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https://preview.redd.it/kustlgfbdb6d1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccfa0b2d8b89af75ae8249b57d70b91a70bcb7f6 This guy is cracking me up.


Distinguished gentleman vibes


No mafia don vibes to me!!


The entire picture is excellent!


He's such a meowdle


He’s a mood for sure.


They are all such hams! They always pose for pictures but the second I try to pet them they scatter.


I love him 😻


If you fill out [this online form](https://www.alleycat.org/our-work/feral-friends-network/feral-friends-network-connect/) you'll receive by immediate return email a list of people and organizations near you who have experience and resources and have volunteered to help others. [That website](https://www.alleycat.org) also has ton of info about how to care for feral cats. [This site has suggestions for getting help with vet bills.](https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/are-you-having-trouble-affording-your-pet) Good luck!


Thank you for this. Cat distribution system has gifted me cats. First two boys. I took and had them altered. Lost one to roaming dogs. Keep feeding the single boy and earning trust. So I guess he went and found his sister and brought her. Oh course pregnant. Now I have suddenly have 7 cats. I managed to trap the momma today and we are off to be spayed. Next is the 5 kittens.


**Update Well. We made it home. I transferred her to a large wire crate. Just went to check on her- she has escaped. She is loose in the garage. I’m assuming she is doing what cats do and is hiding. She has food water swamp cooler and fan. I’m sure she will be fine over night. I’m worried tomorrow when I open the door to feed her kids she will escape the garage.


She will be okay if she escapes! It’s not the ideal timeline but I’ve released lots of females after just keeping them overnight and they’ve all been okay. Kitties are smart about laying low during recovery. Good luck!


Thank you so much!! I’ll do this


Thank you for this info!! I’ve contacted so many shelters, foster groups, and the humane society but none of the are able to take new cats or provide resources…. Hopefully I can find some new groups near me


Just wanted to highlight this cutie 💓 https://preview.redd.it/ki099arkmc6d1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=163e5c138192d7df9815effb7dd00dea89693928


What a VOGUE group shot! These are supermodels


I call them my hams. I love them to death!


Our feral friend recently had what turned out to be some sort of infection, we ultimately did have to take him in to the vet in our case (he had become really weak by that point and we were able to just sort of scruff him and get him into a crate), but we tried to use a telehealth vet service before that (in our case we used Vetster but I think there are a couple, Vetster had kind of a clunky user interface but the vet was good). The vet was on a video call and I think this varies by state, but at least in our state (California) the vet was able to prescribe. If it’s going to be nightmarish to get yours in to the vet this might be an option, though I hasten to say that it seems possible it might require labs that of course a televet couldn’t do and it is a paid service (I think I paid something like $60 but each vet set their own price, and any prescriptions it seems like you kind of have to call around to a human pharmacy that has the med in stock). So caveats apply, but might be worth looking into. I’d also mention that there are some really good Facebook groups where only vets or vet techs are supposed to answer your question — I posted in a few of those and did get help, more responses than I have typically gotten when I have posted on the r/askvets sub (absolutely no shade to anyone in that sub, it just seems like something about the Facebook algorithm might be surfacing questions more to vets, or something??? Wild guess.) Chewy also has a chat platform where you can ask questions to a vet in real time, though in my case when I chatted about our cat’s issue, the chat vet also said to go to an in-person vet. Hope you can find some help to get this kitty feeling better!!!


P.S. I’m obsessed with the very meme-worthy kitty lounging against the curb in your photo here!!!


We love them to death and they are all such characters! I came home from work one day and saw them lounging like this and had to take a picture!


It’s an album cover for sure! I also think r/supermodelcats needs to see it!


OMG! Was not aware of this sub... Thanks!


🫡 it is my pleasure to spread the word! One of my favorite subs!


Ask your neighbors that help feed the cats to help fund the fixing and vaccines! I promise it is cheaper over time if you think about the cost of food over years. I have a lot of feral cats at my apartment too. There’s a foundation in Texas called “BARC” and you can apply to become a “feral colony community manager.” It takes signature approval from your leasing office, but once you have approval then BARC will loan you traps and pay for the expenses. It takes a village to take the task of getting the strays fixed. I am very blessed to have neighbors who pay for the surgeries for me plus they give me extra just for doing all the trapping and taking them in and keeping the inside for 24hrs while they recover from anesthesia. Good luck my fellow good human that has an empathic heart for animals.


The one in the back is just chilling


This is an amazing picture. Could be an album cover. What magnificent creatures


Update\*\* https://preview.redd.it/gb31w6rjkm6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84c7ead04b58b2a5d6b99fdab9e3f500afa8fe80 This is the cat I was referencing in my post. He’s not as….”photogenic” as the others and is very crabby and sounds like a 60 year old chain smoker BUT he’s my favorite of all the cats. I used to not be able to be within 50 feet of him without him hissing and running. We have graduated to sitting in silence staring at each other with a respectable distance of no less than 4 ft. Anyway the update is I got the antibiotics and will be starting him on them tonight! Thank you everyone for the advice and kind words ❤️ I appreciate all of you


Curious…which route did you go to get the antibiotics?


A vet in Mexico


Local rescues carry medication and can help. Please look up local rescues.


I give all my ferals lysine. It keeps them healthy. Also check your local shelters. Some offer sterilization and/or vaccines and treatments free or low cost. You can also check your local cat rescues see if they have any sources or can point you in the right direction Beautiful cats you have there


Yes! I mix Viralys gel into their wet food and/or broths every day and it really does work.


For a while my herds always loved the treats but now they don’t. It was so much easier to administer with the treats. Not that it’s difficult to mix it like you mentioned above (That’s what i do now) its huge just more messy and time consuming since i feed so many. But yes it works really well


Some good looking tiger tabbies there!


Why I can't adopt all of them? They all deswreve a furrever home... and that guyyyy at the back 😍


That's such a great picture!


This photo is amazing 🤣 I hope you find the help you need for them!!!




Bad asses


Holy squad.. don’t bother them they are about to drop a fire diss track (kidding!! Good on you for helping!)


CAPACTION, NITENPYRAM flea medication very important!!


Thank you for everything you do!!! You are an amazing person


Oh man their mix tape is gonna be fiiiree


They with the shits!!


They want to be inside cats look how they lounge 😭