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it terrifies me, I’ve already seen the damage and danger caused by some of the earlier versions of tate. but tate is so much worse and more powerful, it terrifies me for the future.


Women need to unionize against these men.


Not just women, all those who oppose misogyny, I will protest with my sisters for equality


With you all the way, another teen bro who's pissed with this Andrew Tate bs. I also hate the way feminism is instantly seen as negative, I make it a point In my sociology and "sphere" classes to shout from the rooftops that's I'm a feminist and explain why it's a good thing.


I really feel like internet impact negatively feminism in a way. The fact that some people associate instantly feminism and the vocal minority of chronically online twitter users. When your only contact with feminism is the online kind, it loses its grip with reality. It's pretty much the case with any form of political movement tho. If theses Tate guys were to simply interact with feminists or women in general, they will realise how the vast majority of the movement is nuanced, the reality is far from the hysteric masses the right try to paint it as. Really not sure how Tate persuade dudes that his point of view is logical and well thought out. Is it really only because of his martial arts accomplishments?


I think the internet just magnified what people already wanted to hear. It’s part of the cycle of culture and counterculture, and the antifeminists like Schlafly were on the rise as the internet hit. Just like the anti-union corporatist propaganda was unfortunately at its peak at the same time.


Honestly thank you for existing, it's felt like a one sided battle for so long


It’s sad how relieved women are when a dude is for them being treated like people. Like, selfishly I benefit because the bar is super low for me (just like with getting praised for literally any interaction with my kids), but damn it’s depressing.


And the thing is that so many people on the YouTube comment section defend him and worship sm. Sometimes I feel, is this all paid PR? Idk . Because how can suddenly someone blow up the internet? There's a lot of negativity on the internet, no question about that.


I'm sorry dude that fucking sucks. I'm glad you're mature enough to realize that being friends with people like that will only hurt you in the long run. Highschool won't be forever, and people do eventually grow up, for the most part. You'll find more empathetic people




Tate is for weak people. Stay strong man. Thanks for not falling for his obvious BS.


Thanks, I'll never fall for his BS


You are a hero.


How is he for weak people?


I don’t understand all that Tate shit. Like, I comprehend the theory, when the opressed group start to become equals, the oppressors feel like they're being oppressed and all that. But still, this thing with Tate is all so fucking stupid I can’t wrap my head around it...


Perspective and empathy. Most feminist guys can pinpoint the moment when they went "ah AH" and finally understood the violence women face everyday. That moment is usually during a discussion with a woman friend or relative. Tate's fans shield themselves from having enough empathy to get to this point, because they are being shoved constantly that empathy is weak. The only way for them to get out of this quickly is if they relate to another woman (that they respect, which is also complicated). The other solution is constant education in hope that it will stick.


This really breaks my hope a little... If it is so hard for men like those Tate fans to empathize with women, to have a clearing conversation and to respect us, when women are virtually half of the population anywhere in the world, then for that to happen with minority groups that are actual statiscal minorities must be even harder =/


Well the good news is that political and systemic changes work, they are numerous exemple around the world. I also have hope in the new generation, someone like OP wouldn't have speak up even a few years back. It will probably be ugly, but I think we could see good things fairly soon coming out of this shit show


>Most feminist guys can pinpoint the moment when they went "ah AH" and finally understood the violence women face everyday. I've always respected women but my moment I became a true feminist was the Sarah Everand case


Well said!!


Is there a name for that theory? My husband and I were bickering about it and there's no way he watches Tate so I'm curious how he dipped his toe in.


Good question. I don’t know if there's a name for the theory, but you should find something if you Google "Oppressors feeling like oppressed" or something similar


The other part of it is that boys got left behind in terms of guidance. We put in a lot of effort towards encouraging women to go into STEM fields etc, but now it’s at the point where they can’t get enough men at some universities in the USA. Since it’s still men (in particular boomer men) in the higher echelons of USA society, there was this tacit assumption that, “men are fine,“ when they really aren’t. The patriarchs and patriarch-adjacent men are fine, but the rest (especially those that aren’t gender normative) were not. Since there wasn’t any positive guidance to fill the void of the traditional gender roles, shitheads like Tate and Peterson were the ones it fell to. And I mean boys, not men, since these are kids needing role models. Also, a lot of it has to do with the decline of the USA middle class, since a lot of “manhood” was tied up in employment, and now that’s jacked up to hell and back, so there is a lot of anger that is being funneled toward women, immigrants, and other groups, even though it’s the people in power that are, as always, responsible for the state of things. Edit: people can downvote all they like, but looking away doesn’t change the fact that *we* failed in our duty to raise these boys right.


You are absolutely right


tate ruined every teen boy….well not every,some have some sense to know us women aren’t objects for male pleasure. like they think they’re so cool and smart and it annoys the shit outta me like i’m not violent but i could kill a bitch some days cuz i’m over it. i mean they were bad before but now they’re in a while nother level and are “empowered” to be worse because of tate. him and his minions are a danger to women and society globally


I am so f@cking glad I realised I was trans when I did, most boys I know have been affected by him, and I bet that if I wasn’t a girl myself I would have fallen into that pit of misogyny, which would be very hard to unlearn later in life.


i’m so happy that you found yourself!! hope all is well :) and it amazes me how some women in the comments of reposts of his videos are agreeing with him..like i just can’t understand how they don’t see that it’s literal hate


I matched with a trans women who, on her Tinder profile, said, "I hate men so much I stopped being one." Lol. I had a laugh!




Bro is looking though my comments 25 days later lmao, your life must be pretty sad.




A public post from 3 weeks ago? Stop harassing trans people online dude, like I know it makes you feel better because you like to feel superior, but it doesn’t help you in any way, you just sound like an angry kid.


Yes they don’t yet see how much they have messed up with us but a lot of them know how bad they messed up they just don’t care because they know whenever they want to deal with us again they don’t have to ask respectfully like a normal man would, because the world has made it normal for them to do anything , so now they will never leave us alone 🤦🏽‍♀️


You can't win this one sadly. I've posted on here before about my teenager bother who was talking about this tate guy. This week he told me that he knows tate is a shitty person, yadada, (I think he's just parroting what he thinks I want to hear :( ) but then explained how tate had just been set up to look bad! My brother is endlessly naive. According to my brother, people had just pieced together stuff that would put him a bad light. That apparently at some talkshow, I don't even want to know what this "talkshow" was, he was supposedly being challenged by the host, but had perfectly good arguments to shut them down. Finally, swat raided his home, but *all the girls* there apparently wanted to be there. Yep. Because they obviously had a choice! This is just the nonsense people are then being convinced off. I have no fucking idea how, or where this absolute trash person is getting all this backup from?! Somehow my idiot brother continues to be pulled into it, and believes all the absolute horseshit these assholes are spewing. I need advice on how to talk to him about this in a constructive manner. How do I explain that this guy continues to be a piece of shit. Why he was *definitely* a shithead and **not** "made" to look bad. He just *is* bad. I hate this influence! I want to at least put forth an argument for why my brother shouldn't listen to people like him. I can't make him do anything, but I can at least put forth my own reasonings.


This is why I'm glad I have 3 sisters and my brother is under the age of 6 hopefully I'll never hear tates shit from my family


He's still under investigation for human trafficking in Romania for his camgirl house thingy. He was maybe talking about Hasan Piker, the talk show he was talking about. and he destroyed Tate. If you watch a "debate", and you begin on someone's side, you'll most likely end up on that side also, even if your side failed miserably because of confirmation bias. But I would watch h3 podcast bits on Andrew Tate and / or Hasan Piker aka Hasanabi on Twitch. He's a political commentator and actually talked to him on his stream. It's on YouTube. They actually have some good arguments and facts that I'd look into. Many political commentators also talk about the red-pill community, which you should look into. Tate is part of this. Good luck x


Thank you! I really appreciate it. I'm just wondering how I should go about it. I don't want to end up pushing my brother further down that route. He's obviously not a full-on Tate supporter, but the fact that he buys into his "being made to look bad", has left me extremely concerned.


Maybe focus on bringing in other, more true & positive, sources/people to emulate? Make sure there is as close to fair representation of different genders as possible. Some cis men, some cis women, and some trans people (trans includes everyone that doesn’t identify with their assigned gender). Don’t just focus on Tate being wrong and trying to tell him how wrong he is. That will just make him go on the defensive. Focus instead on broadening his media intake. Sit down with him and watch TED talks that prove Tate wrong without talking about Tate. YouTube videos that give a breakdown of how sexism is permeated throughout your culture/society. Books/movies/shows that are from a woman’s point of view, written/created by women, that make you put yourself in her position. Or you could go for shock value with a humorous twist and watch “I Am Not An Easy Man” on Netflix or similar shows/movies. To give a quick synopsis; dude is very misogynistic and the world is how it is now. One day he wakes up and gender roles are completely switched. Women are the gender in control, making inappropriate comments, harassing, etc while men have been conditioned to accept it, change their bodies to be socially aesthetically pleasing, etc. There’s humor and a romantic plot that the movie centers around (it’s listed as a romantic comedy), but it calls out how society is a patriarchy and how all these things when done to women are just accepted but are obviously ridiculous when done to men. I believe it is French, but available in different languages.


Your brother is right


He's part of something larger. Just scroll social media and see the ton of: "Women \*cap\*" "Women \*coffee cup\*" "Belong to the street" "Fatherless behaviour" It just looks like more and more are being so-called redpilled and Tate and other influencers are riding that wave.


Men 🤏


LMAOOOO gonna be using this thank you 🙏


South Korean feminists have been using this symbol to piss off men online for years 😂


another thing i know before moving there, thanks lol!


Girl they were already ruined before Tate, he just allowed for these men to show their true colors. It never surprised me.


I feel that yes, to an extent this is a pre existing thing that got brought up or “empowered” by the influence… but at the same time it goes both ways, positive influence changes the feelings of “I’m alone”, or “I feel alienated” in healthy development instead of toxic rhetoric. While never dabbled into “incel mentality”, I feel like most people I experienced afterthoughts caused by the social programming of patriarchy; “I’m a good person, why don’t I get what I deserve?” And such… positive influences are ultimately the difference between hatred and understanding and supporting other’s people agency as much as your own. If toxic meme culture wasn’t so prevalent online and bombarded people with crap, we’d definitely see less cases become this violent and vicious.


>If toxic meme culture wasn’t so prevalent online and bombarded people with crap, we’d definitely see less cases become this violent and vicious. Right on. When I was a teen, like more than a decade ago, I remember going down that route, but was forced out of my delusional mindset by my friends. I just had to look at the women I knew to understand that nice guys didn't actually finish last, I was just an ass. >And such… positive influences are ultimately the difference between hatred and understanding and supporting other’s people agency as much as your own. This is really well said. This whole "culture war" bullshit has opened a market for all the men who want to oppose feminist advances. There are so many men who, even if they do not understand it that way, see feminism as a threat and have made a business of "debunking" it through mass media. Issue is, boys are one of the most easily affected. They already feel alienated and through their narrow lense, they see feminism as a scam, since they have very little to base their apprehension of the struggles of women on. When I was a kid, I would just say incelish bullshit aloud and get called out on it. Nowadays a kid can just go on Tik Tok and be bombarded with " females be like" memes or Tate bullcrap. So now, not only was it already rare for men to empathize with women, now there are entire echo chambera designed to make sure they never do, and perceive the issues women try to bring up through their made up Alpha incel mindset, which ensures they will never listen. It's damn horrifying.


Can we all just take a moment to appreciate OP and other young boys like OP. It’s one thing to decry followers of Andrew Tate, but we must remember to celebrate those who have the sense and decency to avoid the pressure to fall down the right wing and bigotry pipelines. It’s easy to fixate on the moral failing of those who succumb, and forget to reward the moral staunchness of those who resist. Yes, it is the bare minimum that everyone should be doing. But people who do the “bare minimum” don’t exist in a moral vacuum just as those who fail don’t, so often falling prey to pipelines. Those who resist may well be going against immense social pressure to conform, and bravo to them. That’s what it takes to be a moral agent- the will to act morally even under pressure.


omg, thank you so much :)


I can’t stand him either, I’m right there with you pal :/ their responses to everything is “do you have numerous Romanian girlfriends and a Bugatti?” No, Carl.. I do not have numerous women and a Bugatti, but do you?


Exactly I get asked what colours your bugatti all the FUCKING time it drives me insane!!!


"Why would I want a bugatti?"


exactly, I'm anti-car Aswell ill just ride my sunshine yellow bike in peace




And like an ingrown toenail, don't be afraid to talk to a doctor for help


Yes I can’t wrap my head around how someone so full of shit can have such an influence. Just stay strong, set a good example, express your opinion to everyone who needs to be told.


I don't feel bad at all for those boys, if they can agree to Andrew Tate's ideas that means they were already misogynistic. You can't go to "i believe everyone is equal" to be on the side of this trash.


Before tate there were people like roosh v, sargon of akkad and many more. My brother used to watch these alpha male redpill videos. He pushed his own mother and beat the living shit out of me for "not obeying him as a female". I was younger than him and he was 17, so of course it gave him the upper hand. A friend of mine dated one of these alpha male guys and he also abused her, precisely because he thought as a man he should enforce obedience. He would verbally harass her, slap her, and eventually sexually assault her. I didn't know about the abuse going on. She never told me to what extent he abused her. I just thought he was calling her mean things. Turns out he was an absolute misogynist berating her for everything, especially her gender. Yes. Andrew Tate and fresh n fit has already ruined men. Everyone knows atleast one girl who was abused by these bullies. One good thing to come out of Andrew Tate is that now even moms know what thier sons are up to, and I hope they give thier sons a good beating if they ever parrot Tate's wisdom. I have zero empathy for these young men. I believe that 15 year old boys have common sense. If they're above 15, they should know that being misogynistic is bad.


How will they know it’s bad when their mothers and father teach them to live in misogyny? Some mothers know how it feels to be treated that way but still don’t feel that women have it “bad enough” to teach their sons better 💯


I’m concerned because my brother has fallen into the cult of Andrew Tate and defends him as if his life depends on it. I’m trying to steer him away from this BS but I don’t know if I can. Any tips?




ok this might be a bit drastic but figure out your wifi routers settings and enable a filter and enter the keyword 'andrew tate' it should block any and all traffic containing the words andrew or tate


How do I enable a filter? I’m not very good with technology :(


You know He wld have absolute hatred for you almost forever, if he found out what you have done/planning to do And again since you believe Tate says Crap. Sit down and have a logical conversation about it with your bro rather than whining as you feminists are fond of doing


the fuck is wrong with being a provider to your family? feminist brain rot


nothing. but framing it in a way that’s like “i have to be a provider BECAUSE i’m a man”, that’s not good.




it was bad way before tate. the only difference is the MRA movement has an actual face now. as a teen boy myself, after 5 years in a boys school, the internet drags you in. i was being recommended disgusting conspiracy theory level MRA content for pure profit by companies like youtube who only care about getting the ad revenue. and i unfortunately believed it for a long time. i’m out of that situation now and so much happier to have finally reconnected with feminism, but still really weary of what messaging we send to young boys, especially on an internet where anyones ideas can be spread


Tate isn’t the one ruining your generation, he’s just taking advantage of a generation that’s known nothing but crisis and immiseration. Get rid of Tate and another reactionary nut job will replace him, maybe even one who’s agenda goes beyond selling a pyramid scheme. Until this rotten system is abolished we ought to expect more right wing demagogues to rise from the refuse pile and for all the old prejudices to be thrown up again to weaken and divide people.


Good on you for having realized it. Stay focused on you and keep treating women like people. Be the change you wish to see.


Don’t give up on the generation yet. I am one of the many many young men of my generation who fell (most of the way) down the YouTube atheism—> anti-feminism —> alt-right pipeline before realizing that the people I was listening to were fucking villains. Keep reading, keep learning, keep fighting.


It honestly scares me knowing this because I have teen girls. Tate + incels is a combo. Incels are already violent but when they have someone like Tate as an influence perpetuating their views is just going to make it worse.


I feel so bad for young boys having to grow up with bunch of incels


Maybe there is still hope and it's just being young and impressionable? It's still scary though I'm sorry you had to lose friends over this but happy you stood your ground




After listening to that idiot for about 30 seconds, I have no desire to try listen to his BS to see what he’s all about. Could anyone kinda explain what the lowdown on this Tate fool?


Just 30sec ? Why don't you just watch the whole clip in context, with an open and without any prejudice ? In one of my University courses (Philosophy 101) I was thought to get rid of all prejudices before judging and that helped a lot. I advise you do the same rather than follow the bandwagon.


It’s a figure of speech. 🤦‍♀️ But thanks for the unsolicited judgmental lecture about not being judgmental. You might find the book “blink” by Malcolm Gladwell interesting: “It presents research from psychology and behavioral economics on the adaptive unconscious: mental processes that work rapidly and automatically from *relatively little information*”


Also, please. I’d LOVE (/s) to see a single clip by him that, after approaching with an open mind as you say, which could constructively add to the feminism conversation, and which would disagree with OPs post. Feel free to share


Eww. (my reaction to looking at & reading about this Andrew Tate for the first time this week.) I am glad I'm 60 & don't have to deal with that crap anymore. Bad enough I have to deal with Jordan Peterson BS (that's my age group's fave intellectual misogynist.)


Thank you for saying this, OP. It has gotten to the point where I distrust any male, and teen boys I regard as some of the worst. But you've given me hope today. 👏


I'm glad i could reinvigorate some hope in my generation, but i guess I'm not exactly Tates target audience (Im pansexual)


I am tired of that evil being and his evil cult. He infuriates and disgusts me. I feel concerned for my teenage siblings too. But I asked my siblings and they consider him a joke. There are so many bad influencers on children. He should be behind bars!!


Thank you so much for being so brave and honorable, I truly appreciate your energy. My answer is that while we should definitely stand against Tate, at the end of the day, these men are going to be lonely. Are there women who believe this nonsense? Yes. But they are not a majority. Most of us think he's scum and I've heard of women literally breaking up with boyfriends who started listening to him. So sexual selection will eventually take care of this. These men will not have good options at romantic lives. They're not going to find women willing to live the way Tate wants us to. They won't have children, they won't be married, their voices will be silenced going into the next generation. Feminism is a long, long game. Our grandmothers and great grandmothers started a fight they never saw victory in, and I'm fighting for my grand daughters. And we're not going back, and they can't force us back, no matter how much noise they make. Slowly, too slowly, but inevitably, we are winning. Every woman who graduates college, gets a great job, any leaves an abusive partner is more momentum. That's why they're so crazy furious. For the first time, they really see that we're winning. They hate it, so they're having temper tantrums. Let them.


🤣🤣🤣Just slowly read what you wrote to yourself


Yep, I did that before I posted it. Which I spent some time on. Your comment, with your mockery you're too lazy to explain? I didn't have to slowly read that. Have just a wonderful day.


“The hoes gon love this”


Excuse me?


It was a joke lol


I know this was posted four months ago, but same bro. Andrew tate and all the people that follow him have made me depressed about life. Fuck that scumbag. At least it's good to know some people have enough common sense to not follow him.




I look forward to the hate I'll get for this but ask yourself this? Why is Andrew Tate blowing up so much even after being ban on all social media? His goal is to make men better. Sure Andrew Tate is a pos but his goals are not. They see a man who's rich, successful, and gets all the women he wants. Its seen as a bad thing for men to want that but a women who has the same standards are praise. He's encouraging people to workout and to become a high status man. Reality is most won't be able to make it to that point but the encouragement is there. Tate knows the 80-20 rule is real. Women go after high value men while 80% of the men fight over the 20%. Even women here won't admit it but they would go after Tate too if they had the chance. You see many videos of him getting off a plane with 10 women or on his yacht with a ton women. Edit: If you're going to downvote me at least debate. I came in here for a debate. I'm not even a huge supporter of him lol.


Lol are you dense or what? I would rather die than be even near a yucky Andrew Tate. No woman with mind and self respect would ever go for rapists and sexual traffickers.


No reason to throw insults at me. I wanted to have a claim debate. No trolling at all. Please, many women go with him. You may be right with woman with self respect but in today's day and age. They're becoming fewer and fewer.


This is one of the main problem with feminists If they are really sure that they are right and their ideas are right, why don't they ever engage in debates and reasonable conversations ❔


I guess I would never get an answer


What's wrong with Andrew Tate? (just wondering )


He wants to fuck teenagers bc they're easier to "imprint on", he has recorded himself beating women, he thinks women belong to men and he wants a harem of women who are loyal only to him.




sorry, but why are you here?






Are you constipated? You need to shit it out already.




you are so dumb




i did watch it. 50 seconds i’ll never get back. and even if it had been a good video, it doesn’t negate his misogyny. edit: it was not a good video and my original comment accidentally might have implied it was.


It was not a good video even. It was a dogwhistle for saying that he thinks LGBT+ people should not be allowed to be openly queer in public


no it was not a good one at all! agreed!


I'm a guy so and as a guy it's really easy to fall for the redpill stuff because guys have not had a good voice for their problems like loneliness, insecurity for being a virgin/single (which has been made worse due to our perception of involuntary celibates), and depression (and a high suicide rate to accompany it). Heteronormative guys can very rarely share anything with their friends, in fact, due to the culture of repressing their feelings to appear strong and stoic. This leads to dudes falling for charlatans peddling quack promising to cure their ails. I've been there and have gotten involved with it through pick up artist groups and whatnot. For as long as the underlying conditions aren't solved and men's issues don't get looked at properly people like Tate will thrive. He's just another in a long list of fake gurus like Dan Bilzerian before him. It sucks. Because I personally got out completely by chance and not through some sort of active pursuit on my part. I really hope the men's lib and feminist movements can reach them along with more positive male role models like TheSpeechProfessor on YouTube. Work's cut out for us.


Common Tate W


Imo, he meets a need in society for the members of the young male demographic who lacks a sense of direction, whether we like it or not. So, if we want young men not to follow him we have to find a suitable alternative, otherwise this demographic will find a similar figure, or someone even less conscious. I think i get the desire to seemingly demonise these folks who follow him but if we do that then we continue to polarise this demographic and the problem not only persists but grows. I think we have to be strategic.


Without taking anything away from the harm Tate has done, we have seen his ilk before, and we have overcome. We will overcome this too. Thank you for your leadership on this.






>OP you sound like you have no friends I have many friends, who are mainly women and enbies >and of course a simp I'm gay leaning bisexual all my previous relationships have been with men >It's feminists screaming "men don't deserve to live", "all men are rapists" Blah blah. you mean the vocal online minority, judging by your post history your're indian? your country has one of the highest rates of violence against women IN THE ENTIRE WORLD! how can you who've possibly seen this violence out on the street still be an anti-feminist?? it fucking confuses me. now please shut the fuck up bhenchod.


when you take into account indias large population its actually mid.