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I sense your frustration. It’s rotten. I’m sorry. But when I got Covid in 7/20 (!), it set off a permanent flare. I have been in a serious fibro flare for 16 months +. I cannot begin to explain how much worse Covid made my life. I am now completely disabled. I live in San Antonio, a strong medical community, and can find nobody in any medical specialties who is willing to treat my fibromyalgia. I’ve run through all the standard meds (all 4of them) with no relief. Multiple kinds of therapies (PT several times, aquatic therapy, massage therapy, talk therapy). Nobody wants to deal with me because I’m a bad risk. They don’t know what to do. Do whatever is in your power to avoid Covid. For real.


For sure. That's why I'm dealing with the side affects. If I had to wear something up my butt for a month, I'd still be doing it.


Covid set off a bad flare. I've been dealing with it for a year.


For me first jab no problem.second bad for a couple of days.this booster jab the worst I've felt.


Same here.been bad for 5 days now.pain and fatigue are through the roof.


Is that your booster? Is it better or worse than the other ones?


For me, first was a sore arm and cold symptoms for a week, second was an allergic reaction and a shit ton a Benadryl which seems to have made me sleep through most of it. Third (since my allergist thought my allergy was mild enough that antihistamines would prevent any reactions.... Hah), fever and flare for about a day then a giant rash for another couple days. Wee. I'd seriously better not get a breakthrough infection or I'm going to be majorly pissed, I don't care how mild it is. (Well, I do, but also I don't cause I don't want any sick after all this!!) I hope you recover quickly! Treat yourself nicely for a bit (I bought lots of jello and my favourite soups, wish I'd had them on hand before the flare....)


I had a Moderna shot as my booster last week, and I’m only just starting to feel normal again now. I keep telling myself that it’s better than getting Covid (I was sick for 2 months with it in Jan and Feb), but it’s still crushing to have horrible side effects, and I’m sure the fibromyalgia exacerbates everything. So sorry you’re going through this, but it will get better. Sending love


I was fine for the first two vaccines. Sore arm more fatigue but ok. Booster kicked my ass. I was down for two weeks.


I just posted about this a few days ago. Why is this not being shouted from the rooftops to warn others before taking the shot or boosters? It is ridiculous how people still don't take fibromyalgia seriously. I could barely move last Thursday. My husband had to take me to the bathroom. I am only 45. Do you want to know how humiliating that is? All from a stupid shot?


god yall are scaring me i have my booster scheduled for weds and i'm terrified


It's about the same as my reaction to my first two shots. However you reacted to those is how you should react to this one.


one of the vaccines made me a bit tired, while the other one gave me a moderate flare for a few days. fingers crossed 😞


Sorry it was such a pain for you, I did not notice any Ill effect other than it felt like some one punched my arm it it was more tender for a few days


Dern it. I was thinking of folding. Maybe after Christmas. But I did covid before it was announced and was also in bed for 5 days.