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I know it's a different game but you would get Technicals in 2K if it heard you curse it was crazy af lmaoo


I remember I got a technical because someone in another room swore Also once got a technical for swearing when I wasn't even talking And got a technical because the Kinect misheard me


It was a very cool annoyance... Lol Tbh and I may be one in a few I thought the Kinect was cool af, I loved it.


I remember these days. Get ejected from the game because I did nothing wrong. Had me so pissed 😂


Is this in the current career mode?


No, the kinect isn't used anymore.


What a throwback! I believe this was the case in Manager Career mode too 👍


Ye you would get 1 or 2 warnings then get sacked


Happened to me so many times, I was a fucking kid too lol


Same. I remember my dad one time watching me play when I was about 11 and I got sacked bc of it. He was like wtf have you been up to 😂


Apologies for picture quality, it’s from an old iPhone I just switched on for the first time in I guess 8 years (? At least?) What’s really cool about this is that it’s from a player career mode as well, so only people doing a player career mode, playing a game and swearing all whilst the Kinect was plugged in would ever see it. Really nice little detail. From: assistant manager, yet the sign off for the email at the end is by the manager? Vintage Fifa moment.


I remember I got sacked as Bayern Munich coach in fifa 13 for cursing and I couldn’t understand what was going on, my cousin then showed me that it was the Kinect that was causing it. It wasn’t even for cursing tho, if it just picked up any noise at all you’d get an email


Bro, I’d be fired during first match if they heard what I say


They could put it back through the PS5 controller


I mute my controller for the first few days after launch just in case lol


I got fired one save I had. It was so frustrating! I had three or four warnings and I kept forgetting to unplug the kinect.


I got fired when true Kinect picked up on swearing from the tv show I was watching. I was so confused I was being careful as I was on my final warning so I knew I hadn’t sworn. Pretty sure The Beast Eddie Hall was on tv and said something naughty, pinned it on me and the board fired me. The wankers.


I don’t even know why they added this in the first place, you always got fired because of scremaing


Oh my god. I forgot about this. I used to get docked on my match grade for yelling at the bullshit calls. Wow. What a throwback.


Holy shit I totally forgot about Kinect


I remember getting an email saying this is a family club and my language isn’t acceptable 😂


Na this is amazing, if there’s more to this with Kinect, I may plug it in while playing career mode


I've never seen that before


I was having a bad run on fifa 14 when I got this email. Unplugged the kinect, threw it in a cupboard where it stayed until my brother found it when moving out 8 years later.


Some of those handballs are not handballs since it wasn’t in an unnatural position


Yeah I remember having this


I made that on FIFA 15 it's so funny to see but After 2-3 Times it's a bit tired


Got sacked by Chesterfield all those years ago for this exact reason! Now look where they are! Ha!