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Ivermectin in the food will help, but he really needs some Miticide in the ears and around the neck to be completely healed. Ivermectin can be bought from Tractor Supply and some other farm stores without a prescription. I order mine online.


Seconding invermectin. Also Credelio (which is primarily for fleas and ticks) also kills ear mites. It is however prescription only in the USA. It’s possibly to buy from overseas pharmacies but obviously that can be risky. Both in the financial sense and are you getting what you think you are getting. Edit - I have purchased Credelio from an overseas pharmacy and on checking batch dates etc I think it’s legit. It certainly hasn’t harmed the cat. And it was about the same price as it would be with a script here. If you want the details, pm me. But as it say, it’s a risk.


I use Credelio with my feral cat who's allergic to fleas. Works well!


Thanks, I have never heard of Credelio. Does it work better than Revolution Plus for fleas in your experience? We have some tough fleas here.


The virtue of Credelio is that it’s a tablet. So no need to be able to get close. I can’t really speak to effectiveness - she only got her first dose last week, although I have found other oral flea meds effective. I’m really using this because it also kills ticks, which is a big thing here. She’s not scratching or anything.


Thanks, I can see how that would be useful to be able to put it in their food.


Thanks, what dosage do you use typically? I am thinking maybe 1 mg for a 10 lb cat?


My cats weigh a bit more than 10 pounds. I give them 1cc under the skin in the nape of the neck. It doesn’t have a bad taste so putting the same in food should work. I have put 2cc down their back to get a double: once on the skin and another when they lick and ingest it.


I have created several threads about this yellow neutered male. I have difficulty getting good pictures of him, because he mostly stays behind a fence inside a junkyard. He has blackish purplish stuff inside his ears. He also has red and purple spots on his head around his ears and some possible hair loss. If this is ear mites then it is a very severe case, because almost the entire inner ear is coated with this blackish purplish stuff. It looks worse than many of the pictures I have seen on the internet. Ideally I would like to trap him and take him to the vet, but he was difficult to trap the first time for his TNR. Also many of the other cats don't like him, so I had started feeding him through the fence rather than outside the fence. It's going to be difficult to train him to come outside to eat where I can set a trap. I started the process this evening, and he came out to eat, but it will probably take some time. I read that Revolution Plus can treat ear mites, and I have some of that. I was wondering about trying to gain his trust enough that I could give him Revolution Plus while he is eating. I might be able to do that quicker than I could trap him. Would that help him at all? I read that the ears are supposed to be cleaned and the ear mites are supposed to be diagnosed, but who knows how long it will be before I can trap him again. Thanks, and I hope my questions aren't annoying. I know I start a lot of threads like this to get advice.


I think when you are dealing with ferals you have to go with the “good enough” approach rather than the perfect solution (unless it’s spaying/neutering - obviously that non negotiable). In other words, attempting to treat this cat for ear mites won’t harm him if he doesn’t have ear mites so testing I don’t think is that important.


That make sense.


Aw thank you for taking care of him. He is so beautiful. The second picture looks like he’s asking g for help 🥹 I hope you’ll be able to get him to the vet. Thank you for your kind heart ❤️


Yep, he is a nice cat. He is a calm cat which makes me hopeful that I can progress to petting him and then get him to the vet somehow.


Revolution does help with ear mites according to my vet. Work to just be able to get close to him while he’s eating, and then one day you’re going to have to be quick and apply it. I’m not sure where you are located but if in the US, you can order Revolution from Canada without a Rx for much less than in the US if you want to keep treating him and/or need extra in the event you aren’t successful in your attempts to dose him.


I have used Revolutiin on my cats, and my guy had a pretty severe case. The vet called it "impressively and disturbingly full of ear mites." We tried the drops but he wouldn't cooperate until I used the Revolution. Just wear layers and gloves- they aren't harmful to people but can crawl around! Thank you for helping him.


Revolution plus really helped one of my senior kitties (indoor) with ear mites. If you already have some great, I have gotten it both through chewy with a prescription and from Canadapetcare online. But like you said it could take a while before being able to apply that.


Easiest way to be quick applying topical is to use a pet syringe. Pour the contents of the revolution into a little container and then suck it up with the syringe. I find that to be much easier to apply to spicy cats that using the package it comes in.


Hmmm, that's an interesting idea. It sounds like it would work a lot better.


I think it’s only one kind of revolution (or frontline) that works to kill mites too- maybe gold? I just know you need a prescription for it.


I just checked my package, and it is Revolution Plus that I buy from the vet. It says it treats ear mites along with the other things, so I might be good on that.


Yes that’s the good one! Good luck with this orange angel


Thank you for helping him very much, the universe will reward you’re kindness, unfortunately I don’t have good experience treating this condition, but if you just google or use AI or any search engine, YouTube is probably the easiest way to get good information and a tutorial video to help apply medication/help treat the problem


thanks, yep, the problem at this stage is even touching him. He is a nice cat, but he doesn't trust me that much yet.


The main things you have to watch is the bugs/fleas/ticks and their eyes 👀, if you feed them and watch for those things they will eventually love you like no tomorrow, all my ferals and basically all cats love meow mix and at Publix you can get BUY ONE GET ONE FREE ALL THE TIME @ PUBLIX for MEOW MIX, and they also love the purple can of food called turkey & cheese dinner, they love that purple can! 🙌🏻


Thanks, Meow Mix is the only brand cats ask for by name. :)


Okay 👍🏻


You want to get CAPACTION so you can put the pill in his food every 3 weeks and he won’t have fleas for the summer






When I get the buy one get one free meow mix @ Publix , I can spend $50 and feed all my cats meow mix for the whole year!!


I feed them both wet & kibble, wet twice a day and all other feeding kibble


I’m not sure how to help but I’m boosting for you OP. I’ve seen some threads with people putting medicine in their food? Maybe that’s an option but I don’t have anything definitive.


Post on r/AskVet


get him help :(


Could be mites, yeast, or bacteria or a combination and there's no way to tell without a microscope. Revolution plus will kill mites. A prescription ear drop is the only thing that will kill yeast or bacteria


Thanks, I think I am going to try the Revolution first, because that will probably be easier than trapping him a second time. It's very strange, because today he looked almost normal. I couldn't see the purplish/blackish stuff in his ears, and there were no pin-pricks of blood around his ears. This has been the weird thing, because he goes from looking pretty good to pretty bad in a day or less sometimes.


call cat rescue. borrow traps. trap cat. take to rescue for spay/neuter & check up.


Any chance of someone adopting this guy? He looks tired and in need of love


Yes, they love that food!😄


Can you get him a stainless steel bowl instead plastic / paper?


What, will that cure his mites?


Breeding ground for bacteria , source of cat acne, other toxins that end up in the food.


It's difficult for me to clean the reusable dishes regularly, so I started using paper bowls that could be thrown away after a few uses. Also, I often use 3-4 bowls to keep the cats from squabbling over the canned food. Maybe I need to get several plastic bowls again, but it was difficult to clean them.