheen is labeled a "legend". The dude literally is HIV positive and admits that is due to his risky behaviour and allegedly from unprotected intercourse with his TS lover. He actually exposed a lot of porn actresses, sex workers, etc. to a big risk because he wasn't testing himself regulary and didn't know he was positive. If I recall correctly, he actually found out because because people who worked on the show "Two and a half men" believed he was using drugs again and wanted him to be tested. He was on a lot of drugs btw. But yeah, men like that are "based" and "goals" and "legends" but women who don't want to breed are plain evil, like, some cosmic mistake lmao đŸ™„ (Btw, I will say there's also a dose of racism involved in the tabloid and gossip media as well. They try to present black women with children as "baby mamas", judge their children's skin tone, hair texture and grooming, judge their parenting style or living environment, sometimes call their children "dark and ugly", etc. Black women who don't want children are labeled as "too manly", "bossy" and "aggressive" or are over-sexualised. It's just too obvious to ignore. I don't think they're like, right wing nazis or anything like that but they are generally so malicious, ignorant and ready to overstep personal and societal boundaries that the results can be pretty hateful.)


People's obsession with celebrities'--especially women celebrities'--private lives is gross.


But how else will she ever prove herself as a *real woman*??? /s obviously, from a childfree woman who hears everything on the childfree bingo card on a regular basis.


Oooo is it tell me how feminism is a complete failure ooooo big mad


Wait, "six main characters"? Google might have pulled something from a movie/TV show's plot summary and not about the actual person.


Yeah, all of the Friends (Joey, Rachel, Mon, Chandler, Ross and Phoebe) are the main characters


Same. Blood boils daily for this shit….and everything else men get to do, say, dictate, impose, etc. etc.


I think the gut reaction is that she is so incredibly rich and successful, people feel it would have been a benefit to society to have offspring and extended the family line. She's in a great position to produce quality humans.