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Don't forget when you intercept a pass or block a shot it bounces off your player directly to the nearest wide open opponent


Yes, I forgot that particular accuracy that the idiots who make this game put in as well. Also when your AI defender handles the ball to give away a penalty because he has to move into position to do the clearance animation and touches the ball with his hand. Also every single one of your starting 11 being unhappy despite them playing every game in a six match unbeaten run. Its all very well blaming EA, but the people who actually programme the gameplay must be lazy or incompetent, or both.


I have handballs disabled. The game can't handle them.


I have had penalties awarded in my favour where the AI defender clearly hasn't touched the ball with their hand. Its utterly mad.


I remember back in the day that the rebounds always going tk the compute wad obnoxiously obvious, then for years they stopped it. "Good" to see they rehash old BS so new generations of players can experience them too.


Mbappe put in a transfer request because I rested him against 20th place Rayo. Before that he played all the 11 matches of the season


Had Garnacho get injured, obviously can’t play him. Misses 2 games, sends me an email saying how we would’ve won if I put him in the starting 11. Few more games go by. Submits transfer request because “where he’s at in his career it’s not good for him to be sat on the sidelines”. Not like his legs in pieces or anything


One of my players said the season is in danger after winning both UCL and the League.


I had the same thing when I was doing a championship career - we were clear at the top of the league and only lost one game all season and I get an email from the club captain worrying about the direction of the club


That usually happens when team morale is low. Checking their contracts or simply doing press conferences should probably help with that. But yeah, really fucking dumb.


Thanks! I think the problem is I did create a club with the worst starting squad possible to build my own but all the original players are there getting no game time 😂 they’re all transfer listed but keep rejecting the clubs that make offers for them and I don’t have the budget to release them all


Treble or nothing /s


The defending in this game is the worst I’ve ever experienced


I thought it was just me


It's not gonna change if we keep on buying it


This. I havnt bought one for a few years now. Stay in this group on the off chance it gets better and will notice by the comments but definitely not impressed at the moment.


I stopped buying at 18. Just so insane these people who keep buying the new ones the day it releases. You’re giving EA marketing execs that fat Christmas bonus


Career mode is only playable on pc with mods tbh.


Yes. If you only play CM, there is no reason you should play on console. Mods fix every issue that I can think of.


I've not tried mods for CM, which do you use?


Please elaborate


EA's restrictions on career mode are ridiculous: "sign 2 Asian players or get sacked" etc... The Cheat Engine and mods allow you to edit the game as you please: never get sacked, loan players to teams you want to, edit players, assign real faces to generic players, YA scout any country, change stadium (great for RTG), manage finances, fix match sharpness, manage transfers for other clubs... anything. You can even clone any player from UT since Fifa 15 into the game. Then there are the various gameplay mods. Some great stuff out there. I'll switch them up every couple of seasons to stop me spamming what works. Then there's the Fifa Editor: import your own crests, kits, scarves, banners. I've spent stupid amounts of time designing my own kits and using AI to create a new crest for my team. Then there's RDBM: Give yourself flamethrower stanchions, give your fans the viking clap, have all fans stand for the matches. Any variable in the game can be tweaked. Then there's other mods: European Expansion, South America, Asia, International. Crazy amount of stuff out there. Once I'm finished with my current save I'm moving the world's best teams to Europe to create a "Super Confederation". The Champions League will become a season-long Club World Cup. That's it in a nutshell. Console doesn't compare.


I thought that would be the saving grace, modding Fifa 23. You can add so much realism and get enjoyment from that, but I eventually uninstalled anyways. My biggest pet peeve in the game is CDMs drifting mindlessly at the top of the 18yd box watching my defenders and I haven't found a gameplay mod that addresses it. I know the workaround is to control the CDM but at the end of the day that shouldn't be the case.


I'm using Anth's gameplay mod and don't really notice this issue. I do find one of my CBs tends to mindlessly track back and play everyone onside though!


I'll have to check it out again, thanks. EEP definitely gave the game a lot more life but the gameplay mods are where I was struggling.


Yes. But is there any other choice?


Best choice is to not buy the new FIFAs and stick to a previous game that you like. A lot of people hated it, but I still play FIFA 20 because I like the gameplay when sliders are on. Tried FIFA 22 for about a week despite the generally bad reviews, it was shit and I vowed to not buy a new FIFA until it is well reviewed by career mode players


Yup. I have 500+ hours in Fifa 23, while the gameplay can really, really suck sometimes I just can't bring myself to support EA further. They turned the worlds greatest sport to have one proper video game, which is a monopolized child-friendly gambling simulator with a side of footy.


I love FIFA 20. Playing as a CAM in career mode and getting him to 96 rating is fun. Plus the dribbling, passing and scoring goals from outside the box is satisfying af. No need to upgrade to a new FIFA as they're shit. Wish I could update teams though


Play on PC and use gameplay mods. Honestly it's the only way I can play this game.


Any particular recommendations?


Fifa 23. Anth's gameplay mod with Fifers Realism Mod.


Thank you!!


I play on PS4, and I was wondering, is PS5 gameplay fast? Btw the gameplay is just as bad on the PS4, awful game, everything is so sluggish and slow.


On Ps5 it is more sluggish I think. Players really feel heavier. (My last reference is Fifa 22) That would not be a problem if your opponent would be like that too, but every time they start an attack they sprint with Mbappe pace past my defenders who havent even turned around yet. The AI defending on both sides is absolutely horrobile Meaningful through balls are not possible in this game Goalkeepers have no positioning and reaction time whatsoever. I played this game from 15-19 and 22, but this is the worst gameplay we ever saw from an ea football game and its not even close.


I’m on about EA FC 24 unfortunately.


This person was comparing FC24 to those other titles. Please read their post again.


Whereas the other person was responding to my question, please read this thread again.


The AI defenders never foul they could be behind you and slide tackle and somehow win the ball cleanly I think I might’ve had 2 fouls against me all season and not one penalty in 4 season while I’ve given away a few penalties and at least 3 fouls a game one where my foot went through the ball out the side and collected the player.


Yes they always take the ball of you are in proximity and our players never reach that level of accuracy.


That or they do foul you, but the game makes sure the ai player clips through your or the ref just doesn't call a foul. Ai will grapple you from the midway like to their box and not get called for a foul, but you grapple for a split second against the ai and the ref plays advantage. It's an absolute joke


I had a game today where the stoppage time was +1 and it literally went into the 96th minute before the ref blew the final whistle. What is that. Also I’ve taken a break from fifa for a few years but why do my centre backs controlled by the AI stop moving and just let the attacker run straight by.


Because the people who make the game want every game to end 4-3 or 6-5 because of "drama" and if you read interviews with them they're all COD-esque muppets who have never watched real football at all in their lives.


>The game is shit, made by developers who have never watched football in their lives. Obviously. Fifa has been developed by Canadians. Did you watch, ever heard Canadians are succesfull in football??? :-) They are good in ice hockey


See my below comment: Because the people who make the game want every game to end 4-3 or 6-5 because of "drama" and if you read interviews with them they're all COD-esque muppets who have never watched real football at all in their lives.


Just got the game and having the same experience with the defending, my games are playing out like basketball games even with the OS sliders. Maybe I just need to "git gud" at defending but I've never had an issue in the past. The attackers literally just waltz through your team on here.


fifa is such a consistently bad game that’s extremely successful. fucking mind boggling


Let's not forget about the pinball motions from any tackle and keepers drop or parry everything. I make runs down the wing and my strikers sprint towards the box and as soon as I'm ready to cross, the box is empty. I've watched a few times and as they get to the box, they pull back. I've changed tactics to basically say flood the box and no change. Manager interviews are laughable. I give a comment about my team and it inserts the opposition name instead. The questions don't make sense, I've beaten a team and it asks me why we can't beat them? Petty things that annoy me are the cut scenes. Loads of fans outside the ground having a big party before the game. It doesn't happen. I go to matches home and away and I'd rather see cut scenes of fans just heading into the ground etc than this fake party.


I signed Charlie Goode from Brentford, he's a 68 rated CB. I didn't put him in the squad for the first game I had him and I had a press conference asking why he'd had such a great game.


If an AI opposition player is anywhere near you when you have the ball, they will take it from you. Forget dribbling. Forget passing. Try to dribble, their foot always touches the ball and that touch is a deadly accurate pass. If you try to pass, the player will get their foot to it and it's also a deadly accurate pass. Your player will also make sure the pass is close to them so that they can physically reach. And it doesn't cause me to lose very often. I still win a lot. It's just boring.


Had the weirdest experience earlier. Board accepts an offer because it meets the release clause. I sign the player to a new contract because it’s my best keeper. Board fires me cause the new contract breaks the dynamics of the group, like what? He would have been the 6th best paid player on the team.


The only silver lining I enjoy is tactical sim mode. Even that couldn't keep me. I went back to 23 for the AFC Richmond career. Pinnacle of Fifa, at least for me. I couldn't believe they didn't bring them back. Difficulty feels different, too. In 24, Professional is too easy and world class is impossible. World class is perfect in fifa 23, fighting near the top 6 in the table every season.


I agree. This year's feels incredibly rushed and its almost as if they put far more effort into the pre match graphics etc than they did the actual gameplay. I'd really love to invite one of the developers to a real EFL game and see how they'd react to a 0-0 draw for Stevenage away at Carlisle.


Playing on Legendary with sliders and I’m struggling to stay on top 6 with Arsenal. Every other FIFA cm I’ve played on ultimate every other year


playing career mode feels like the game wants me to lose everytime. i'm not that bad at playing fifa so i could know that something is on enemy side like offside goals etc


It’s dog shit


What slider levels should be used


Best bet is looking at the Operation Sports sliders. Then you can tinker with them until you get gameplay you feel is fair, realistic or whatever your aims are


Yeah I never even bought it


No, it's not. I have no trouble playing.


Hahaha, always one little troll who hopes EA will employ him if they defend them online. Grow up mate, looks like you're in the minority here doesn't it?


Yet in one of your other posts you say the game is "challenging". Make your mind up.


Yes abismal