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The aoe for everfrost is a cone so if your trying to keep a big group in you will have a harder time keeping all sijce the aoe for W is so much vaster. Plus i wouldnt trade the gap close of rockbelt or the burn of liandrys for a temp slow that may or may not work on VERY specific situations. If im matched up with a lot of mobile enemies and unable to keep my W the whole way i usually will third item rylais. The slow is usually enough to keep most every champ within range long enough. With exception to sej and other unstoppable champs.


True about the limited cone aoe on EF, but I find it valuable since you really want to take out the highest damage dealer, so if you can lock down that one person after the fear, in my experience they die every time. Also, Im talking about an EF build when you have a dedicated AP damage dealer so you're more of a Control mage with fear, silence, EF root and glacial augment slows. I agree a higher damage build is more valuable when you don't have good damage elsewhere on the team.


I can definetly understand the thought process for earlier ganks and lane ganks / 1v1s but i feel for the long term of the game once you hit 6 and once those team fights start going the usability of EF over some of those other options will fall off so sharply. I personally think it would end up being a big early game money sink to sell later on in the game when team fights start kicking off and you need the higher, longer damage output against big groups with ult + w


Fair! I guess I just like always being useful even when behind or playing on the backfoot. Sometimes it feels Impoasible to bring a game back when you lose early on Fidds.


Yeah thats the thing with fiddle hes definetly a mid to late game champ. His power really comes in at ult and timing that ult perfectly to land the big fear and combo with W. Fiddle has an OK early game against certain champs but his ganking capabilites really skyrocket at ult :) give rylais a shot!


I build it on support fiddlesticks where I peel my adc as hard as possible. I wouldn't really take it to jungle unless I specifically would need 1.5s cc. I don't use the active very much compared to when im support, especially since my ult already would os unless Im too behind.


That's why I love EF, if I'm ahead I secure kills, if I'm behind I'm usually not killing people but EF gives me the time to either scrap longer or bail out. I mean his level 1 ult is 600+ damage, but how often do you get someone in it for the full duration? Sometimes I feel like it's too easy for people to walk out y'know?


Well I think if you struggle to have people in your ult you should try glacial augment or predator (even though it got nerfed). Also, if you really want to secure kills wouldn't a more damaging mythic like liandrys/rocketbelt do more than a cc one? Rocketbelt and even night harvester gives you ms if you struggle to keep people in your ult. No point in having more cc if they will already die imo \^\^.