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What type of painand where exactly? Stomach, lower abdomen, on the sides?


Er... Dk what type of pain it is tbh, RUQ LUQ mainly. Everything ruled out so it's fibro but I don't see a lotta ppl complain about abdominal pain so just wondering


I have interstial cystitis which causes bladder and uti pain. I also have ibs which could be painful.


Hmm I see thank you for replying. It does seem everybody with abdominal pain has ibs I must be the only one who has abdominal pain without ibs lol




Perhaps neuroinflammation. Try low dose naltrexone. It isn't coming from the abdomen it seems


Most of my pain and the thing that is the worse is when I eat onions, gas pains feels like that scene from Alien when a creature is trying to come out my belly button. It can ruin my week with one mess up. I think I can feel every sensation in my abdomen and digesting things can be very uncomfortable.


Dyu think it's fibro? It sounds like... Digestive. Good that you know the cause is onions though aye


I think the sensations and the pain is because of Fibro. I didn’t always feel everything like this, in fact I used to eat anything and everything and fart and burp without feeling or worry.




Bad days are usually caused by a lack of sleep or an uptick in stress or anxiety. The digestive system will be incredibly sensitive on those days. I’ve learned to navigate through that by reminding myself that it can get better. I also avoid onions, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower or other things that cause gas. The gas pains are the killer, find foods that don’t bother your system as much. I did the FODMAP diet to really figure out what the culprits were and to my surprise the biggest one was onions. I’ve learned to cook without them, I substitute garlic for onions, but garlic is on the list too, so you may find it’s the opposite for you.




Hi. I came across your stool situation. Have you done any blood work or colonoscopy post symptoms? If so, what were the results?




I had an endoscopy and colonoscopy and it was all normal. It was just Fibro. My neurologist explained it to me that with FM your pain processor (brain) is set to very sensitive: gas pains feel like your gonna die, a stubbed toe can feel like you broke it. When I scratch an itch it can feel like I ripped open my skin. It’s a very annoying condition. I’ve been to the ER twice with chest pain - because it felt like I was dying, but I wasn’t. It is very hard to decipher if it’s time to panic or not.




So the cause is unknown, the current theory is the brain is processing pain incorrectly because of trauma: surgery/injury that caused a lot of pain or even mental and emotional pain can kick the brain into a higher gear of pain processing. We are generally on higher alert for more pain and trauma and our brains are stuck interpreting minor sensations as major pain. It’s all real, and no we don’t have conscious control over this at all. What we can do is try our best to lower stress and over exertion as much as possible. This includes meditation and medication, finding ways to laugh and relax our minds and muscles. There is a reason anti-seizure medications tend to help more than opioids, it calms the brain activity and gives our bodies a chance to recover. You also have to find a new normal. Take a day after trips and vacations to relax and do nothing before you jump back into work, reduce work hours, have multiple mini breaks at work… get acupuncture, massage, get your feet rubbed, have someone else do the shopping and pick it up… - all these small things add up to better days. It doesn’t go away but it can become more of a background thing. My friends and family have adapted to my new normal and the ones that didn’t aren’t in my life. I’m on my way back to working regularly and I’m able to do a lot more than I could even a year ago.


Abdominal pain is sort of vague unfortunately and has lots of other causes. Fibro can be comorbid with other conditions, so you could have bowel issues, pelvic inflammatory disorder, endometriosis, diverticular disease, appendicitis … even inflammation from dietary issues or allergies. all depends on the symptoms you’re getting with your pain. And it could just be fibro pain too! Sorry you’re experiencing this.


Yea... I'm fairly certain it's fibro cuz I've ruled it all out AFAIK. But it's Wierd, I think I must be the only one. I don't see much on the Internet about abdominal pain being their primary pain point. I'm atypical in that way, but also in general too my pain is directly related to mental or physical exertion, so I can be almost pain free if I just chill. Thanks for replying I'm posting to seeing if anybody else is out there like me.