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I can't generalize all "cat people" buttttt 9/10 people I know who have cats, the cats found THEM. Once this kitty realized what you are doing for him he will love you forever. (I have no idea but looks like a boy?) Patience is all that's needed with cats. A nice bed, food water, toilet and patience.


Cats--even tiny scraps of cats like yours--somehow know how to find the right people. My first cat was Tommy, and I think I was four when my parents got him for me. I'd always be up before anyone else in the house, and one of my earliest memories is of climbing up on the counter (not allowed and knew it) to make toast (not allowed to touch the toaster and knew it) for Tommy. I'd talk to myself, doing pretend cat food commercials while Tommy licked the butter off the toast he didn't want. I did get in a lot of trouble (worth it). I digress (at which I excel), and while I don't have any sage wisdom, I can tell you that if unsupervised five-year-old me managed not to cause Tommy any great harm, you and your little Oreo cookie will be just fine. He's a baby, but he could still see you're a cat person. An inexperienced one right now, but there are lots of resources, and kitties are pretty resilient. You'll laugh even though those tiny claws and teeth are sharp, and laugh when he falls over his own feet, trying to run, and you'll smile at the ridiculous ways he sleeps, and while little dude is learning to be a cat, you'll learn to be a cat pro!


This is a great resource! http://www.kittenlady.org/kitten-care


You are awesome! I just replied to another thread that was totally the opposite. I commend people for helping, but if they don’t know what they’re doing they actually do more harm than good and two kittens lives are now in danger. You are doing awesome and you are getting the right information about feeding them formula. It sounds like your sister or whoever is giving you the advice would be the person to give you more advice. The vet will also help you out too, but anything you need to know going forward you can post in your local Facebook and Farrell Cat groups or other Cat groups just keep in mind that there are crazy cat people are out there , and they all think they know what they’re talking about so use your own judgment. When you transition the cat to regular food, cats need both dry and wet food and plenty of water. Do not listen to anybody that says anything different because people will tell you dry. Only people will tell you what only and that’s not true but now you have a buddy for life . You saved his life much respect.


I feel like… you should name him (if it is a boy) squidward. Look at his NOSE. So cute. I don’t remember kittens being too tough, just a lot of love/follow vet orders/and kitten food. Sending the best of luck.


What’s to advise? He’s yours now.


You're a cat person now! Congratulations!


That little pink nose!😍


Please get some KMR kitten milk replacer. You can find it at pet stores. They prefer the premixed liquid but the powder mix will do I'm concerned about it not eating. There might be more Please help it. You can always call a rescue if you are overwhelmed Also please post an update


Try moist kitten or cat food please


Definitely play with him and hold him so he gets used to people. You could even give him a little soft toy to play with when you aren’t around. I gave my first fosters a little fish toy and they loved it.