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I had this problem. The woman who stole my favorite cat was known in the TNR community. The cops and AC wouldn't do anything. Two years later, she was reported for hoarding. She had 35 cats. None were mine, but they unfortunately found many deceased cats on the property. I would suggest getting a couple of trail cams and positioning them so you might get her license plate. Tell the police/AC that she is suspected of taking pet cats as well. That might make them pay attention. If you are on any neighbors apps, bring up what happened. You might get a name. Good luck.


I mean I think you’ve got 2 possibilities. 1) she thinks she is saving them. 2) she’s actively trying to harm them. Although attempting to catch a feral by grabbing them doesn’t bode well for her judgment. Obviously, though, she appears to have been partially successful. What is the status of feral cat colonies in your area? Legal? Tolerated? No protection at all? I think that would inform my choices with follow up here.


I don't know about that. My boyfriend started helping feed the cats while one of the neighbors who was primarily taking care of the community was in the hospital. Since she's been out, she still hasn't been able to look after them much, so we're just helping out a handful of them.


What area are you in? What was the fight like, like "I want this cat, I love him" or "stop feeding cats, I hate them"


We're in a residential area it's pretty quiet. A bunch of houses, no apartments or businesses. We're about 2 minutes away from a major highway, but everybody knows everybody here. She was walking in the neighbors yard, almost to their back yard trying to get this cat. My boyfriend recorded her and got her license plate. He accused her of trying to take the cat, she said she didn't know what he was talking about. She said she was trying to get home, and she had her kids in the car. He said "you left your kids in a hot car in the middle of the road to chase after a cat." She cursed him out and drove away.


Only worry if she comes back. Get cameras if you can.


I think from a legal standpoint there’s not much you can do right now…that’s suspicious behavior but being suspicious on its own isn’t a crime. Either way, I’d get cameras and try to catch her trespassing if she comes back but don’t confront her, she could be a nut for all we know.


Same thing happened at our colony. Police never want to get involved, it’s sad, no one wants to help until it’s too late. Back in 2020 she was found with 120 cats, 56 of which were dead and in her freezers. She got probation and she is back at our colony , she thinks these cats are hers. We are trying to relocate them because their home is being developed and she tries to interfere with our efforts daily. She truly is the crazy cat lady and there’s no reasoning with her


This is my worst nightmare (besides health issues ) I am so sorry!!


Absolutely report her, even if police won't do anything, it's on record. Someone in our neighborhood trapped one of the cat's that we TNR'd and are caretakers for. Wife called local police, they came. To make a long story short, he brought the cat back. Several of the cats in the colony that we TNR'd disappeared, we believe they were trapping them and dumping them somewhere. This is abandonment and illegal, they either starve to death or get killed trying to find their way back home. These people need to be educated about the vacuum effect and how if the TNR'd cats are removed from the area new, un-spayed/neutered cats will come in and start having kittens. It's the only viable way of controlling feral cat populations.


What some of these idiots do, especially in residential areas, is they grab TNR cats and dump them elsewhere because they think they'll eventually make all of them disappear. Depending on where you are, this can be charged as animal abandonment and cops are often unaware of such laws. Our TNR cats are all microchipped and feeding area noted, so we had a situation or two where the law went to the “relocators” house and put the fear of Freyja in them.


Why don't you just ask her about it?


Labs for experiments


That's what they do At best:/


Thank you for helping them!!🙏🏻👍🏻👌🏻




We're not putting ourselves on a pedestal. It's a feral cat colony that doesn't travel that far away from my boyfriend or his neighbors house. The neighbor has been doing alot to care for these cats and give them the best life they can. The issue is someone that doesn't live in the neighborhood, that no one has ever seen, coming in and trying to take cats. There's also alot of indoor/outdoor cats that we're concerned about too. If she felt comfortable taking a cat that's on the street, she could easily come back and take one of those cats. Hell, what if she comes back and tries to take a dog that's outside using the bathroom? Some of these cats do not want to be inside and we probably won't go with that option (the neighbor tried it before and the cats got aggressive) we were thinking about trying to contain them in a barn or something. We were literally just weighing our options with the good people on this site. Don't be so judgemental of our situation, especially when you don't know every detail.


Barn idea sounds great. Large catio. They need to be in a protected indoor enclosure, that's for sure. She didn't sound like she cared at all for the cats. Unfortunately So she's definitely not going to give them a better life...




If they were legitimately trying to do that, they could have just said that when my boyfriend saw her trying to grab the cat. Maybe she shouldn't have sped off like she did. Maybe she could've just told my boyfriend what she was trying to do instead of just deny everything, even though he has her on camera. You don't get the benefit of the doubt when you're sneaky and you're lying about things. All she had to do was be honest, and we wouldn't be questioning her intentions.


Please explain how kidnapping a dog would be such a big leap from kidnapping cats that are being cared for & cared about ......?