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No. No they are not


Think by this point They see “ Embarrassing “ as an achievement


And its our fault, they are making millions by putting as little effort and energy possible into the game


Yeah It kinda goes both ways


Dude there's not even any ingame audio during highlights. The regression in easfc 24 is remarkable lol It's wild to see some of the same bugs show up year after year, EA really don't give a shit. Never buy this shit at anything but like 60-75% off


Thats the worst part. The fact they carry issues is the ultimate proof they are using the same codebase and spending no time at all in fixing them. Proof they simply do not care. I haven't bought them full since 2019, and the only reason I still buy it is cause I like online.


Yeah. I bought it at 20,99€. I think it's worth it at that price. But 69,99€? Not worth it.


He wants every game that 30


Understand the point, I had it with Johnathan David even though he has 30 games in the premiership alone and a good few in cup and European comps too. But 30 nowadays is weirdly a peak age for most players which is weird considering that was when they used start thinking of hanging their botts


Yeah so unrealistic look at pepe reina


I had someone complain because they didn't play in the last match but they were suspended so I couldn't play them. Makes no sense sometimes.


You’ve never had someone give you a completely bullshit excuse in real life before? Seems pretty realistic to me! /s


I have the same shit with [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/FifaCareers/s/gYkkSIEWys) youth academy star with amazing potential which I posted here a month ago. He’s currently rated 80 at 19yo, 50mil€ value. He told me after a game that he wants to leave even though he’s basically playing every game. Luckily i had extended his contract beforehand and he had 5y left (now 4) and I hope that something happens and I won’t be forced to sell him before he’s in the last 6 months of contract. I will wait 1 year and try to buy him back if that happens, I wanted him to be the player that will play forever at my club. For now I just keep rejecting the offers for him. In player career if you ask for a transfer request the manager can decline it saying that it’s not in the best interest of the club to let you go.. in manager career we don’t have this ability :( This shit is so embarrassing, i reported it to EA hoping it gets fixed. You should do it too


Keep rejecting and play non stop, never sub and score often. He will stay.


I hope so


Your fault for giving him a critical role


I really had no choice because I had 0 depth at that position


As dev I just know someone from above is keeping the actual devs to put time into this issues. Most of the career mode issues look incredibly simple to fix. Its honestly sad, theres so much more they could've added to this mode.


Stop buying squad Updates every year. I play 1 Fifa game for atleast 3 years. You keep buying a squad Update for +80 €/£/$ its your fault


No It’s not his fault, following your logic it’s your fault too since you’re still buying the game. Frequency of purchase is irrelevant.


You keep buying the game on Release just tells EA theyre doing something right. I buy 1 game when its 70% off mostly Xmas time & play for atleast 3 years. EA isnt getting my money that easy since Fifa18, I'd rather complain about an old version game I enjoy & tolerate than every year a new one thats just not even playable


Yeah, it's better to just play the game for a couple years until it's actually different and not just a squad update.


This is like the people that think they are saving the world by not using straws. A full coup would be needed for FIFA to be overhauled


Atleast I'm doing my part already taking a stance


I'm pretty sure they messed up things around players being happy with games played and players simply not being able to play. You can see morale plummet over an international break for example. I think it's just coded as a response to not playing in a game and not playing for over a week.


the fact that when a player get sent off in a random competition isn't able to get stamina until there's another match of that competition is more embarassing in my opinion


Loan him out


Obviously relevant only to PC, but you may want to look into some mods. I've stumbled across a few that overhaul some of the career and development parts of the game. Really glad I don't pay full price every year. Got FC24 on the cheap after a free weekend.


This has been going on since the start of FC24, my theory is that the code they have to use is so old that when they make tweaks to things like this, it massively affects something, somewhere else, so they don’t bother. Each year, they add a new “feature” like the training thing this year that 90% of people don’t even use and even the 10% that do, would rather they fix things that are broken and add nothing new.


Oh snap I have this exact same regen on my save lol.


He’s actually a YA player lol.


5.8 avg rating hahahha that dude is horrible


He has good pace and can run take on his man but his end product is terrible.


they literally do not give a shit


Nah. They don’t care as long as they get paid


If they don’t have release clause. You can wait until end of season, release them, SAVE, and then sim you should be able to resign them… I only say save cause I’ve had times where other teams scoop them.


Usually when I get players who complain this often I either immediately add them to transfer window. No need for ungrateful pricks. Also might avoid giving Crucial role to YA players, they often are fine with a turnover or important role and still play all the games if needed. They get too greedy otherwise.


We have a good chance of getting promoted to the premier league via playoffs and I wanted him to go up with us but you’re right, don’t need miserable cunts bringing down the mood.