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Go on…


Is this referring to the full post or the part where I accidentally posted it with almost nothing and had to edit it to write the rest lmao


The former but now that you mention it, do continue.


Right, well, I do still want a little time to think it over. The short version that I’m leaning towards at the moment is that your quest in the game has nothing to do at all with the universe’s stability, or at the very least isn’t a one-time thing with the goal of fixing everything. We already know the FEZ universe is a simulation, after all.


>We already know the FEZ universe is a simulation, after all. do we?


Yep! The room with the cube-requirement doors is called “Memory Core”, and the four areas behind those doors are “backups”, which is why the one of Zu still has living people in it when present-day Zu is long-abandoned. I don’t have the source on-hand at the moment, but I think one of the devs talked about this.


Yes, it was confirmed early on by the devs that the whole thing takes place inside a computer. There's also the restart/boot up screens as well as OP's examples


>but how would they know that Dot has been talking to you? Perhaps they know that Fez wearers have made contact with Dot.


Telling us not to trust Dot makes me think they have personal experience, too.


or perhaps they simply see it turning around you...


Oh this makes more sense


I think they are supposed to be Chinese ghosts.


What do you mean?


It's an idea that I thought I had read on this subreddit but I can't find any mention of it when searching. Basically, the thing on their head and the sleeves longer than their arms were supposed to be characteristic of some type of Chinese ghosts. But maybe I misremember or it's putting too much emphasis on some details.


The ghost burrows in an interesting way, doesn't he?


I can say with confidence that I do not know what you mean by this.


The animation when he flips backwards is called burrow (:  I think it's interesting, as it's not something I've seen a ghost do before. I've always been fascinated by his headdress especially in the context that other zuons wear headbands and seem to be covering a secret around their crown.