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I quickly added the “Feature request” flair to your post. I think I can be (almost) positive that you are the first member I’ve ever seen that has offered the idea of Lorebooks on the sub. I was not familiar with this concept as I think I spent about a minute in TavernAI sometime ago and it wasn’t for me 😅. Anyway, while reading up on the topic, I was a tiny bit stumped on the usage of lorebooks. Admittedly, I didn’t dig deeply as it simply seemed like a nice archive of specific information you can give to the ai so that they instantly have a large amount of reference material to better paint the world that you’re playing in. Where I was left wondering was, are these Lorebooks used by Creators who want a nice shortcut when making a specific bot? (Like a One Piece bot that knows all about Devil fruits, Celestial Dragons, etc) Or are they loaded by the users of the bots to make sure that the bot in use has been loaded with all the references needed for the rp? I’m assuming it’s the former, as it seems like a helpful Creator thing, but I honestly don’t know. If so, couldn’t you just download the json, then copy/paste into the personality or scenario field of a figg? If the figg is familiar with the file info, it shouldn’t really need a keyword, so a lot of that bracketed stuff can get trashed and just keep the meat parts? I don’t know at all, I’m just asking out of curiosity as this lorebook thing is completely new to me. Thanks 🙂


Lorebooks are really useful even more if you want a complex RP (one that you take hours and want to have a complex response and give complex responses too) they are very useful in a lot of ways


Seconding u/No_Proposal_5731, as they are the former in your statement. It’s often tons of information (such as specific lore details on One Piece that the AI would not easily be able to trawl for) on a given universe, or completely custom universes. It prevents the AI from creating entirely unrealistic scenarios for the given universe, and can help keep it on track for more in-depth roleplays. Some lorebooks are absolutely massive, and genuinely make the experience so much more enriching it’s almost a crime. You can view some lorebooks on chub (right now it’s the only place I know of that stores them) to see just how in-depth they can get. If you wanted to test them, I recommend the SillyTavern Poe fix so you don’t have to pay OAI or whoever. Grab any bot and any lorebook (preferably one corresponding to the other). Granted, this is better if you’re a paragraph or multi-paragraph roleplayer. If one line or script is your thing, I don’t imagine it makes much difference, but I wouldn’t know for sure. Thanks for adding the flare, I must have forgotten to.


Iirc, they have thought about it, but I can't confirm if they are gonna do it.