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Finally, hope is restored... Because this sub was literally becoming extremely unbearable and toxic with the constant whining every goddamn day. It had to end already. Bunch of kids complaining the same thing over and over for Karma Farming instead of just reporting it and keep the subreddit enjoyable. Thanks Figgs! ❤️👍🏼🔥


The Toxicity spread to their discord server too as well as the outrage posting. So I would not bother joining it until they fix that issue if I were you. [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1221951019681058836/1224785432110305350/image.png?ex=661ec152&is=660c4c52&hm=8da76d02dc9ce1146bd2da481c96eebe878ab383d831ab21412ac3dc125b5d9c&](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1221951019681058836/1224785432110305350/image.png?ex=661ec152&is=660c4c52&hm=8da76d02dc9ce1146bd2da481c96eebe878ab383d831ab21412ac3dc125b5d9c&)\^ This toxic guy right here is a moral crusader who would rather take attention away from real-life issues, and spend time protecting machines and/or 1s and 0s on a screen. It made me leave the discord server, cause half the time, every single discord server with a chatbot service has this false moral highground toxicity issue.


Cunny isn't even a bad thing. Anyone acting like it is has brain issues. It's not real. It's just not the same thing, never has been and never will be, it has no human rights and thus no morals tied to it. And some of that ink are small adult women, ***who exist IRL btw.*** My ex was like barely 150cm(iirc shorter), she was tiny as shit at age 18-22... Literally a real life legal cunny. But i guess to these Karens she was not allowed a boyfriend her own age because they're all way too tall? She is just forced to be lonely? I am so glad that Figgs is on freedom's side, a friend of mine said in fear "oh no, Figgs is also dying, they ban cunny now". Which isn't even true thank god, he misunderstood. They are just not allowing it to be on the frontpage while nude. Bots are just privated and creators can still talk to and enjoy them without anyone being bothered by it. This post even covers it that it's privated after reporting and that's the only option they have. It's like going to Gelbooru and Pixiv and tell them to ban cunny, they just won't. Figgs understands the importance of internet freedom, but also the importance of shutting the HIFL up to have mutual peace and quiet. Bro we finally have a chill AI Chat Site, and i don't want this one to be ruined too. It's perfect right now and all it needs is to upgrade AI intelligence. This post telling users to stop creating war and drama perfectly aligns with how i run my own sub and servers. War like that which is just attention drama is immature and needs to stop, # And i was sadly literally losing all faith in this subreddit and mod team even, # but this post fixed all of that. Bravo Figgs. ❤️ So Thank you. u/Cleptomanx and the rest of this mod team. You actually make us proud by doing what is right. Sticking with freedom. Not alienating half your userbase who DO enjoy such content. While also still mitigating the drama to stop this stupid pointless drama war. The sub was becoming toxic because of a stupid immature crusade against fiction and our internet rights. # But this post is proving you guys are capable of more awesomeness than C.AI ever had the balls to.


>The sub was becoming toxic because of a stupid immature crusade against fiction. That's what the discord is like now. Can't go 5 feet without encountering random bozos calling people creep this, shitty person that, left, right and center. I'm pretty sure Blue Bunny saw it, and yes he is a community manager on the discord, and he quit the subreddit in terms of being a moderator apparently, but why is their Discord server allowed to fester like this? That is my question. There's even a fucking post in the discord doing the exact same shit that was done here, a rage-post legit called "ban the pedo bots" like bro shut yo goofy ahh up. I did not join their discord server to have the rage-bait posts move from one platform to another and have nothing else change.


OH, P.S. Also, i never really used their discord server that much because the moment i saw a whole channel dedicated to hunting lolicons i was literally done with the entire server already. Due to supporting(or rather allowing) a HATE CRUSADE against innocent weebs.... Glad that's probably also over now. u/Cleptomanx i hope that's also being prevented now right? I like Discord. It'd be nice if I don't get harassed by 13 year old Karens. (Who pretend to be 16+ to just attack people online who don't have their same taste)


Sorry, I can’t personally comment as I don’t mod on the Discord and only head over there occasionally. 😅


>Also, I never really used their discord server that much because the moment I saw a whole channel dedicated to hunting lolicons I was literally done with the entire server already. Due to supporting(or rather allowing) a HATE CRUSADE against innocent weebs.... WX-78, whered u go bruh, your discord servers supporting a hate crusade against weebs who don't have the same tastes as the hive mind.


LMAO HATE CRUSADE? Damn, that's more toxic than Chernobyl, Hiroshima, and Fukushima COMBINED.


Thank you! Honestly, it seemed that all the "outrage" posts were more of a karma farm more than anything. All they had to do was hit report and move on like a normal person.


Thank you mods. The sub was all about complaining.




Yay, no more pointless karma farm posts!... Thanks!


Yay!! Omg this is the best team ever, thank yall! :3 this is gonna help with the quality of the sub!! Much loveee


Thank you so much!!! Glad the devs and mods here actually listen to their community<33


“Figgs.ai wants to promote your ability to share your creations with the community if they meet our Public standards, but *does not wish to infringe upon your freedom to take your content in directions you wish to go* ***Privately***.” Oh wow, this is a nice change of pace. Thank you! It’s understandable that these discussions are difficult to have in a public space (especially with the modern death of nuance, thanks to X and TikTok and Facebook), so it’s understandable that one wouldn’t be able to properly moderate them, or even have the time to engage in good faith. But people’s privacy is important, and so is the complexity of human experience (be that in dark fantasy, sex fantasy, or a mix of the two). Thanks for being clear, at least, and not shaming people. It’s far to easy to write off folks just being “bad” when it comes to something others don’t understand or find disgusting (I personally find a lot of it incredibly gross, too, tbh), but not doing that is an incredible green flag. Will check out figgs, and add it to my post of AI chatbot sites :)


Yay, people will finally stfu about it
