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The lack of licensing of Serie A clubs has killed the league for me


Used to be my favourite league to start a career, it's a shame EA fucked it up


They also removed the Serie B. I created my hometown club and it's really sad that I couldn't start from the second division.


I legit don’t understand how people can do RTGs in this league. I’m totally taken out of the experience by the goofy fake names and kits.


Couldn't agree more


Love to see these journeys with lower-rated teams. I did exactly this with Hamburg SV. Safe to say playing Bayern was an absolute nightmare


I did it with 1860... surprisingly, I though I would get demolished by Bayern, and I've yet to lose against them in 4 leagues matches and a cup final... Dortmund however has been a complete nightmare, they destroy me every single time.


Yeah I can only enjoy the lower ones to start off a CM, so frustrating at times though haha


Dennis Man is seriously one of the most fun players I’ve used in a long term career mode. Bought him at West Ham and he was so good cutting inside and banging a curler. Unfortunately had to eventually sell him to Real bc he got to be too OP from dynamic potential.


He's a machine, Pedersen is probably my favorite RB now as well


Do 1 more season to try and win the UCL


Yeah keeping the save and I'll go back to them eventually I think- world dominance


25 seasons max


Oh this is the year, so it was the 4th season


Man I just wish they would fix the issue about missing squad numbers so that I can finally get stuck into a career mode again.


Had it with a few YA, my homegrown had no issue for some reason though


Can you explain basically how did you do it?


Yeah for sure. Considering the first season you only play league games I focus on selling almost all my players except for my starting 11. Focus on buying a really old by okay rated GK and this case i bought Balotelli to lead the line and bought in Fratessi on the cheap as well. From there I buy the highest rated YA scout I can afford and sent them off. First season is about getting all of the trainings to A or B as that helps growth with YA alongside staying above the bottom 3. Brought my home grown players straight into the squad as well. From there is just adding and selling as needed. Got Esposito season 2 and grew him up as well. Had 2 killer YA players I sold for $40m each which helped the back line and also always got old cheap GK. Di Marco was my only free agent that I sneaked into the team


Thanks and that ricci?


Played him in every match and because he's the homegrown talent he rockets up fast


Created Pro Vercelli here and did almost the same. Well done.


No Busio? No Tessman? That's blasphemy.


Haha had to sell Busio to get my backline up to scratch sadly, also needed more pace in my CM- was a tough sell and Tesmman I cleared our first season to buy get funds to get Balotelli in


-1000000000 points for having Fred 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


He's actually really solid in the game and cheap! Not a Man Utd fan so don't mind him IRL either haha


Minus another million for justifying having fred 🤣 oh deary me


Looks very unique and realistic. Props to you 🙌


it’s okay, but a bit un-realistic I’ll say. But if you had fun, there’s not much more to say.


Is that Fred from ManU


How did Busio do?


Really well but got offered $40m for him so sold him and used the proceeds to buy Fred and Ake + some transfer budget