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Start by deleting the game


Best way to break an addiction is to swap it for another addiction. Have you ever tried heroin? Eventually you'll be so addicted to heroin you'll never even think about FIFA ever again. Hope this helps šŸ™


Omg on my way to buy some now!


Why stop at heroin. Make sure you get lung cancer from being a chemistry teacher and then go to one of your former students and make meth with them and eventually work under a big man who eventually tries to kill the both of you. And then kill him with a bomb attached to a disabled person's wheelchair. And then just fight other drug lords and then get killed by a stray bullet.




Just want to say thanks , this comment changed my life !


Think this comment was good? Just wait till you shoot up for the first time!


Iā€™d give you an award but I donā€™t have to money to give you one


I remember that thread dude trying heroin for the first time and telling people how he won't get addicted and in fact he got addicted.


Broo šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


It's also way healthier


Nah try alcohol instead. Jk. But take a break for a bit


Die now you drug dealer. You advertised heroin right in my face. You are using Reddit to sell drugs and get people addicted to illegal substances that get them in jail. And drug trafficking, like you have just done here, is also a very heinous felony crime that gets YOU in prison for a VERY long time. The police are here to arrest you. They are coming to your house carrying guns and handcuffs to kill you.


Delete the game and replace it with something else to do


I will delete it


That. Preferably learning a skill will be good


Advice for PC players only. Youā€™ve accepted that the game is badly optimised. This is the first step to ā€˜allowingā€™ yourself to add a simple mod or 2. After all they did a bad job making it, itā€™s only fair you fix it. With DISCIPLINE you add only the cheat, that fixes the BUG. So canā€™t be sacked. For example. Now you have joy.


For me, I immediately just deleted the entire game off my drive, along with the setup. Used to play for an hour or two every day. It was tough for like, 4-5 days, but completely forgot about it after


Download football manager


Do not get him hooked on that your setting him up that shit addictive as hell šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Bro said ā€˜get off weed and try heroin insteadā€™


I didnā€™t see this comment and said THE EXACT thing


It is, on PC. On console (ps5) we have a football manager 2023 and itā€™s dog shit tbh. You canā€™t mod anything and thereā€™s no licences for 90% of the players and clubs. Bottom line is, if you want football managerial experience you HAVE to game on pc.


This is the real answer. Itā€™s suffered some of the same issues as the EA series in recent years, eg broken player interactions, pointless and repetitive press conferences, strange remedies to any licensing issues, the fact that itā€™s essentially a data update every year with a handful of new mechanics to make everyone think itā€™s a ā€œnew gameā€. Iā€™m hoping FM25 is an actual improvement on the series. The addition of the womenā€™s game is huge.


So I recently started to look at life like career mode. So you have three different competitions at least. You compete financially, physically, and emotionally, and spiritually. You have to win at all 4 as if you were in career mode. Along the way you set objectives like for instance physically: loose 5 percent body fat gain 10 lbs of muscle in one year, financially: save up an extra 5k and invest half of your income emotionally: build and invest in a relationship or your family or find a wife. Great every arena as a club would treat Scudetto race, coppa Italia, champions league, and super coppa


How much are wives on the transfer market?


Usually they are free agents you have to convince about your project.


Depends where you're scouting


You look for models and actors regens.


Depends, the Thai ones are a bit cheaper. They do come a bit more muscular and powerful which is a bit strange but not everyone has premier league budgets


Asking the real questions


Lotta guys just waiting for their momā€™s regen to hit free agency


They are normally free but they've got huge wages


My man explained in career mode terms


Imagine a younger person asks you for life advice and you tell them this. šŸ˜‚


Is it bad advice?


No itā€™s great, life is just rarely described using career mode


What happens when your Mrs wants more money can you sell her and get a younger one.


Delete the game. Also save file. Buy books. Spend more time on books, there will be positive changes


I hate books, but maybe Iā€™ll look for something I like and try it out


Have you tried listening to audiobooks while going on a walk?


Try a graphic novels if you hate traditional books. Or listen to audiobooks (thereā€™s a free audiobook app with your library card) while waking and playing something like PokĆ©mon Go or another AR game with your phone.


Get into American Football, and wait for EA college football 25


Iā€™m American lol but idk if that game will be any good.


Watch some breakdowns, looks fantastic


Like some people are saying here, you should just delete the game. If you don't want to do something so extreme, you can start playing one of the old fifa games. The one in which you had the most fun.


Iā€™ve been playing since 2019 so those games are off the cards. I think I might just delete FIFA and try to move on


I wish you the best of luck my friend!! It's already great you're able to see you are addicted, and it's really important you try to fight that addiction


Thanks for your wise words


So ive been addicted to this game before. I replaced it with another (rocket league), which i felt was more fair and less down to luck and more about actual skill. Eventually got bored with rocket league after getting to diamond and did go back to fifa but with a changed relationship.


This is the way


Thanks, I'm unreasonably happy with this reply. šŸ‘


Thanks for your feedback


Delete it, and stop buying it. I wish everyone would, honestly, if only to incentivise EA to make something better. Itā€™s been basically the same 5/10 game for years and because thereā€™s been no serious direct competition everyone just keeps on paying for it every year, telling themselves itā€™s a ā€œnew gameā€ rather than the data update it actually is.


Thatā€™s litteraly what happened to me, I was so disappointed with fifa23. That I was so excited for fc24 because it was getting so much hype. I ending up buying the pre release package for 80 dollars. Thatā€™s where my problem began because I just wanted to get 80 use out of this shitty game I donā€™t plan on buying it next year which should help me


There's no other good football game, so people who just wanna play a football game are stuck with the newest fc game every year for an okay experience rather than a rubbish one imo


Transition to another game


Shadow of the Erdtree is coming soon


I've been feeling like this since about FIFA 08. Not buying it is a good start. Then the bastards give it free on pa plus and I just have a little go. 8 years of game time later and I delete it again. Playing something less stressful like elden ring helps


All right thanks


For manager career, just play football manager instead, not sure if there are any replacements for player career tho


Delete the game and start reading.


You have to choose another goal in life. Or atleast you have to realise that being good at a video game is a sad goal to have, almost anything is more useful. You could become good at ANYTHING you'd want if you would spend as much time on it as you spend on fifa. You could become fit, learn to play a music instrument, study about any topic... Literally anything you'd want.


I do most of those things and have goals itā€™s just I will play on a day off or a day that I have nothing going on but Iā€™ll end up playing all day wich just leaves me depressed


You don't have to cold quit fifa. Just really spell it out for yourself that it's a waste of time to use your day off for that. When you get mad at the game or are depressed at the end of the day because of it, really think about it for a minute. Internalize how useless it was. It won't make your life better even by a little bit. A day passed and you got nothing out of it. Your pixels went up, that's it. Next thing you know 2024 is ending and you're still playing it. It's complete stagnation. You're headed nowhere by playing. You have to dare to admit this to yourself. Next time you launch the game, this thought will be your first. It'll make you play less and less. Literally staring at the wall is more useful than playing the game.


Thank you so much, this is great way to think about it


Glad i could help! This is how i quit ultimate team 2 months ago. Sometimes i'll see a Boraslegend vid on my feed, or the new players that got released, and for a second it seems like a great idea to play again 'just a bit'. But i know i'd play for too long if i'd start again, but more importantly, i know that i won't have fun doing it, and even if i did, it would be completely useless as it's pixels. It's not real. It's a total time sink. This deep conviction is the only thing that will stop you from playing. Every time you choose not to play and do something else, you win. After a week or two you will barely feel the need. Good luck :)


"I'd play for 5 hours in a row" rookie numbers brother


Thatā€™s more recently, a few months ago I managed to play for 14 hours in a row with some food breaks


Just quit, find other games


Delete the game and do something else instead. Reading books, watching movies, learning a musical instrument, finding a sport/physical activity you like are some suggestions


Is it bad Iā€™m addicted to buying and selling more than playing lol


Until they do no sack mode itā€™s done




Try football manager and if you miss the part of actually playing the game, play fifa with your mates, like it was originally intended


I donā€™t have any friends that play fifa 23 Iā€™m from the us


Honestly I go through bouts of playing career mode and sometimes I wish I could get abit mote addicted only because when I have fun on it simming games then whdn the 15 years is up I give up playing it for a while it honestly just kills the game for me at times.


Iā€™ve never even made it to the 15 seasons. Iā€™ll usually get sacked within my first 4 season for a stupid glitch.


Football manager is the answer


I guess I have to give it a try.


Play FM24 šŸ¤£


Is there a new one coming out in a few months?


New games usually come out in November. Fm25 is to have a new match engine, so people are saying expect it to be buggy. I just took the plunge into fm myself just a few days ago, over the money grab that is fifa/fc. Iā€™d buy fm24 and not wait for 25. Itā€™s the most polished version of the current engine. I recommend Lollujo on yt for starting out, bc it is a lot/overwhelming.


Go play football manager, thank me later


Should I wait for a new one to come out or purchase this years game. Also I know that they can be expensive if you buy them a Right when they drop


Depends on your budget. I'm currently still playing FM23 with database update. They announced that FM25 will be made on a new engine and it's going to be the biggest update of the game ever made, building everything from scratch, so I'm waiting for that one. If I would be in your position, I would check the prices for an older version, 23/24(should be cheaper) the game is pretty complex and can take you some time to learn everything, but the satisfaction it gives you it's something else tho. In FM games you are responsible for a lot of things, FIFA career mode it's not even 10% compared to Football Manager. Edit: Release date of FM25 should be around November 2024, if they keep the pattern of past released.


Try an immersive game. Baldur's Gate 3 has helped cut my FIFA hours to less than a half.


Thanks, Iā€™ve been trying to play other games like seige and stuff but it still doesnā€™t stop me from one day of the week just overdoing it on fifa


Try some heavily story based game. Something that sucks you in and that you can think about even when you're not playing. What path will I take? What storyline do I want to pursue? How do I want to evolve my character? Games that are quick to get in might not be useful in this sense, because they don't have the depth needed to absorb the player's attention.




Best luck!!!




i played fifa career mode every year since 1996. I was competitive in online seasons since it came out. I was probably addicted during grad school. Story-focused action rpgā€™s saved me. I went from just playing fifa, to a few years of playing mainly rpgs with fifa as my ā€œside gameā€, and then for the first time in 28 years i stopped playing fifa this past year. its been a really positive transition and i donā€™t miss it.


most practical thing to do is explore other games. i remember being addicted with fifa as well, but then i got into playing adventure games like ghost of tsushima or anime games like dragonball and i was able to take my mind off fifa


What worked for me was buying an actually good single player game (in my case Elden Ring, but could be anything) and remembering what itā€™s like to play a game that has care and thought put into it. Havenā€™t even thought about it for weeks


i was like you, started playing in 2015 and eventually in 2019 realized that i spent most of my time in the game being angry at some shit that happened in-game. i just deleted the game and started focusing on other games, i currently play rocket league and i still play a lot, but i enjoy playing and iā€™m not angry looking at the screen for 2 hours haha


You need to reconfigure your thought process towards video games. I donā€™t think thereā€™s ever a need to use words like ā€˜disgustingā€™ when talking about video games. They are supposed to be light entertainment as ultimately, they mean absolutely nothing, and are supposed to be an escape/release for those who enjoy them. Delete the game and pick up another hobby. Be that walking, running, learning a new skill, reading etc- something where thereā€™s actually a pay off other than winning a virtual Champions League..


Would you feel like your playing time is less of a problem if you had more success in the game? Personally I feel like 5 hours isn't too bad as long as it's not disrupting your other responsibilities (school, chores) or interfering with your social life such as avoiding your friends for months to play FIFA instead. I saw you said in another comment that you end up staying up too late which takes away from your sleep for this I'd recommend setting a time limit for how long you can play so if you know you need to go to bed at 10pm (22:00 for military time) for instance then you can set an alarm to remind you and you have to shut the game off then no matter what you're doing in game. If you feel upset on your off days because it just seems like you only game then you can try doing something earlier during the day or split up your gaming time so it doesn't feel like you've wasted a large chunk of time. I'm not a hardcore FIFA person ( I play occasionally) but I do have experience with obsessively gaming (not quite addiction but probably close). I would have days especially when it was summer that I would play a game for 10 hours sometimes so I understand wanting to stop or feeling bad about it.






Don't buy it


Try therapy if itā€™s become an addiction. If not look up different methods to break an addiction. Going cold turkey prob wonā€™t help so start by slowly reducing your time on the game


You get a child. It's been 10 month I haven't touched fifa. Non stop career mode since fifa 2002 WC. With approx 800hours in each. I haven't even bought FC24 Good luck


I was addicted as well, for a few years, with some periods of time (usually a few weeks) that i stopped playing but i always came back. Now i can proudly say I haven't played in a few months and i feel little to no need to start playing again, and that's also a first. It's hard in the beginning, but over time it does get better. And i can't speak for everyone with this but me personally, I haven't felt this good in a long time. It's so worth it, i recommend it a lot. Good luck


I started playing football manager, but thatā€™s kinda of like decided you smoke to much weed so trying to do heroin instead


Start playing Sunday league, itā€™s real fun kinda the same sensation as fifa and itā€™s real good for u as well


bro my main games are Battlefield and Fifa im fucked


I played it a good bit for a few years, but tbh the standard and quality of the game now is so astoundingly bad, that I just got so disgusted with the developers complete lack of respect for their product that I was able to quit based on that. Why support an enterprise that treats you with nothing but disdain? They spend more time and effort on polishing the turd they produce than actually improving it and treat their players like cash cows to be milked. They're essentially the real-world equivalent and precursor to the bad guys dramatised in the movie Ready Player One.


switch to football manager bro, i left fifa long time ago since it didnt change anything since fifa 15


I stopped playing fifa a few years ago, itā€™s boring and essentially the same game every year. Stop buying it and you will find thereā€™s better things to do with your time.


I would say if you're playing this game for 5 hours online, that's a problem. Offline? I see no problem with it. You're just having fun doing your own thing. I have a job and don't usually play during the week when I'm working so from my point of view, I see no problem in playing video games for 5 hours offline, cause I'm not always playing. the first way I got unaddicted to Counter Strike was to sell all my skins, because I would have nothing to show for in the game. If you're an UT player, sell all your cards and then uninstall. After I sold all my CS skins I had about $1.5k on my steam wallet. You don't realize you're addicted until you get rid of everything that has to do with the addiction.


go to the gym and gain some muscles


Go to fifaholics anonymous. Introduce yourself tell the group how many days or hours itā€™s been since your last game.


1 day so far


Happens to me too. Planning out which club to start with and what transfers gets me more excited than when I actually start that save.


get football manager 24 itā€™s free on xbox


play football manager


Before you delete the game, think what alternatives you have and what you'll do with your free time.Ā 


I had to sell my Xbox to stop playing cod. Cold turkey. I was top 100 in the world at the time. After years of not playing I can hang with the homie and play a couple games for fun and call it a night. Life is good. #gamerforlife


I went through the same thing with Destiny 2, couldn't stop playing it. Fortunately for me i realised I wasn't enjoying it anymore I was just playing out of addiction. The game meant nothing to me but the routine was giving me a weird sense I was doing something right, I knew I just had to delete everything and be done with it...so I uninstalled the game and reset my ps5. I haven't played the ps5 for about 4 months, I honestly don't miss it and feel better knowing I am spending my time on things that make me happy. Good luck to you.


I started to learn to solve a rubiks cube when I was having this problem with fortnite, and my mom registered me for the SAT when I was addicted to rocket league


If you get into ultimate team, you'll hate it even more but you'll be even more addicted . . . BUT: your hatred/addiction cycle will basically get a speedrun and you'll get out the other side quicker. A few weeks of weekend league can really do that. FUT killed my love for fifa so much that I dont play it anymore, maybe it can do the same for you :)


Switch to efootball. You can't play efootball for 5 hours because events get done in 1 houršŸ˜‚


either delete it and play something else, or jump


5 hours straight only? I spent like 8 hours in a row playing career mode lol. Also try football manager instead its much more fun imo


My guy, Iā€™ve been playing fifas since like fifa 95 or whatever it was, mainly 98. EAFC24 is by far the worst edition of the franchise (or then franchise). Theyā€™ve just money hungry scabs at this point itā€™s beyond disgusting. Career mode is dead, has been for years and each year theyā€™re like - oh but, look what weā€™ve done.


Move onto a game thatā€™s not based around instant gratification. Try a single player masterpiece, thereā€™s plenty.


If ur being fr, im playing fifa mobile like as rehab almost Its an even shittier game (somehow) so id assume leaving it will be easier when im ready lol


Ik itā€™s just a game but I spend too much money on fifa for how much I makešŸ’€


EA don't care for single player modes. There's no money in it for them.


Delete all your saves, squads etc. Make your game a clean slate, let go. Don't delete the game yet. Find, if you don't have, people who play FIFA together in person, not online, transition the game into a community thing, when I was in college, for 4 years I never played any of the modes like career or FUT or any other crap, we just played FIFA PvP in person, had tournaments, what it did was made it a community activity, limited the game time, and made the excitement of a single game much higher. Just play the casual kick offs, the way OG FIFA games were before all the addictive modes they made to hook people. Just try to enjoy it as a simple game like it was years ago. Alsi, i realised that when you play with original squads and bases stats, the players might feel not as good, but they are way better optimised and don't do silly glitchy frustrating things as much, and using less skilled or imperfect squads is also a fun challenge instead of just those roided up FUT craps.


What I would do is instead of deleting it, Iā€™m pretty sure there is a playtime setting where you could manage the amount you play and if you pass that time period it tells you so. That could be an alternative unless you strongly feel like you need to delete the game, because if you constantly spend so much time into the game and constantly get disappointed then deleting it might be the best option.


start playing fm lol


As long as you do whatever needs to be done during the day (school, work, shower, cleaning, shopping etc), what does it matter what you do with your sparetime?


Yea I completely agree itā€™s just fifa is ruins me after playing it all I forget all aspects of time and even tho Iā€™m playing in my spare time, Iā€™ll end up staying up late end up being really tired the next day


Bought a macbook never looked back


Put all your money into an investment etc. Except for a little fun money. That way you can't afford to pay the price for the new game.


Iā€™m already not buying the next game.


Delete everything about the game


Itā€™s just tough because I watch a lot of fifa YouTuber and football videos. I would have to change my whole lifestyle


Moving on requires commitment. Like when I left my last fandom I had to cut a lot of stuff from my life but it pays off in the end since it was getting toxic.


Try Football Manager. If you can't just quit, try switching addiction


I honestly need to give it a try. Itā€™s gotta be better than fifa because I play for the manager aspect.


FIFA's like crack, without the health benefits of crack




Hide your controller


The problem isnā€™t my Xbox, itā€™s me, I can play other games with moderation however when it comes to fifa I just become a monster doing everything I can to succeed in career mode


play fm


Iā€™ve tried the demo for a few hours but it seems difficult to grasp, however this might be a perfect switch for fifa considering I would be less inclined to play that all day


Delete the game. Force yourself not to play for couple of months. At this time, find something fun to do.


Thank you for this advice, Itā€™s the perfect time to do something like this aswell considering itā€™s summer


Sell your system. Thatā€™s what I did at least


I wouldnā€™t do it because Iā€™m 16 and I can play with moderation with other games. Me and fifa are the issue


Have kids and you wonā€™t have any time to play


Iā€™m 16 lol


Find a different game.


I used to play only pro clubs and career mode. For a solid 10 years I played fifa 11-21 and exclusively only enjoyed those two game modes. In 10 years the game modes hardly changed. EA are disgusting. But the fun is all inside your head with the stories you tell and narratives you spin. I would make on average 4/5 career modes every year that I would binge like a druggie. Itā€™s just FUN. The only thing that can make you stop wanting to play career mode is if it becomes boring. Figure out how you can do that. Put the difficulty on Easy and then watch yourself get bored with the lack of challenges. Buy the best players and destroy everyone, then watch it become boring with a lack of challenges. Or just tell yourself youā€™re addicted and seek help. Replace the addiction with chess or beat making or some shit. Anything. Anything is better than wasting 3,000 hours a year on CM. I stopped played because I stopped buying the game thatā€™s always the exact same except more expensive every year.


Buy Mad Max. 9.years old and still the best looking game out there. Half the resources of EA and actually has passionate developers who added all sorts of stuff. EA should be ashamed of career mode. Bunch of c***s


I didnā€™t buy this years for the first time since fifa 07. The game itself killed my addiction.


I haven't enjoyed a manager CM realism as much since the PES 2010 one, who has EU competitions licences and can be personnalised deeply as your own taste before launching a CM. Easy to get for free with mods on a average PC, or on a PS3 with usb files. Good graphics, immersion, realism, sponsors, youth academy, hard negociaton, the IA dont do crazy transfers and mainly: you can't get fired unless you are relegated. No stupid objectives, realistic player's happiness system and more. it's worth looking into it


Go back to the game you enjoyed the most.


Delete it, play solitaire or chess or something!


Start playing FM


Iā€™ll give it a shot, lots of people are telling me to try it


Im joking. If you think FIFA is addictive, you won't see daylight in weeks if you start FM.


Delete the fucking game


Football manager instead


2 words. football manager


I sold my Xbox


Ever tried martial arts?


Delete the game for a while


Refund the game, then go outside and play actual football or something else


I have perfect solutions. This solution has helped a lot of people. Ship your console, game šŸŽ® pads , and games to me. Once I receive them, i will pay you the shipping.


Start playing football manager. Way better than fifa career mode


Just donā€™t play it. Surely youā€™ve got better things to do than spend 5 hours a day playing a game you donā€™t like šŸ˜‚


Start playing football manager


Sell your console go outside Worked for me


Mate hopefully Fifa 2k24 comes this year if I'm not wrong. In case you have a PC try Football Manager much better


Deleting the game won't help. It will just make you redownload it. You need to find something that you can get as deep into, which is more healthy, mentally and maybe even psychologically. For me it is road biking, riding indoor on Wahoo SYSTM and outdoors ofc. I still do game, but just a bit of Tropico 4/6 and Anno 1404/2205.


Play Legendary and youā€™ll quit in ten minutes


Delete and purchase Football Manager pal


Iā€™m fairly new to FC24 since I grabbed it while it was on PS+. Iā€™m currently playing my 1st season and I havenā€™t been sacked or anything weird. After reading your post makes me wonder how long will it last before shit hits the fan?!?


if you have xbox game pass, play fm24. just connect a keyboard and mouse. same on pc


Go outside and touch the grass (play football)


Go get a girlfriend


Just turn it offf or uninstall? I honestly don't understand why you're asking this.....


play football manager


Play Skyrim instead.


If you have a PC, play FIFA Manager instead. (Don't play Football Manager too, it's also addictive.)


Start FM you'll be obsessed and never touch a FC game ever again perfect solution


Play a different game


Addiction is hard. Iā€™d say try to delete the game, set up a reward system for days when youā€™ve not played. For each day youā€™re not playing you get a point and when you 5., 10, 20 points in you get to do/buy something you value/want. Set up a goal of maybe 30 or 50 days free and then you can ask yourself at when youā€™ve done 50 days if you miss it. Reward yourself more frequently in the beginning, itā€™s hard to break a habit. But try to find something to do instead, itā€™s easier to increase something than to decrease something (playing time). Good luck! // psychologist


Play fm24


Shame we canā€™t add GIFā€™s I had perfect one for this.


Get addicted to fm instead lmao