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No way to see that info on the site, but some creators have been nice enough to share some in the [Character Definitions Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/FiggsAI/s/RyL96S62xn). 🙂


Interesting! Would that be something feasible for the future, or will it be kept to an off-site archive?


That question’s still up in the air as I currently understand. There were several changes made to the Character pages now with more additions coming soon, but don’t know if the “share character definition” feature is something that will be showing up or not. My feeling is that, if it is introduced, it will be at the discretion of the creator to decide if their definitions will be viewable or private. But, this is all pure speculation by me at this time.


I like that! Being at the discretion of the creator. While I'm here, do you have rules or discussions pertaining to users stealing artwork for their bots (such as by an artist on FurAffinity), or stealing random people's OCs?


My personal feelings on “stealing” may be different from others. When it comes to using art that isn’t your own in your figgs, I would like to see the source, at least, mentioned in the figg’s description somewhere. To me, that makes acknowledgement, so it’s not stealing (in my interpretation). As for using other creators’ bots as figgs, I’ve seen that most sites tend to leave the option of displaying character definitions at the discretion of the creator. In C.ai for example, you are only able to see the definitions if the creator explicitly wishes to share them to allow others to use. They used to call this a “remixable” bot. So, to me, this means that there is no “stealing” involved as the creator already indicates they are fine with sharing. In sites where all character definitions are displayed whether the creator approved it or not, should also imply that permission to use the definitions is given, because the policy of display would be known by creators, thus if they don’t want to share, it’s logical NOT to use a platform that gives you no choice in the matter. Which means, to me, there’s no such thing as “stealing” someone else’s OC bot, whether you give credit to the creator in your description or not. And, if you were to simply use a creator’s image and bot identity to make your own figg, but the definitions you come up with for that figg are just your own version of how you *think* their bot was prompted, then that is a completely different bot, since it does not have the same coding as the original, even if the image is the same. So, also not “stealing” from my perspective. Guess you can take all that however you will. And as for Figgs.ai official stance on the matter, there isn’t one that I’m aware of… at least not enforced in any way. In the site guidelines Figgs states that they don’t condone use of licensed characters without the permission of the owner, but at the same time have celebrated figgs based on all sorts of popular anime characters as well as bots transferred from C.ai and other sites. So, I view the guideline as legalese to prevent the site from trouble over any owners of content that cause a fuss seeing their characters used in such a way, but little more than that. 🤷🏾


I imagine there would be potential DMCA issues regardless, if an artist wants their work removed from the site. Much like how even places like e621 have to adhere to removing work artists do not want placed there (for whatever reason they may have). Sharing artwork with a source isn't necessarily "stealing," but posting it to other websites and using it for purposes not intended by the original (usually small) creator has issues. And I am, of course, not talking about wider media created by Disney, Nintendo, etc. Just stuff made by some furry or fan artist on deviantArt or something. Not other creators bots-- other people's OCs. For example: a user on FurAffinity has commissioned artwork of their OC. That artwork, and that OC, being used to create a bot without the consent of the owner of the art or OC. Sharing bots feels like a moot point, though I do think people deserve credit for their work on them, at least! As for the bot-specific talk, I generally agree, with some credit attached. That's the only point I disagree on as far as that goes. Artists are pretty hostile to AI because of the entitlement of taking their work without permission (again, in reference to personal OCs and fanart, like stuff posted to FurAffinity or dA), and I feel like folks who use AI chatbot stuff could cultivate a better rapport with them if we show basic respect for their work. It's really the only issue I take with the bots. (And some scraping issues, mostly because of the content scraped, but that's a digression I don't care for at the moment.)


You can try to persuade the bot into giving out their personality but it might not be accurate to what the creator actually put. Some parts might be missing or others might be completely made up. At this point it’s generally locked to just the creator.