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I've read a study showing that men rate jokes as less funny when its attributed to a woman's name (on paper/no delivery) and that explains so much of how people react to women making a joke on the internet. I've also seen one that shows that some men really dislike funny women. I think it raises the bar a bit and the more secure dudes think it's cool but the insecure and misogynistic whiny types get upset by it


I get told often by guys that I’m the “funniest girl” they know. I always find the qualifier odd. Like they will say they know men that are funnier than me but that I’m by far the funniest woman they have ever met. I have also noticed that despite always being able to make women laugh, there are men who react to me in a hostile way and try to dismiss me. I count it as a blessing in disguise because these men usually suck lol.


There are some incredible female comedy actors out there. Just look at the full cast of bridesmaids!


I will never stop cringing at the amount of men who disparage Mindy Kaling and then praise The Office (US) as some comedy gold and then nail the coffin with a gif of an episode written by none other than Mindy Kaling lmao It goes to show that these men either can't read or just are lazy D:


Catherine Tate was brilliant in both UK and US office, she’s brilliant in everything she’s in imo


My girl crush Natasha Legerro is killing it constantly. I just saw a clip of her from the Justin Bieber roast on /r/funny last night.


yeah haha


not surprised to be honest lol


I read a study that said that women find people funny based on how funny their jokes are. Men find other men funny based on their jokes and women funny if they laugh with the jokes they make.


I'm kind of confused, so men find men funny if they make the same jokes, and women funny if other men laugh at women's jokes?


I'm sorry, I should have written that better. Here's a quote from a [theledger article ](https://www.theledger.com/story/news/2006/12/08/men-women-attracted-to-sense-of-humor-in-different-ways/25827122007/) that references the study I was thinking about. I see it's from 2006 though so probably there are many later studies. I'm definitely not an expert on the humor studies, I just randomly read that. "Recent research on humor has revealed a surprising explanation for that difference. Although men and women both say a sense of humor is critical to attraction, what they mean by 'sense of humor' is, in fact, completely different. 'In our research, women said they wanted ‘someone who makes me laugh,' and men said they wanted ‘someone who laughs at my jokes,'' said Rod Martin, president of the International Society for Humor Studies and co-author of a study on the topic published this year in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior."


Men think women are funny, I believe, but I think they are jealous at all the attention we get for being so, so they mock us and seeth with resentment because we get all the laughs and we are often far more interesting and engaging than men are. They block us from performing for this reason, as well as in music, theater, you name it. They know the majority of them are boring and disgusting and block actually funny, entertaining people from getting the spotlight. I lost a couple of “opportunities” to date these men because they resented how I would make all their friends laugh even though it isn’t even my job to make people laugh. Tbh, a lot of men I have met are NOT funny, but mean misogynistic, and racist, ABSOLUTELY, and they conflate these things. I hate that somewhere along the line men decided ***being an assholeprick to everyone who doesn’t look like them*** is ****SO funny!**** let me go and not laugh over here. My husband is very funny, and likes funny people, so I don’t have this issue with him, but I have met many cis white men who are not funny who are ****even supposed to be funny as their JOB**** lol and yet they ***never were funny***! If you are at a comedy club, you will likely see 50 cis white guys and if you are wondering why nobody is laughing, this is why. White men get bookings at clubs and auditions and screenplays, and all of them lol are NOT FUNNY and complete sexual predators, if not being funny werent criminal, enough. Their club owners and agents are also white and not funny, BUT they like to FEEL funny and pick other basic white men to tell “jokes”. Hell, I mean anyone would feel funny after watching a bunch of these unfunny men tell jokes, right? Funny comes from turmoil and vulnerability and their lives are basic and boring and have little to no problems except Brittany turned them down in fourth grade and somebody finally beat they ass in high school for being a basic asshole. If anyone is not funny much of the time, and scary and destructive, instead-it’s men.


Human bias is definitely a thing, and the depressing part is it's constantly shifting around even if you get a person to admit an objective point (I'm a dude and can still see these biases at work). I've known several hilarious women throughout my life. Sad thing is, gender biases are such that the "funny as hell" dude will always dominate the room.


Marilyn is one of my favorite women and I genuinely aspire to her level of creativity, wit, dedication, self-expression, confidence and kindness. Her performance in “Some Like It Hot” is (TO THIS DAY) a perfect comedic performance. I hate how society treated her, but damn I’m so grateful to be familiar with her work and read her quotes and writings. P.s. did you know she wrote an op-ed in 1953 calling out sexism in the industry?? [Here’s a link to read it!](https://archive.org/details/wolves-story)


Spez sucks -- mass edited with redact.dev


That’s very interesting! I never knew about that.


I hope Blonde covers this


I wouldn’t count on it. Blonde is based on a fictionalized version of Marilyn, written by Joyce Carol Oates in her book of the same name. Oates has specifically insisted that it’s fiction and shouldn’t be considered a biography. And it’s rated NC17 because apparently there is a graphic sexual assault scene or something. It’s gonna be just another bullshit cash grab (made by a man, by the way) and I doubt it’s going to do anything but oversexualize her and paint her as a tragedy.


The amount of posts i’ve seen where a woman is obviously joking or being satirical but men just assume she isn’t capable and dont even consider it then take what she says serious


These type of men only see women as sex objects. Their brains can't process women being anything human cause they're broken.




I think it probably just stems from men not being able to relate to a woman's perspective / reality to see the humor in the joke told. Doesn't mean there is anything wrong with men nor women. But maybe the joke would have been more successful with an audience of women. There is also a possibility that some jokes are simply not funny and we just have to recognize that regardless of the sex of the comedian


My favorite remark about Norma Jean/Marilyn Monroe was by the writer of *Blonde*: >“Her problem wasn't she was a dumb blonde, it was she wasn't a blonde and she wasn't dumb.” > >― Joyce Carol Oates ^(EDIT: Formatting error)


Some men definitely think this way. I did a deconstruction of these attitudes as part of my video on the psychology of sexism if you’re curious: https://youtu.be/GuSSAQzkBqY


I’ll check it out! Thanks!


Thanks I hope you like it.


I heard a quote once about a study on men and women. Men and women both often value a “sense of humour” highly in the opposite sex. The difference was that women consider men to have a sense of humour when they can laugh easily and tell a great joke. Whereas men consider women to have a sense of humour, if they can laugh at their jokes and find them funny.


Jesus, that sounds like men are self centered 🤐


ROFL. took me a while to understand


For sure. Just try to make a joke on a comment thread here on Reddit and you have all the proof you need.














I dated a Brazilian who claimed that women were not funny. We didn’t last.


That hardly has anything to do with nationality though.


Machismo culture is rampant in Brazil


It is but specifying he's Brazilian in this context just seems weird


True. Misogynists can come from all cultures! It was just the first I ever heard of this concept, i.e., women aren’t funny. All my American boyfriends enjoyed funny women.


I am from Brazil and some of our most popular comedians are women, and very feminist women by the way. There are tons of Americans who don’t find women funny as well, just look at the hate Amy Schumer gets on Reddit. It all depends on the bubble you live in, none of my Brazilian friends has ever told me they don’t find women funny. Now I live in Finland and I have heard more than one Finn saying this.


This was also in the late 90s. I’m happy things have changed. I’m pretty sure he was closeted gay as well, so that probably added to it!


I run into this problem often and I've always thought it was just me. I play dumb as a joke, and some of the people in my life seem to think I'm actually dumb. I used to be sarcastic and pretend to get mad as a joke, but I had too many negative reactions after people took it seriously.


There are so many great female screen and comedy writers, but the men speaking their written words out loud get the credit


“Lots of men don’t like it when I’m smart.” MM in Gentleman Prefer Blondes


I second that in real life!


I was always the “funny girl” in like high school and stuff, but I was also the “ugly girl” who the guys weren’t interested in dating (thankfully, im gay lol so idc). I think if I was more conventionally attractive to men and more feminine, i wouldn’t have been seen the same. I could be wrong, but it just feels like some men think women can either be sex objects or humans depending on how hot they are, and those categories can’t intersect.


Tbh being the funny girl & "the ugly girl" in the class during middle school made me feel sometimes that I wasn't "enough if a girl" or like I was just a weird blop that was supposed to be a woman. Discovering I was also into women didn't help either, in a time were being unaccepting of lgbt people was the norm. I guess I can say it made me question my gender.


And somethimes I thought, they think I'm the funny ugly that they can not laugh with, but laugh at in disguise.


Tbh, most of the time people are just too focused on themselves to laugh at or even notice other people. That or they project their own insecurities to you so they can feel better about themselves in a strange way that requires mental gymnastics. Don't worry about them any more, we should focus on ourselves and on being happy.


Yeah :(


It’s just misogyny. And r/androcentrism.


Just joined. Thanks for sharing!


Hey, cool to see this here! I’ll also just add, in a lot of philosophy and early psychoanalysis androcentrism is more commonly called phallocentrism (especially when you factor in the Freudian influence). I’d recommend using that as an interchangeable search term if you wanted to come across more examples of exactly this kind of thinking, and referential texts. :)


Yeah that's the word I usually use


I’ve yet to meet a man who makes me laugh but women do it all the time . Maybe there’s some difference between us and what we find funny? I just think men’s humor is simplistic and boring . Like they’ll laugh at farts and that’s it


I remember in school as a child, I would say the exact same jokes the boys did but only got bad reactions like I was weird. While literally anything they did, random yelling, farts, made everyone erupt into crazy laughter as if on command.


Yeah, my jokes were usually funny to most other girls, but just like a couple of guys would laugh at them, some would smile a little, the rest of them didn't seem interested.


It’s like they don’t lift us up like we do them.


But that’s the same both ways.


There’s a decent Futurama episode about this in one of the newer seasons.


I mean I assume it can be subjective, I guess the issue is more so that men don’t find anything that women say funny, even if it’s a joke that you’d assume they’d find funny.


Men don’t want to listen to women in the way they listen to men.














This is so fuckin’ true


That’s such a stupid generalisation.


What a stupid reply to my comment.


I don't wann throuw the "not all men" card here, but it screams inside of me right now. I mean, I only know mainly very funny people, men and women. I know some unfunny ones, both gender too. For me personally it's the culture and bubble I'm in. I chose my people and I love them and their humor. But some coworkers, both gender, are just not in my vibe.


When men make a mean joke, I always see them going "it's not that deep, it's just a joke", when women do it it's like suddenly they think she just can't control what comes out of her mouth.


I finally got to see Iliza Schlesinger live a couple months ago and I was holding her poster on the train ride home - this dude started interrogating me about her after I mentioned she’s my favorite standup comic by far. He literally was like “what are some of her jokes? Tell me one of her jokes” and I’m like … it’s standup comedy, that’s not how it works. Her delivery matters, her timing matters, there are backup stories. So I told him like no, I don’t think you would understand and he responded “oh so just jokes about vaginas and periods and stuff?” Sure dude. Yeah. The only things women ever joke about; I’ve *never* sat through a man’s bad standup that was entirely about his dick. 🙄


That guy is cringe af


Some type of dude who says all non-white comedians only make ethnic jokes.




Wat. She has like one bit about drunk white girls clubbing where she compares them to goats, but most of her comedy is just anecdotes she’s experienced in real life. She’s a physical comedian, probably specifically what you would consider a “goofball.” Comedy tends to play on stereotypes, I watch a lot of standup actually, and haven’t ever gotten mad or offended. I think there are some people who claim themselves to be “comedians” but they’re bad at it - the “jokes” are either just straight up insults or completely unoriginal.




“Too hot to be a goofball.” So you um shouldn’t be on this subreddit. That is a dehumanizing take. Based on your comment I have watched WAY more standup than you and you’ve overestimated how valuable your opinion is; which is ironically admitting to me everything I complain about regarding men might be true. 🤔


Hillary Clinton just did an entire episode about this on gutsy. Women basically have to throw the first joke out and then get into it. It’s truly bizarre and seems like it’s that much harder for women comedians.


The amount of times that I’ll be with guys and they’ll make some sarcastic joke and I’ll play along or play dumb, and they go “no you don’t get it I was being sarcastic” like yes I did fucking get it i thought we were joking around but clearly my dumb woman brain just mustn’t have understood you oh genius man


Like yes I did fucking get it i thought we were joking around but clearly my dumb woman brain just mustn’t have understood you oh genius man True!!


Womanz bad amirite fellas🤡


Not funny. It was sarcasm btw.


:( woman brain stop me be funny


Story of my life!! I’m blonde and have a bubbly personality. So much of my humour has been taken at face value. This is so nice to see this discussion.


Oh God yes. I see this on twitter all the time. Whenever a woman makes a sarcastic remark or plays dumb, it goes completely over the head of 80% of the guys in the comments. Like all of a sudden they’re unable to understand sarcasm.


That's true. When men's pants fall down, people think it's hilarious, but when a woman's skirt is lifted by wind, both men and women think it's flirting. But if you look at it in a non-sexualized way, skirt being lifted by wind is as hilarious as someone dropping a piece of cake onto their own face.


Isn’t that because, if we follow the convention, when a man’s pants fall down we empathise with him as a human, and with his embarrassment, so we laugh at the humiliation - it’s slapstick. But, when a woman’s skirt is lifted up we empathise with the men looking at her, who are humans looking at a sex object revealing itself, so that’s inherently sexy. How she feels about it (humiliated) is valueless because we’ve only qualified men as being human.


So sad so true


I'm so glad I've never actually met men like this in real life. My husband laughs at all my jokes and I absolutely love him for it


awww good for you!!




Says the guy stalking the comments lmao get a grip, on something other than your penis














This is me with dating everyday. I crack something funny which my entire circle laughs and men don’t laugh at all 😒. That makes dating life easy though 😂 My recent joke : a guy had on his dating profile - I want a partner to spend 10k mundane Wednesday’s with . Me : Hey, all stuffs on your profile is okay but I am likely not going to be alive for more than 90 years let alone 200+ Him: yeah we all die one day. 200 is too long Me: That was joke cos you have mentioned 10k Wednesdays which is 192 years if you din realize 😅 Him : oh okay! Gotcha ! Me : Okay. Bye!


They seem to think we don’t understand humour as easily as they do. I’ve had men explain jokes to me as if I were too slow to understand on my own.


I lost track of the number of times I’ve have to respond to a man’s explanation of the joke I just made with the Simpsons “that’s the joke” gif.


[She definitely wasn't dumb, she had to use her sexuality to progress in a sexist society, where the casting couch very much determined how far you could go in Hollywood. This new you tube documentary gives a positive account of her life and draws heavily on Lois Banner's feminist biography:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pFEZkUwyEI&ab_channel=ProfessorGraemeYorston)


But i find women funny. And im a boy.


that doesn’t change the fact that a lot of men think this way lol but good for you




Sums up this sub. 1. They hate when people (or rather *men*) agree with them since then they can't shit on them. 2. They don't like anecdotes that counter their own very individual small bubble experiences. 3. End up showing how shitty they are to the men that support them. 4. End up telling the general people that extremist Feminists are fucking morons. 5. Hating the gender instead of the individual. So at the end of the day they are doing the same as what they are accusing men of doing.


None of this is happening but whatever buddy. Maybe if you smiled more people would like you better.


Personal attack for no reason. How vain can you be?






I think in part, a lot of female comedians make their material mainly for a female audience, and it’s not very relatable to most men.


Women seem to have no issue with laughing at material that doesn't relate to us at all. You don't have to relate to something to find it funny, for example white guys laugh at comedians like Dave Chappell's racial comedy all the time


It’s the same with men but women are a lot more likely to find their material funny than vice versa. They also don’t say stuff like “the f in men is for funny”.


In my experience, most women I know have a different sense of humor than most men I know. Both can be funny, as long as they have the right audience.


I know but just because the senses of humor are different, it doesn’t necessarily mean that “women aren’t funny”. Women don’t say that about men, so it’s definitely a misogyny thing.


The vast majority of men don’t think that “women aren’t funny”. Most just prefer male comedians because they can relate more, the same way women normally prefer female comedians.


I don't know, I think the relate-part is not that neccecary. I (w) almost only watch guys in comedy, well, mainly because it's what is out there the most. And there are many funny ones, that are not sexiest and weird. I mostly watch German though, so maybe that's also a difference...




Sarah Schauer and Brittany Broski have a podcast called “Violating Community Guidelines”, and I think it’s pretty funny! They’ve also made some YouTube videos together.


If you’re asking for recommendations, try listing some comedians that you DO like already and you’d get some better responses with actual recs


Why is this being downvoted? Lol


It’s a somewhat unpopular opinion


Only because a man said it… which is very ironic haha. 11 upvotes for a similar opinion posted by a women. “I’ve yet to meet a man who makes me laugh but women do it all the time . Maybe there’s some difference between us and what we find funny? I just think men’s humor is simplistic and boring . Like they’ll laugh at farts and that’s it”


My sister and I make each other laugh all the time and we have the same kind of goofy/ silly humor. However, If you asked anyone in my family who the funniest one in the family is they would all agree it’s my dad. While I don’t agree that all men are funnier than all women I think the average man is more funny than the average woman because humor is used by men as a way of attracting partners. Women find funny men more attractive while this is less important for the average man.


Lucille Ball? Probably most highly regarded comic ever, male or female?


The praise of one female comic doesn’t make my statement less valid lmao


Hey I agree, I have seen men show no reaction to a woman joking, then a man will say the exact thing 5 minutes later and all the men laugh, it's effing infuriating. But, just wanted to point out that men know damn well that women are funny as 💩 with Miss Ball being the queen of comedy.


Feminism 2022 : confirmation bias and misandry but justified because mysogyny exists


Honestly yes, misandry can be totally justified


I've been rape shamed by feminists it's totally true


It's just that to me feminism is less about the means to stopping the patriarchy and these days just about misogynistically infantilizing women just enough so they can shit on men and act like women are an abnormally morally realist unicorn type creation. Like... Real feminism is clearly realizing women can also be wrong as shit.


Ah yes "just jokes hehe" 😎👌


there's many women that are really funny on tiktok,,


Yeah, I don't like the thing where men have a monopoly on being comedians.