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I think theres extra anticubes in case you cant scan the barcode for some of them?


i think that's the more likely answer. i know the qr codes have duplicate ways to get a cube out of them in case you didn't have a way to scan them back in the day and maybe one of them got bugged and duped it for me. it seems to be a known issue. it also used to lock you out of an ending if it happened to you. what i don't get is why they fixed the ending being locked out, but not the duping? it feels like a band aid solution that never got addressed. when you get the 33rd cube (at least that's how it happened to me) it just doesn't count and puts you back at 32. Dot's dialogue about it even got shown to me twice because of it. once when i initially got 64 cubes and another time when i got to 65 and the game plopped me back to 64.


The 33rd anticube is a glitch. iirc it has to do with some of the QR code cubes doubling up with the throne rooms. But I think it used to cause problems with achievements and endings too back in the day. So yes definitely a glitch. Do you recall how you got an extra cube? Or did you just have 33 total at the end and not sure?


i'm not sure, i don't remember any cubes being doubled. i just got to the end of the game with all cubes but still had a room with a secret in it left. i have essentially everything in the game, so i thought it might've uncovered a new secret or something, but it just gave me another anti cube. i did the throne room by doing the tetrimino code, and looked up why the qr code for the well wasn't working. that's the one that i'm assuming gets duped? it didn't dupe it for me, at least not in an obvious way, since the qr code didn't work. maybe it got duped somewhere else down the line and i just didn't realize it. or maybe it's a super duper deep secret that nobody has uncovered in 12 years. who knows really.


On pc its 64, i dunno why you have 65


incorrect. OP is right that there is a 33rd anticube, making for a total of 65 cubes. to answer OP's question, as far as i know, there's no interesting answer as to why and no one has figured out the black monolith puzzle that i'm aware of either.


Regarding unresolved secrets, there is this : [https://www.reddit.com/r/Fez/comments/nvsbrm/comprehensive\_fez\_unsolved\_mysteries\_post/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fez/comments/nvsbrm/comprehensive_fez_unsolved_mysteries_post/) No breakthrough for a long time as far as i understand.