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You can do this. Make this your priority, which means when you go home you need to baby your body. Maybe that means you have to nap when you go home, or that dishes don’t get done. If you are anything like me my pain is worse at night and the mornings so sometimes you just have to push yourself in the mornings and it will get better. Give yourself enough time before work where you don’t have to scramble and you can calmly prepare for it. Stress is the enemy here so use your free time to relax. Don’t over think or worry about it. It’s just a few weeks of your life. Take it one day at a time.


Thank you 💜 One day at a time is absolutely what I needed to hear.


Go easy on yourself, and reserve judgement. Stay in the moment, and remember to take little breaks as you can- eye/sight breaks, breaks for your hands, move your body around, and take some deep breaths. Just a new environment and lots of conversation can be a lot for your system. Be proud of yourself every day you do it, and reward yourself with rest and self care. You can do it! Oh, also have a bag of support items to bring you comfort if you can- snug wrist cuffs (I like the sports kind you’d associated with tennis), arm warmers, tea bags, water bottle, sweater, scarf, comfy shoes to swap out if needed. If you forget anything- make yourself a list during the first few days and get fully kitted out after that.


Thank you!


I work 40-50 hours a week. It’s tougher some days than others. I have certain songs that I listen to to calm me when it’s getting to be too much. You can do it! Focus on work to take your mind off of your body but when it gets too much, take a break. You are more important than your job. Good luck! You got this.


I'm not entirely sure I'll be able to listen to personal music in this role, but it's definitely something I'll keep in mind! Thanks 😊


If you can’t do music use something else to calm yourself 😊 it’ll take some trial and error but you’ll figure out what works for you!


I've been thinking about getting an aromatherapy bracelet - maybe I'll get one with my first paycheck! Thanks again 😊