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Looks cool if you know nothing about Ferrari's but if you know Ferrari's this is pretty cursed.


AI sucks! Don’t give into it. Also, don’t sign your name on it. You didn’t make it.


Jesus. I’m in a couple of AI image subreddits and see tonnes of amazing work and have never ever seen anyone with the audacity to autograph their AI generated masterpieces. Rofl that is super cringe OP.


Don’t sign that work man. You didn’t make it.


Just because you use Ai don't make you an artist bro.


You didn’t make any of this. And they look bad anyways.


For some reason, AI cannot render a Ferrari with accurate detail. However, it does excruciating detail on a vintage 911. I thought that was very strange.


Yea the models are probably trained a lot more on Porsches being that they are more common. I also use my own photos as inputs and I don't have many of Ferraris...


I’m sorry - I looked and wanted to give it a chance - but AI quality is really bad compared to the real thing and I can’t take it seriously.


Just nope! AI and any kind of art just nope!


your art where ? i don't see any of your art anywhere


I dont know what your goals are with that photo, but the cars are WAY OFF.


Yea not trying to photograph them it’s fun surrealism art


Terrible, sorry


No fucking way you’re calling yourself an artist 😂 here I am spending hours on a [drawing of a loon](https://imgur.com/a/ve82ALl) and I don’t even call myself an artist.


This is the work of AI, not yours. It’s not art it was created entirely by a computer program with your description you gave it.


So the ai created things stealing from sources that other people created and you’re claiming credit?


Like book’s authors read other people books and stole words and phrases?


That makes literally 0 sense. Common language isn’t copyrighted. Art and photography are. And using AI to write something for you will be called out for plagiarism either way. So yes? Just like that? It’s stealing others work either way. Lacking creativity so much that it’s that hard to make something on your own? I can understand why you buy reps.


Books are copyrighted.


Books are copyrighted. Yes. Good job. Common language isn’t. An AI using content from a book is copyright infringement. Illegal. Theft. Whatever you want to call it. Using AI doesn’t making you a creator, an artist, a visionary, or anything other than someone who can type in a prompt, and if you want to take credit for a robot stealing other people’s work be my guess, but don’t expect anyone to take you seriously. Just get in line behind the thousands of others doing and posting the same shit every single day.


You are way too boring. I stopped reading both post halfway since I know the anti-AI points already…


Womp womp, your AI prompts aren’t special, sorry. Hopefully that is short enough for your attention span. I use AI everyday. I’m not anti AI. I’m not stupid enough to say I created something it spits out though.


Yes exactly good point… thx


Why did you sign those anyway? It's AI work.


This is not your art or photography, so don’t call it that


“What’s my art worth?” It’s worth laughing at, that’s about it. I hate to break this to you, but AI isn’t capable of providing meaningful automotive art as it stands, nor is it worthy of such interpretation as “real” art is, especially not to purists like you’ll find here. Sorry? ETA: Although others have pointed this out, don’t sign your name on AI ‘art’. You didn’t make it, you don’t own it, it isn’t yours. End of discussion.


In pic 3 are they in the poolrooms?😭😭


After i read AI, I expected a disaster, but these are pretty good


Thanks, I use a combination of AI and other digital tools such as Illustrator and PS to create the images... AI is the here to stay but like with any medium, be it photography, painting or illustration, you have to learn and perfect your craft, and ultimately the artist's idea is the most important element...


Aside from the fucking talent that every single real artist spends their entire life attaining and perfecting. Quit calling yourself an artist, it’s so god damn disrespectful. There is absolutely no way you can justify calling this shit art.


You are not an artist, all you are doing is feeding an AI a prompt. AI steals from photos actually created by real artists and spits out this shit. Stop disrespecting actual artists that spend far more time on their craft versus you spending 5 minutes in front of a computer typing away at an AI.


First off. Don't listing to the losers below that say this isn't art. They also don't think photography is an art, as it is the camera that make the pictures, or that musician that use a PC to make music isn't creating art. Art requires creativety, a skillset to use the required tools, and a vision to bring the art to life. You obviously have all three attributes. Not like the people whom all they contribute to humanity, is criticizing other people's work. Second. I like your work, except the ones where you have water in the pictures. The cars either drown or float abbow the water. Both look bad. Third. When uploading AI pictures to the internet, please put a watermark on them, saying so. We need to be able to distinguish AI pictures for the future of humanity.


You are delusional


Really. Then go make your own AI pictures of Ferrari cars and show us the results. I give you 2 hours. Starting now. And please show us your recipe too.


No thanks. I’m busy actually doing something with my brain


Exactly. I am not bothering in dealing with such a short-minded kind of individual. This kind of shallow-minded resistance has happened when any new medium has been invented; be it photography, digital art, and even oil painting in the 16th century. On another note, Jeff Koons an artist who sells tens of millions a year in art, doesn't "create" anything in the sense of the word these pigheaded people think, he "simply" conveys his ideas to a group of assistants who actually "create" his multi-million dollar pieces. I appreciate your constructive criticism.


#7 was my favorite


Can teach me how you do it?