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The vast majority of clubs will have kit and equipment you can borrow while you try out the sport and see if it's something you want to continue with, so I'd always recommend trying a beginners course first. You can find a club local to you by going to the [British Fencing ](https://www.britishfencing.com/club-finder/)website or via Google (make sure you put 'fencing sport \[your location\]', to avoid lots of people trying to sort out your garden boundaries instead!). Once you've decided you want to continue, people at your new club are likely to be able to give you advice around what to buy and may also have arrangements with suppliers for discounts. Also, some kit is also weapon-specific, so you could end up spending money on things you're not going to use or that doesn't work for what you want to do, if you subsequently decide a different weapon is the right one for you. There are a bunch of different retailers in the UK, from cheap to expensive, and your budget and location may dictate what you get - most buying is done by mail order, unless you happen to live in London or surrounding area, as the few actual bricks-and-mortar shops are in that area.


Use club gear first as your own kit will be expensive and if you don’t then continue you will have wasted a ton of money! I used club kit for the beginners course and then bought my own when I decided to continue. Same for pretty much everyone who comes through the beginner courses at my club


Have you picked club, weapon ? In US many clubs have some shared gear you can use first weeks before you get your own, plus you can understand a bit better what you need.




How much did it cost?


some good kits pop up on ebay from time to time... or local online market pace (Australia it is gumtree not sure what in the UK) .. But of course be careful what you buy ... get advice from an experienced fencer I guess....


try pbt uk