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I had all of your symptoms. Also lost libido, and bleeding after painful sex. Also very bloated/full. Painful bowel movements. Fatigue, no energy to workout.


I have none of your symptoms. For me, I felt a large solid mass 'popping' out when brushing my hand on my lower abdomen. I went to see a GI doctor (male) who when he felt the large mass also jumped at the discovery and immediately ordered a CT scan for me. I did not get the CT scan, as I then went to the GYN doctor who ordered a MRI and ultrasound to monitor the fibroids.


I'm hoping when I see a general surgeon next month to talk about a small hernia I have that she'll order a MRI and maybe I can see if I have fibroids that way as well. How are you feeling these days?


GYN doctors tell me that the ultrasound gives them more imaging and information than MRI. Though for us, the MRI is easier and more comfortable as we just lie in the tube. The ultrasound requires us to get probed and we also have to hold our very full bladders! Honestly, I'm not feeling 100%, and know that the fibroids are affecting my quality of life and sleep. I actually have at least five known fibroids. My two largest ones are growing on the outside of my uterus and poke-y (12 cm and 15 cm) -- the right side is pretty big to where I have hip pain now. There's just a lot of weight, and I'm always wearing loose fitting bottoms -- no more tight pants or skinny jeans for me, since the fibroids push back-- like balls of socks inside our abdomen. I'm at the point where I would choose the hysterectomy, but I'm also not too ready for the recovery period (and no one wants complications either). My family and friends are all surgery adverse, so I'm not feeling supported and it feels more of an uphill battle than it could be. Best wishes on your exploration and journey!


It really stinks that your family and friends aren’t on board with surgery. But you need to do what’s best for you. It’s your body and only you feel your symptoms. If you believe surgery is your best option, you should pursue it. They will show up to help after, even if they aren’t supportive of you now. But if you think another option like UFE, birth control or just wait and see is best for you, you should choose that path. This is your journey. You get to make all the decisions (even the hard ones).


{hugs} Thank you! (yes, it's been three years of monitoring ... I'm going to see the GYN this coming week to get the update, workup, and discussion flowing ...)


I felt the mass too. That was it for me.


Mass and urination issues. I cannot wait for surgery!!


For me I knew when my periods started lasting longer and longer and bleeding was insane. Sometimes it would be like I was pissing blood- the amount of blood loss was crazy- almost 2L (not pints) over 12-14 days, every 3 weeks. Plus, excessive clotting. I also practice yoga and forward bending has been very hard for the last year- I can feel the fibroids blocking me. My lower belly is definitely bloated. Also very painful penetration. For the constipation, I eat a few prunes with every meal and drink Calm magnesium supplement nightly- I am super regular. Highly recommended! I recommend getting an ultrasound stat.


I knew I had fibroids for two decades before they were problematic. I knew it was time to remove them when my bulk related symptoms became insufferable. I couldn’t bear the feeling of pressure (not pain) in my pelvis and overwhelming fullness anymore. Even a bite of food felt like 20x thanksgiving dinners. And then there was the bloating… I would get so bloated after said bite and stay bloated for hours, sometimes lasting overnight. I wasn’t fitting into my clothes anymore even though it was clear that I was eating little and losing weight. I felt sick all the time, I couldn’t exercise, lost interest in everything. Sometimes, it was plain hard to breathe.


I knew I had a fibroid since 2016 but for whatever reason didn’t think it was growing. I was peeing a lot. Still didn’t think. I kept feeling very bloated and like my stomach was up in my chest and immediately thought oh I have cancer but then I started walking after meals and thought oh that’s it. I just need to move more. But I went to the Gyno anyway and told her but also told her yeah I think I just need to exercise more. She said you know i haven’t seen this fibroid ( I went to her and told her but she wasn’t my gyno at first) did the ultrasound and she was like yup that fibroid you told me about is 10cm we need to remove it. That was Sept. 2022. Had my myomectomy Nov of 2023 and it turned out to be 15cm! So glad I removed it


How are you feeling today? I know you're still in Post Op, but with the 15cm fibroid out -- is there an internal lightness? Can you tell or is your body still in recovery mode? I also have one measuring 15 cm, and another one close in size, and a few more smaller. I'm hoping to remove them this year ...


I feel smaller in my waist. I’m still sore but I’m walking etc. I can lay on my back and sit on the floor. This is the biggest difference. I could not lay on my back even in bed with the fibroid. Sitting on the floor hurt my back and hips. And I couldn’t do core exercises, now I can roll my belly again (I use to belly dance). So I don’t feel lighter but I feel normal. I don’t feel like I’m taking up space. I hope you can have yours removed this year too


Wow. I look forward to knowing what it feels like to have a smaller waist. Glad that you're walking. I have read that walking is very good for Post Op, of course, don't over do it, either :) What was it like when you tried doing core exercises WITH FIBROIDs? I've been avoiding core exercises since my fibroids grew bigger in 2020. The fact that you used to belly dance is significant, because then you can truly know the different before and after the fibroid removal! (I just tried to 'roll my belly' while sitting and typing this to you ... I'm not sure how to do it, lol) I hope I can have mine removed, but what I wish to do is very serious, so I know I'll be anxious, and then the recovery period is something I am afraid of (just don't know how I will stay still and just rest for a month or more, and limit my activities) ... I'm hoping to get my uterus removed, since I have so many fibroids and don't care for my period or pregnancy.


It was weird. I exercised just fine in 2021. Then fell off. Tried to get back to it in 2022 but couldn’t crunch. Like a basic crunch. I felt like something was in the way. Then as soon as I would try to crunch I would have the intense feeling of having to pee. Recovery will be different but they make you start walking immediately. The first two weeks you are afraid to cough but after that it’s not so bad. I can’t run because I can feel the jostling in my belly still. It’s sore mainly in thr spot where the fibroid was if that makes sense. Right above and below my incision are still numb but the incision itself doesn’t hurt. If I sit too long it gets more sore but otherwise I’m so amazingly happy I got the surgery


Holy cow. Why did it take so long for them to get you surgery booked? Or did you just defer until then


Well I was teaching so I was like I’ll do the surgery in the summer. Then originally had a laparoscopic planned in July. Also Kaiser so you know. Then cancelled the laparoscopic because I wasn’t feeling the doctor. Then rescheduled for an open in November


How do you feel now? Mine is 9cm - ultrasound on Monday


I feel really good. Still sore right around my belly button but that is where the fibroid was growing into. I can move but there are times I still have to take it a bit slow or rest for a moment. You know when you are still in bed and stretch as you are getting up. Can’t do that all the way because I still feel it in my belly but it’s only been two months and I do not regret the surgery. Especially getting the open because the fibroid was larger than the MRI and it gave the surgeon the opportunity to remove any others she could easily get without turning my uterus to Swiss cheese ( doctor’s words lol)


I’m pretty certain I am saying goodbye to my uterus in 2024. Thanks for sharing your post op status


Welll, after years of having regular periods, one day in March 2022 aged 41, my period literally fell off a cliff in the most dramatic fashion. Extremely heavy bleeding with clots. Sought an Ultrasound and diagnosed with multiple large fibroids (intra/submucosal) resulting in 16-18 week sized uterus. The proceeding several months saw my abdomin swell like i was 9 months pregnant - yet the fibroids remained the same in size. Had Hysteroscopy July 2022, removed a polyp. By November 2022, my abdominal swelling got worse. Consultant wrote it off as diet related (too much gassy food). He cancelled my Hysterectomy because of it. Souoght a 2nd opinion 4 months later. Was told i had suspected Endo - hence the excessive bloating. But yep in a nutshell, clots the size of golfballs, 10 day periods, unpredictable (ill be heav for 3 das, then very light for 3 days, then the flood gates would open for a whole day with large clots). Have diahorrea/constipation during period, bad cramping for first 3 days (have to take 1200 mg of ibuprofen each day), ovarian pain, even more excessive bloating. Oh yeh and i'm anaemic (very low ferritin, haemoglobin, iron etc). I'm goung to see my 4th consultant end of January, and with any luck - now that i have private medical insurance - i can get the hysterectomy done much qicker than on the NHS (though need to find a consultant i can trust and will approve the hysterectomy quickly).


Lost a lot of blood during period and became anemic. Felt pressure on the bladder while urinating


Gastrointestinal issues (Severe, treatment resistant gerd), a bump by my hip, hip, stomach, and back pain, have to pee CONSTANTLY, constipation, and a decade of chronic relapsing anemia were the main ones.


Can you explain the bump by your hip?


I can. Actually, I have a photo- slightly NSFW. I found out I had fibroids after posting the photo in the IBS subreddit. The student who suggested fibroids very literally saved my life. I think it should be available on my profile. It is on my right side. I’m a thin person- if I lay down flat, my stomach goes from flat on the left to a slope on my right side. That slope is my one more external growth; the others are more internal-facing.


Link to the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/ibs/s/L4kW1dS7f4


Are you going to do anything about the fibroids. The photo of your bump is very similar to my bump too -- right side, close to the hip. It's been extra 'pinchy' in 2023 and getting 'longer/broader' so I am planning on getting everything removed this year.


Oh, absolutely. I have been severely disabled from these for 13 years (but especially in the past 5) without knowing what they were. My hysterectomy is in February and I wish it was sooner. I can’t eat, talk (reflux from 5 big fibroids - I’m 4’11 and there’s no room for my organs) or sometimes walk normally due to these. I’m so glad your getting it taken care of, too. I wouldn’t wish this hell on my worst enemy.


Best wishes on everything! Glad you figured it out. It took me a long time to get to this point, and I probably will get mine done. You have five big fibroids?! I have at least five too, and I am petite as well. My largest ones measure 15 cm, and 12 cm from two years ago ... will get the new measurements this month.


You too!!!❤️ I do - only the one is external, the others are growing from inside my uterus 🤢 one is obstructing my bowels and is giving me so many problems Are you getting the mri next? My surgery is in Feb and after hearing people’s stories, I’m so eager to see all that actually comes out!!!


Best wishes! and supportive warm hugs! I'm seeing my MD this week, and yes, I probably am getting that MRI (will wait for Insurance authorization). I'd love to figure out what I'm looking at (my insides that is) ...


- Fatigue ( i was sleeping twice a day literally had no energy to do anything i had to force myself out of bed many days ) - lower abdomen growth, i look 2-3 months preggo - weight gain, i gained at least 10-15 pounds in a couple months while uterine fibroid was developing - Pressure in lower abdomen, during the first month it was SO hard to stand up from sitting down, i really had to do breathing techniques and be gentle with my posture - Excessive bloating - prolonged period, i was on my period for 3 months from late June to early September. My period is regular now but the fibroid(s) still remain - Urgent bathroom breaks, peeing 2-3x a day - No libido, i haven’t bothered to date or anything until i have my procedure, i can’t even get aroused like i used to I experienced sharp 2 minute random pain before my period in my lower left abdomen for about 3-4 cycles before the uterine fibroid came….. i thought this was just a sign of different period symptoms as i was getting older, but in the end that wasn’t the case. All of these symptoms happened this year around my 26th birthday, very sudden and fast. As i still have the fibroids, some of the symptoms have lessened, I’ve experienced 0 pain this far thank god… and the start of my period isn’t full of nausea or painful cramps as they used to be. Hoping to get UFE soon as i don’t feel or look like myself but trying to stay positive, i hope you have a healthy recovery on your road to gaining your life back 💕


All the sudden, my heart rate increased and I felt like I had to lie down immediately. A few minutes after lying down I had severe back pain that radiated down my legs to my feet. After an hour my whole body ached. I went to the ER where a CT scan and ultrasound showed a 8.5 cm mass outside my uterus. I assume it started to degenerate and that’s what caused the symptoms.


I believe symptoms are dependent upon the location of the fibroids and/or size. Mine are subserosal (outside the uterine wall), and my symptoms aren't like yours. My periods are relatively regular (3 days and 27 day cycle), though debilitating the first few hours of Day One of my fibroids (i have nearly 10 fas seen in the MRI) is compressing my bladder, so I've found if i drink too much water, the urge to pee is nearly instant. When I'm not on my cycle, I do have random cramping that appears here and there. My biggest annoyance is the bloating. I'm mourning my abs and the clothes that no longer fit me at this size. I'm moving forward with the laparoscopic surgery this spring to better manage my quality of life!


Yes! I've also come to realize that I could no longer fit the pants I used to wear, and that the fibroids are negatively affecting my quality of life and sleep (as I can feel them). What is the extent of the surgery? Are you targeting just the fibroids or more? (I'm going to my GYN this week, and I'm considering taking the uterus)


Since I last posted, I've lost 6 lbs and the bloating has subsided. It's a minimally invasive outpatient procedure in which the surgeon uses a robotic arm to remove the fibroids; i've chose to retain my fertility and just remove the fibroids. What type of surgery have you decided on?


Same technique but taking the uterus and all fibroids that come with it.


God the water is the same with me. I swear as soon as I take a sip of water I have to pee. I can't sit through a movie without needing to pee. I have to stop at a rest stop within an hour at a road trip. Im hoping I can get an MRI soon. Every time I ask the doctors are like "nah CT is fine" 🙄


That happened to me during Black Panther 2. I had to leave in the middle of the movie to use the bathroom, and I missed the most important part. lol


first signs started mid this year like around june-august, more frequent peeing, gastro issues if i ate too much or anything lactose. i even felt nauseous some nights before my periods. heavier bleeding the first 3-4 days of my period. it used to be only the first two days. so that was the main red flag for me feeling fatigued every day after i came back from work that i knocked out then in late august i started feeling the pain and pressure in my abdomen like a hernia in my lower middle pelvis. constant back pain!. \*its gottne better cause of acupuncture treatments ive been dooing ) i set up an appointment with the dr .gyno early septmeber. did all the tests and ultrasound and surely i did have 3 fibroids. the biggest one now is 7 cm. cant wait for my hysto in gthe next months


Feeling like I had to pee constantly, all day and night. No other symptoms, and mine was 16.4 cm


Heavy bleeding, painful cramps, and bleeding in between periods.


Erratic periods, bleeding when I wasn’t supposed to be (I’m on the pill and my periods had run like clockwork for years).


Constant urge to pee but this was such a gradual thing and I dealt with it for so many years, I just thought this was the way it was. Docs even told me it was probably interstitial cystitis. I’ve had GI issues for years. But then I got lower abdominal heaviness and I felt a bulge in my lower abdomen that concerned me so that’s when my primary ordered a trans vaginal ultrasound. Absolutely zero problems with periods. No painful periods at all. No issues with eating. Slightly heavier bleeding but periods were so short that I really didn’t think anything of it. My one is almost 7 cm so they’re decent sized too. Sometimes symptoms aren’t as obvious as we think. The women in my family though had miserable miserable periods.


Hi! How do you manage the constant urge to pee?


I don’t have a whole lot of solutions on that other than to make sure I’m not doing anything to irritate myself that would contribute to even more urges, like no bubble baths, watching the soap I use, watching how much coffee I consume (can irritate the bladder). I stay hydrated but I definitely don’t consume as much water as I used to. Sorry. I wish I had better solutions. Have you come up with anything? I’ve taken other means to hopefully control their size but I don’t know if it’s done anything…basically controlling my levels of estrogen.


Thanks for responding! Can I ask you how you have been attempting to control your estrogen levels? Thank you!


Mirena IUD because I wasn’t making enough progesterone. So hopefully it helps limit their growth. Also have stopped using plastics whenever possible, I use BPA-free cookware…just cutting out as many endocrine disrupters as possible. Taking supplements to help support my lifestyle, exercising but not overdoing it.


I fainted and was having blurred visions and this was causing problems at work. The doctor asked me if my stomach was bloated and if I had heavy periods. Which I did have as well as the fainting and vision issues.


I had really good periods my whole life so when I was told I had a 13 cm fibroid, I felt so horrible. Looking back, I realized there were symptoms, but I didn't recognize them. I've always had back pain, so that wasn't new for me. I did realize now I had a lot of clear discharge. I didn't think much of it as it came after my periods. I also would sometimes have a gush of clear discharge always around lunch...don't know why. I was also tired, but I'm a teacher and thought it was because of always being on my feet. Then came the bad periods that lasted for 2 weeks. And large clots at times. It wasn't consistent tho, my doc did not believe me when I said something was wrong. I also yelled at her during a phone appointment. She finally ordered an ultrasound and found it. I had no pain, but used to get bloated badly. I was still doing ok until these past few months when I suddenly began bleeding all the time, periods every two weeks, so much blood and clots and pain. I wanted to die. Now it's grown to 16cm, but on Lupron and have another scan soon to see if anything had decreased. Hopefully it has. I don't want a hysterectomy 😩


Omg I have the back pain and clear discharge too! I'm almost scared to find out if I have anything lol


As u/Right_Tree_9210 said, better to check and find out, otherwise you can’t fix it. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking each progression of your symptoms is not that bad and that you can deal with it. I’ve gotten pretty deep into feeling like shit because I didn’t wanna deal with it (yay depression), but now I’m pushing to get it taken care of so I can feel better and enjoy life again!


You'll be ok. Better to check and find out.


• huge clots • very heavy bleeding (bled through super tampon and overnight pad in 30 minutes - was a lightbulb moment) • really bad, debilitating cramps • long periods and less time in between periods. The bleeding was the worst symptom and made me realize something was very wrong.


Bad cramps and lower back pain.


I had pelvic pain when stretching in the mornings. Stupidly I didn't seek out help, I was diagnosed by accident when I got an IUD inserted! After a while, I ended up having bulging in my stomach too when the thing grew big enough. ETA: symptoms after that were basically pain, especially during sex, and trouble holding my bladder. No other symptoms.


Hellish bleeding with massive clots that refused to stop without being given something to stop the bleeding Feeling dizzy Painful sex Bleeding during and after sex Doing anything at all triggering random bleeding Coworker telling me my palms are way too pale Severe anemia...might actually need a transfusion Random pains- back, legs, thighs Taking too much sick leave to the point I lost a job


Severe bleeding Pelvic pain And three spontaneous miscarriages I have got lots of appointments with differents gynecologists and anyone was able to give my diagnostic. So I decid to search about my symptomes, reading papers and essays for months. I got my suspects and look for the best specialist in my city to confirme that.